Ethereum News and Links
- SEC finds TheDAO to be a security, but does not pursue enforcement against
- Context: It was my impression at the time that helped conjure TheDAO in order to achieve a technological work around of securities laws. It’s not surprising that the SEC fired back and claimed jurisdiction. You could argue that a federal regulator showed admirable restraint in a new technological field, all things considered.
- Report affirms that the Howey test is the right way to look at tokens. Obviously some are securities, some are not. Duh.
- Fact finding report was rather weak on one of the Howey prongs (“Derived from the Managerial Efforts of Others”) which may also help explain the lack of enforcement action.
- Real talk: Bitcoin maximalist and ETC FUD over the last few years has claimed that the DAO fork happened because insiders would take losses on the DAO. That always seemed to be nonsense, as few ETH insiders appeared to hold substantial DAO tokens. The rumor at the time was that many people felt forking was necessary to avoid long and painful SEC enforcement actions.
- The report laid an expensive yet ambiguous regulatory burden on exchanges with American customers to avoid security tokens.
- Catch 22: to not be a security under Howey, a token should have utility value. But if American consumers can’t buy the tokens because exchanges are afraid to list tokens, then it’s tough for that token to be utilized.
- This report ensures that the US will continue to far further behind in web3. Jurisdictional competition is real, and so far regulators have not provided meaningful guidance as to how they will interpret the Howey test for token sales. The investigative report was quite reasonable, yet unfortunately some of the investor bulletin contained strong assumptions that a token sale is a security. [And the SEC was using limited resources to pay for Facebook ads for that investor bulletin?] Mixed messages.
- Status quo of ambiguity remains: a non-zero number of projects will continue to choose to move abroad and most token sales will bar Americans from participating.
- Only way to reverse that trend is for SEC/Congress to issue either a safe harbor or clear guidance on utility tokens.
- Context: It was my impression at the time that helped conjure TheDAO in order to achieve a technological work around of securities laws. It’s not surprising that the SEC fired back and claimed jurisdiction. You could argue that a federal regulator showed admirable restraint in a new technological field, all things considered.
- Parity bug. An attacker got about $32m USD in Ether from a bug in the Parity multi-sig wallet used by various projects
- Bug had just a single code review when it was introduced.
- Zeppelin explains the hack.
- Jordan Leigh video explainer of the exploit
- Timeline compiled by Bok Koo. Hacker first emptied Edgeless, then came back 13 hours later for SwarmCity and aeternity. 5 hours later, the WhiteHatGroup began safeguarding Ether and tokens worth ~$200m and finished in about 7 hours.
- How to get your value back from the WHG. The WHG has already returned most of it. Thank you WHG.
- But why didn’t the attacker take that $200m? It’s ridiculously easy to find a target list of vulnerably Parity multi-sigs by finding similar contracts, and the attacker had plenty of time. Presumably that attacker is sophisticated enough to realize how ridiculously harder it would be to hard fork than it was for the DAO. Perhaps the constraint was a byproduct of the DAO fork, but that seems unlikely.
- Attacker appears to have picked targets based on Parity’s logo. Edgeless, SwarmCity and aeternity all have logos similar to the infinity sympol. [Can’t find the tweet where I first saw this in order to cite it.] Parity’s logo looks like 2/3 of an infinity symbol. Coincidence? Or personal pique?
- Gavin Wood’s post mortem. Emin Gün Sirer’s.
- Vitalik: Incentives in Casper finality (see also Reddit thread)
- Ethereum + Swarm + λ = Moon, a universal code-interchange format
Stuff for developers
- Oyente v0.2
- web3j v2.3
- Truffle v3.4.6
- Truffle breaks 100k downloads
- Truffle dapp tutorial on implementing a tracking system for a pet shop
- Truffle breaks 100k downloads
- BlockCypher Ethereum API
- Building dapps on Ethereum, pt 5: Ethereum Name Service and Swarm
- HackThisContract: a site to hack Solidity code
- Eric Rafaloff’s Solidity Function Profiler
- web3JS v1.0
- Mist v0.9.0 – now with Swarm and ENS support
- Grid+: How we bring stablecoins into the Ethereum ecosystem
- MetaCert has a product coming to help cryptoprojects fight scammers
- Cocoon – ETH storage with transfers only to whitelisted addresses
- I love that Truebit retro website. They’re hiring.
