Eth News and Links
- Beiko’s summary of what’s happening in upgrade planning: Berlin live on testnets, 1559 scheduled for Jul/Aug, whether to freeze features until we turn off PoW
- EthereumJS with v5.2.1 is ready for Berlin, as is py-evm
- Proposed verkle tree scheme for Eth state
- An early spec for state retrieval network
Proof of Stake
- Latest proof of stake call. Notes from Alex Stokes and Ben Edgington
- Danny Ryan’s Finalized update – Altair upgrade spec pre-release, the security RFP
- Latest what’s new in eth2, lots of context from Ben on the things in this section
- PR for a spec to turn off PoW via fork choice change
- First “turn off PoW” transaction prototypes: SigmaPrime pairs with Catalyst and Aditya uses py-evm and the spec
- Prater devnet launch went well
- Open challenges in staggering shards for very fast block times
- Ethstaker’s community call on turning off PoW with lead devs Mikhail Kalinin and Guillaume Ballet
- chaind v0.3.1 to analyze beacon chain data, adds eth1 deposits, Prometheus metrics
- Step by step video guides to staking at home
- Arbitrum’s mainnet release candidate, includes BLS sigs. Compatible with EVM at bytecode, so your Solidity contracts and tools work.
- Hop cross-EVMchain AMM exchange to go live in April with xdai, Polygon and Arbitrum
- Optimism delays launch until at least July, testnet for Scaling Ethereum hackathon in April
- Zk rollup Hermez is live with ETH, HEZ, WBTC, USDT and DAI transfers
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Stuff for developers
- Solidity v0.8.3 – bugfix for keccak caching in the optimizer
- OpenZeppelin Contracts v0.4, SafeMath now just a wrapper, storage optimizations, GSN v2
- Remix v0.11 series adds Workspaces
- Latest dapptools (hevm, seth, dapp) release, eip712 signing, better fuzzing and symbolic execution
- Micro eth signer fully functional 5kB (+26kB dependencies) library
- Make your app GnosisSafe compatible in 5 mins
- Usedapp framework from EthWorks uses ethers, web3-react, Maker’s multicall, and Waffle
- Infernal simple dapp with Vue and NodeJS
- Let’s find a prime using Cairo
- Tutorial for Hardhat deploy
- Introducing NFT flash loans
- Fe dev update 4, includes uniswap v2 demo
- Forcing bad swaps on yield farming by manipulating the price and calling harvest
- Samczsun and Tina Zhen save $4.5m from an ElasticDAO unguarded transfer function
- Conkas modular static analysis tool
- One year fuzzing the Solidity compiler
- An expansive guide to the Ethereum blockspace market
- Shutter network: threshold cryptography to combat frontrunning; Goerli testnet version released soon
- NFTHack winners
- EF q4 2020 grantees
- $4m in 2021 EF grants to support Ethereum client diversity to Besu, Geth, Nethermind, OpenEthereum, and Turbogeth
- Ethereum on ARM: updated Raspberry Pi4 images for all mainnet and PoS clients
- Spanish corporate coalition for digital identity built on Ethereum
Application layer
- Uniswap v3 announced: concentrated liquidity positions for less trader slippage, fee flexibility, better oracles
- Gyroscope’s incentivized testnet
- Giveth relaunches with fee-free donations, and noob-friendly by using Torus
- Monty Python’s John Cleese is selling an NFT drawing of the Brooklyn Bridge
- Time Mag is selling its 3 “God/Truth/Fiat is dead” NFT covers. So even a NYTimes columnist is doing it
- This Artwork Earns Yield, a spinoff of Simon’s always onsale art
- Robin Sloan & Nick Johnson’s Amulets – NFTs minted (40k gas!) when you find short poems whose SHA256 hash contains many consecutive eights.
- Eth as ultrasound money, David Hoffman’s long read
- Staked Eth trust, custody by Fireblocks to get exposure to staked ETH
- Value accrual in the NFT stack
- NewYorker Beeple profile reveals he immediately sold his ETH from Christie’s payday
- Public opinion period on FATF’s attempt to choke DeFi with regulations. Deadline to file a comment is April 20
- Vitalik: legitimacy is the scarce resource
- Interview with EF Executive Director Aya Miyaguchi
- Aggregatable distributed keygen paper in blog post form
- The SNL skit on NFTs
Job Listings
- New DeFi protocol Tokemak seeks Solidity and Frontend devs. Attractive comp
- Gnosis is hiring! Ethereum Core Developer, Frontend Engineer, Rust Engineer
- Chainsafe is looking for a Typescript dev to work on Lodestar eth2 client
- Nomic Labs (Hardhat/Buidler) is hiring a senior dev and an engineering manager
- Junior devs: Nethermind is looking for junior Solidity, data analysts, nodeJs devs
Want your job listing here? $345 per line (~75 character limit including spaces), payable in ETH (or 345 DAI or 345 USDC) to evan.ethereum.eth. Questions? thecryptonewspodcast at-gmail
If you’re wondering “why didn’t my post make it into Week in Ethereum News,” then please put it on an Ethereum subreddit; emails/DMs are not part of my workflow.
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Twitter: follow @WeekinEthNews to find out what the most clicked are. Follow @evan_van_ness to get most of the week’s news in real time.
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Dates of Note
Upcoming dates of note (new/changes in bold):
- Apr 9 – May 14 – ETHGlobal’s Scaling Ethereum hackathon
- April 14 – Berlin upgrade fork (testnets: Ropsten Mar 10, Goerli Mar 17, Rinkeby Mar 24)
- April 16 – Rollup community grant applications due
- April 20 – deadline for beacon chain security and testing RFP
- April 20 – deadline to comment on FATF anti-DeFi regulatory proposal
- April 22 – Ethereum in the Enterprise 2021
- May 14 – papers due for WoSCA 2021
- Jul 20-22 – EthCC4 (Paris)
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