Week in Eth News
October 4, 2020

Eth News and Links



  • 3009: Transfer With Authorization
  • 3014: Create eth_symbol method for JSON-RPC

Proof of Stake launch


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Stuff for developers



Application layer

Regulation (“end of agency fiscal year” issue)



Job Listings

Want your job listing here? $250 per line (~75 character limit including spaces), payable in ETH (or 250 DAI or 250 USDC) to evan.ethereum.eth. Questions? thecryptonewspodcast at-gmail

🥩 Staking pool questionnaire: October 15 🥩 

My questionnaire for staking pools will be due October 15th.

If you’re wondering “why didn’t my post make it into Week in Ethereum News,” then please put it on an Ethereum subreddit; emails/DMs are not part of my workflow.

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Permalink for this week’s issue: https://weekinethereumnews.com/week-in-eth-news-october-4-2020/

Dates of Note

Upcoming dates of note (new/changes in bold):

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