News and Links
Layer 1
- [eth1] Quick summary of Constantinople hard fork
- [maybe eth1, eth2] ELI5 storage rent
- [eth2] What’s New in Eth2 from Ben Edgington
- Latest Eth2 implementers call. Agenda to help follow along (plus brief notes in What’s New in eth2 above)
- [eth2] An updated Beacon chain mini-spec
- [eth2] Prysmatic dev update – sync’d with spec, 100% test coverage; Go BLS sigs ready
- [eth2] Lodestar Javascript client dev update
- [eth2] Cross-shard receipt and hibernation/waking anti-double-spending
- [eth2] Stan Kladko: Use validators BLS key pairs to keep transactions encrypted until included in chain
- [eth2[ Justin Drake: Eth2 consensus objects natively compatible with multiple hash functions
- [eth2] How Vitalik thinks about incentives for stakers to stay online
- [eth2] Staking reward spreadsheet by Eric Conner
- [eth2-> eth3] Beacon-chain friendly CBC Casper
- [eth3] Bitwise LMD GHOST
Layer 2
- – rock-paper-scissors (with a StarWars flavor) on Raiden, acted out by robots you can watch on Youtube. Try it out – it helps test Raiden.
- An overview of state channels projects
- Connext opensourced their generalized custodial hub. You can check out their hub, client, and contract code. Non-custodial hub coming in the next month.
Stuff for developers
- Austin Griffith: Burner Wallet v2.2, burner-to-burner encrypted messaging with Eth keys. Also solid ELI5 of Burner Wallet
- OpenZeppelin v2.1
- Truffle v5.0.1
- Paul Berg’s how to write upgradeable code with Truffle5 and ZeppelinOS2
- Intro to Mythril Classic and symbolic execution
- ConsenSys Diligence’s registry of code weakness and test cases
- SmartCheck security tool adds Vyper
- Minimal Solidity testing with Ganache and Jest
- Yondon Fu: How not to use ECDSA
- “stack too deep” error in Solidity
- Jez San on thinking about GDPR and blockchain
- Video example of queries to GraphQL api with 3box.js
- Monitoring events with Kauri’s Eventeum
- ConsenSysDesign’s rimble v0.2 adaptable components and design standards
- Gitcoin Grants an easy way to give recurring contributions to your favorite OSS projects and maintainers. Ben Edgington’s UX report
- In case you haven’t noticed on Twitter, all the cool kids are getting an Eth dappnode from [I don’t have one, but I want to be cool, so I’m probably going to get one]
- Bernhard Mueller’s hilarious tweetstorm satire of a maxi tweetstorm
- EthHub launches. Great documentation and FAQs for devs/users
- A note about Blockchains LLC from founder Jeffrey Berns
- imToken at 7.5m accumulated installed devices, 30% iOS, 70% Android
- To every Bitcoin maximalist who says you can’t run a full node, Afri very strongly disagrees.
- More Afri: on Jan 3, only 10.2% of nodes were Constantinople-ready. Update your clients!
- ConsenSys and AMD’s W3BCLOUD collaboration “to develop optimized solutions powered by AMD hardware” for enterprise and dapps (link opens PDF)
- John Wolpert on lessons learned in blockchain consulting
- Busting the myth of private blockchains
- Kaleido launches Marketplace for “blockchain at consortia scale”
Governance and Standards
- Core devs call. Agenda. Summary per Hudson, “Constantinople is on track. We are already starting to develop timelines for Istanbul. ProgPoW is going to happen barring any major issues.”
- Lane Rettig on transparency and the Devcon meetings on the PoW chain that caused a ruckus
Application layer (I decided no 2018 reviews; those could have been the whole newsletter)
- Many Augur markets ended on Dec 31, so there is a record 140 disputes in this week’s round. Also prediction markets to facilitate cross-chain swaps?
- Grid+ rolling out electricity to more in next couple months; had Samsung stop manufacturing a component of Lattice agent, so had to replace; still on track for Q2
- Air quality data streams from 10,210 locations in 68 countries on Streamr
- BloqPress – a web3 CMS
- Pando – decentralized VCS enabling contribution tracking, via the Aragon client
- – buy tokens representing Tesla, Apple and 8 more Nasdaq stocks where the stock is held in custody. Per Bloomberg, this goes live next week. To me, the interesting bit is that now those stacks can trade 24/7
Interviews, Podcasts, Videos, Talks
- Starkware’s Eli Ben-Sasson and Uri Kolodny on Into the Ether
- Vitalik Buterin with Kartik Talwar at ETHSingapore
- Jutta Steiner on ZeroKnowledge
Tokens / Business / Regulation
- Livepeer network economics update. LPT continues to be an interesting experiment (and you probably have some from the MerkleMine airdrop)
- Cameroon separatists launch their own currency on Ethereum. Reading the article doesn’t give me great hope for its legitimacy, but it’s an interesting idea.
- Interesting funding model from Mintable: selling NFTs that let you use their app for free for life.
- Santiment built an Ethereum token market cap
- Elegy for a cypherpunk. Remembering Tim May. Nice work about the values from which our space springs.
- How much each year Ethereum is mentioned in Google Scholar articles
- IEEE: Ethereum plans to cut energy consumption by 99%
- Proof of existence timestamp chain on Substrate
- Chris Dixon: blockchains can wrest internet control from corporations
Dates of Note
Upcoming dates of note (new in bold):
- Jan 10 – Mobi Grand Challenge hackathon ends
- Jan 10-Feb7 – 0x and Coinlist virtual hackathon
- Jan ~16 – Constantinople hard fork at block 7080000
- Jan 24 – Aragon vote, including on funding original AragonOne team
- Jan 29-30 – AraCon (Berlin)
- Jan 31 – GörliCon (Berlin)
- Feb 7-8 – Melonport’s M1 conf (Zug)
- Feb 15-17 – ETHDenver hackathon (ETHGlobal)
- Feb 23-25 – EthAustin (EthUniversal)
- Mar 4 – Ethereum Magicians (Paris)
- Mar 5-7 – EthCC (Paris)
- Mar 8-10 – ETHParis (ETHGlobal)
- Mar 27 – Infura end of legacy key support (Jan 23 begins Project ID prioritization)
- April 8-14 – Edcon hackathon and conference (Sydney)
- Apr 19-21 – ETHCapetown (ETHGlobal)
- May 10-11 – Ethereal (NYC)
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I own Week In Ethereum. Editorial control has always been 100% me.
If you’re unhappy with editorial decisions or anything that I have written in this issue, feel free to tweet at me.
Follow me on Twitter, because most of what is linked gets tweeted first: @evan_van_ness
If you’re wondering “why didn’t my post make it into Week in Ethereum?”