News and Links
Layer 1
- [eth2] Latest what’s new in Eth2
- [eth1&2] Nimbus dev update
- CBC Casper proofs of properties in Isabelle
- Confidential Transactions with Reusable Commitments on Ethereum
Layer 2
- OMG’s update on Plasma Prime implementation
Stuff for developers
- learning SNARKs from scratch with a board game
- OpenZeppelin 2.1 RC 2 and Manuel Araoz’s Zeppelin motivations and plans
- Etherlime update – solc v0.5.x, 95% coverage, and what’s coming in 2019
- Tool to refactor your solidity v0.4.x code to v0.5.x
- JIT for Truebit
- debugging working group with data representation paper
- 3box.js v1.1 with local and network caching and a GraphQL endpoint
- Auditing Solidity with Trail of Bits’ Slither
- Tutorial to bridge PoA sidechain assets to Ethereum. Maker, Giveth, Protofire and POANet run xDai
- LiveOverflow’s Capture the Flag with video explanations
- MyCrypto 1.5 is live with 0xInstant available
- EnjinX: Eth block explorer. NFT and memecoin support coming in 2019
- Threshold ECDSA sigs from Keep.
- Basic concepts to understand to control your private keys
- Ethereum Explained from PegaSys: Merkle Trees, World State, Transactions, and more
Governance and Standards
- ERC1671: bonded fungible tokens
Application layer
- Gitcoin in 2019
- Eth gaming pioneer Etherplay is exploring “blockchain game economies minted by central servers”
- Cryptowars (running on Loom) has a tournament going live this week
- Loopring v2 is live.
- Brave does a hotfix around clearly showing who is a verified publisher. Whiners kept whining in possibly the dumbest complaint ever – they’re upset that BAT can accumulate for a publisher who hasn’t yet verified.
- Lympo and the Dallas Mavs have a fitness incentive program using a token on Ethereum and lets you buy Mavs merchandise with it.
- Unikrn launches esports betting platform
- In response to lawsuit threats from BNY Mellon, Melonport is now waterMelonport. The water may be silent.
Interviews, Podcasts, Videos, Talks
- Maker’s Andy Milenius on a16z podcast
- Nadav Hollander on Epicenter
- Q&A with Buterin Fellowship receipient Mikerah Quintyne-Collins
- Georgios Konstantopoulos on Into the Ether
- Maurice Herlihy talk on atomic cross chain swaps
- A Brian Armstrong, Chris Dixon and Sonal Chokshi conversation from November and a different conversation between Brian Armstrong and Chris Dixon from September.
- Ledger responds to the hardware wallet attack talk at 35c3. They’re underwhelmed.
- Facebook’s centralized decisionmaking about what people are allowed to say around the world. Yuck.
- An intro to the Radical Markets ideas
- No surprise that in crypto winter Wall Street’s crypto projects are on hold. Which is great, because then the true believers are better positioned in future competition
- Somehow I’d missed the return of Merry Merkle doing renovation work in a South African high school. Also, Unicef France now accepts Dai
Dates of Note
Upcoming dates of note (new in bold):
- Jan 10 – Mobi Grand Challenge hackathon ends
- Jan 10-Feb7 – 0x and Coinlist virtual hackathon
- Jan ~15 – Constantinople hard fork at block 7080000
- Jan 17 – Aragon vote on funding original AragonOne team
- Jan 29-30 – AraCon (Berlin)
- Feb 7-8 – Melonport’s M1 conf (Zug)
- Feb 15-17 – ETHDenver hackathon (ETHGlobal)
- Feb 23-25 – EthAustin (EthUniversal)
- Mar 4 – Ethereum Magicians (Paris)
- Mar 5-7 – EthCC (Paris)
- Mar 8-10 – ETHParis (ETHGlobal)
- Mar 27 – Infura end of legacy key support (Jan 23 begins Project ID prioritization)
- April 8-14 – Edcon hackathon and conference (Sydney)
- Apr 19-21 – ETHCapetown (ETHGlobal)
- May 10-11 – Ethereal (NYC)
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This newsletter is made possible by ConsenSys.

I own Week In Ethereum. Editorial control has always been 100% me.
If you’re unhappy with editorial decisions or anything that I have written in this issue, feel free to tweet at me.
What about this newsletter sucks?
What about this newsletter sucks and you wish I would fix? Repeated and bolded for emphasis.
Here are various things I hear: 1) you didn’t include X, Y, and Z this week vs the newsletter is too long now, 2) the category labels suck (I agree with this, but finding preferred categories has been harder than I thought), 3) you didn’t have some random local event in city C, 4) too much non-Eth vs if there was more non-Eth i wouldn’t read anything else, 5) too much vs not enough editorializing, 6) not enough context
Tweet at @evan_van_ness if you have any opinions or reactions to any of those things.
If you’re wondering “why didn’t my post make it into Week in Ethereum?”