- Congrats to the 3 winners of the election to be moderator of Ethereum Stack Exchange
- PeaceRelay – transfer between Ethereum and ETC or a private chain
- The current state of KyberNetwork’s cross-chain relays
- The current state of KyberNetwork’s cross-chain relays
- SoFi implies that a county has agreed to put a title regisration system on Ethereum
Project Announcements & White papers
- OpenLaw – a protocol for binding legal contract on Ethereum and IPFS
- Etherep – simple Ethereum-based reputation system, on Ropsten
- Dether – localbitcoins for Ethereum
- NuCypher – decentralized key management?
Project Updates
- Status: Where We Are, and What’s to Come
- Dharma Protocol – P2P lending command line testnet release
- Bancor’s price floor is all gone
- Storj announces partnership with FileZilla
- Aragon Network Jurisdiction – dispute resolution system
Interviews and Talks
- Grid+ on Blockchannel
- Arthur Falls talks to Juan Benet, Jesse Clayburgh, and Ryan Zurrer about SAFT
- And the same people for a talk about Coinlist
- And the same people for a talk about Coinlist
- Status Q&A with Block
- Stephen King of REX podcast interview
- 0x at SF Ethereum Meetup
- Q&A with Decentraland’s Esteban Ordano.
- Olaf Carlson-Wee talks to YCombinator
Token Sale Projects
- PolkaDot sale in mid-August
- Awesome: a Wild Pepe and Vitalik Buterin take over Decentraland
- What else could be built
- A look inside the Buenos Aires cryptohouse. Mi BsAs querido, cuando yo te vuelva a ver?
- What else could be built
- AMA with 0x founders
- REXMLS: A history
- Digital Asset Power Play token model
- The District0x voting dapp
Token Sales
- TokenFilings – EDGAR-like site for cryptoprojects. Intro post from William Mougayar
- More Mougayar: 10 things I don’t like about token sales
- “Dissecting Ethereum” slides from Péter Szilágyi talk
- Vitalik seems to share my concerns about Tezos’ governance model
- btc-e involved in the MTGox scandal?
- Where BigchainDB fits in the web3 stack
- Epicenter talks to Aviv Zohar & Yonatan Sompolinsky, originators of the GHOST proposal
- Delaware’s governor signed legislation allowing Delaware corps to use blockchains for record keeping, including the stock ledger.
- Brian Armstrong ProductHunt Q&A on Coinbase and Toshi
Dates of Note
From Token Sale Calendar:
Upcoming token sale start dates:
- July 28 – KickIco
- July 31 – RexMLS
- August 1 – Harbour DAO
- August 1 – Hirematch
- August 5 – Blocklancer
- August 7 – Filecoin
- August 8 – Decentraland
- August 10 – Propy
- August 10 – ChronoLogic
- August 15 – Ox Protocol (mandatory registration Aug 9-12)
- August 15 – BitDice
- August 28 – HelloGold
- August 31 – Monetha
- September 5 – Viberate
- September 13 – Unikoin
Ongoing token sales:
You can find this calendar updated daily-ish at
Want to be included? If you are building your project on Ethereum, email [firstname] or send @evan_van_ness a message with 1) your URL, 2) sale date and 3) a brief description of how you are using Ethereum. Listings are free. But please make sure to follow those instructions.
WARNING: list may include scams. Do your own research and due diligence before putting value at risk.
[I aim for a relatively comprehensive list of Ethereum sales, but make no warranty as to even whether they are legit; as such, I thus likewise warrant nothing about whether any will produce a satisfactory return. I have passed the CFA exams, but this is not investment advice. If you’re interested in what I do, you can find my investing thesis and token sale appreciation strategies in previous newsletters.]
I like to share it, share it (Sir Mix-A-Lot style)
Some time in early August, there will be an announcement that I’ve joined ConsenSys. Here’s a logo to draw your eye in case you were going to skip over this section:

I’m very excited about this move and will have significantly more to say in the future. The newsletters should become more regular again! In the meantime, I wanted to make it clear so that you can judge whether I favor ConsenSys projects.
My charge from Joe Lubin is pretty similar to what Status has told me: keep telling the truth and covering the space objectively, even if the truth hurts.
The link for sharing
I measure the success of each issue by how much it gets upvoted and shared.
Follow me on Twitter? @evan_van_ness
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