News and Links
Layer 1
- [Eth 2] Danny Ryan’s state of the spec
- [Eth 2] Latest Eth 2 implementers call. Agenda to follow along.
- [Eth 2] What’s New in Eth2
- [Eth 2] Latest Prysmatic dev update
- [Eth 2] Lighthouse dev update
- [Eth 2] Coindesk profiles the teams building Eth2
- [ewasm] Latest Ewasm call.
- [1 -> 2] When stable, the beacon chain to finalize the POW chain
- [Eth1] State Rent proposal update
- [Eth1] How types of contracts would handle contract state-root-plus-witness architecture
- NEAR: Unsolved problems in blockchain sharding
- Boneh, Bünz, Fisch: Batching Techniques for Accumulators for stateless chains
- Justin Drake Ethereum 3.0 tweet
Layer 2
- Storj is planning to use Raiden for its payments. Raiden v0.19
- Building MixEth as a state channel dapp with Counterfactual
- Celer’s team to play their state channel Gomoku game for real Eth
- gas payment abstraction in layer 2
- prime numbers to transactions instead of coins?
- should fraudulent exit bonds be partially burned?
- Demo snark for Plasma Cash and Cashflow history compaction
- SKALE releases architecture of their sidechain network
Stuff for developers
- Ethereum on ARM. Constantinople-ready images
- registry-builder: A modular approach to building TCRs from LevelK
- 7 uses cases with 3box.js
- Gnosis Apollo to create your own prediction market interface or tournament
- Schedule your token transfers on MyCrypto using Ethereum Alarm Clock
- BudgetBox from Colony. Binary choices turned into budget percentages, and can be done onchain. Github
- web3j v4.1 for Android
- You can now integrate Gitcoin’s Kudos into your app. Gitcoin also hit 500k in issues.
- A quick Austin Griffith tutorial on Commit/Reveal
- Matt Tyndall’s counterfactual loan repayment for Dharma
- Linkdrops: let people send crypto embedded in URLs without gas/wallets
- Panoramix decompiler using symbolic execution instead of static analysis
- Streamr’s cold chain monitoring tutorial
- Dennis Peterson: Spam protection with probabilistic payments and cheap doublespending protection
- How to debug with Tenderly and Truffle
- A teaser for Harvey fuzzer from ConsenSys Diligence
- Automated Eth code exploiter and similar how to scan and steal ETH
Hard fork enabled client releases
- Geth v1.8.20 – hard fork enabled, Puppeth improvements, etc
- Parity Ethereum 2.2.5-beta and Parity Ethereum 2.1.10-stable hardfork enabled
- Trinity v0.1.0-alpha.20 Constantinople support and genesis file support
- Opera releases native Eth wallet and dapp browser for Android. Download. Slick and well worth checking out.
- How I learned Solidity basics for free as a noob dev
- Uncle rate keeps falling. Time to start nudging up the gaslimit?
- Monetary policy chart of historic and future Ether issuance
- All the impressive ETHSingapore submissions and winners. Some of Josh Stark’s favorites.
- A comparison of ETHSanFrancisco and EOS SF hackathons
- Ethereum product management interviews. Also, video of Eth PMs call
- Alethio’s EthStats block explorer
- Ecosystem job listings
- Web3Foundation, Validity Labs and Status working on Whisper alternative
Live on mainnet
- OriginTrail: data exchange in supply chains protocol
- Quorum v2.2.0
- Cheddar suggests Facebook wants to do its own basechain and is recruiting
- Why Enterprise Ethereum is way more than DLT
- See OriginTrail above
Governance and Standards
- ProgPOW testnet block explorer
- A quick case study on Aragon’s AGP1 proposal
- Evolution of a security token standard
- ERC1643: Document Management Standard
- ERC1644: Controller Token Operation Standard
- ERC1666: Decentralized Autonomous Zero-identity Protocol
- ERC1613: Gas stations network
Application layer
- Cellarius first anthology released. Free to MetaMask users.
- Golem’s Graphene-ng demo part2
- XYO Network to launch satellite named EtherX on SpaceX’s Falcon9 in next few months
- Data auditing and repair with Storj
- The Fluidity stack to allow liquid secondary markets
- Vitalik tweetstorm on non-financial apps
- Onchain mutual insurance to return insurance to its origin: communities sharing risk
- p2p loan offers on Bloqboard using Dharma
- Ujo Portal out of beta and in version1.
- KyberNetwork’s monthly update – new reserves, wBTC updated
- Liquality offers crosschain swap of testnet Eth for Bitcoin. You can also get a good price buying Eth with Summa’s crosschain swap
- GnosisSafe users can pay gas fees in OWL.
- Maker proposal to reduce stability fee from 2.5% to 0.5%. Vote Dec 17
- Augur’s controversial US House elections market has been reported as Republican. This is obviously nonsense because no one would have bet on that market and it makes no sense to encourage wordsmith trickery. This is a huge test of Augur and will be interesting to watch. Also, v1.8.4 out with new node endpoint. And a nice Augur 2018 review from Guesser
Interviews, Podcasts, Videos, Talks
- All Devcon4 videos and photos
- Arthur Falls uploads some Joe Lubin Devcon3 video footage
- Video: a Wolfram language platform for Ethereum
- Zero Knowledge ETHSingapore episode
- Open Block Explorers community call
- Blockchain Insider with Vitalik Buterin
- Grid+ Alex Miller and Karl Kreder on Hashing It Out
- Prysmatic’s Preston Van Loon and Raul Jordan on Into the Ether
- Andrew Keys talks ConsenSys2.0 with Laura Shin
Tokens / Business / Regulation
- Chris Burniske argues Ether and Bitcoin prices are undervalued based on fundamentals
- 4 eras of blockchain computing: degrees of composability from Jesse Walden
- CFTC requests input. EthHub and Brooklyn Project are both crowd sourcing responses
- Basecoin/Basis quits after raising ~130m and returns money to its VCs, blaming the SEC. I feel there may be more to come with this story.
- MythX (formerly Mythril) decides against its announced token
- Don’t think there was any doubt, but Coinbase is listing tokens. 30 assets up for consideration
- Bonding curve intuition and parameterization
- Harberger taxes in action on r/ethtrader banners
- Simon de la Rouviere: Desire paths and recommendation markets
- Zero-Knowledge Proofs Starter Pack
- Support starving Venezuelans by buying NFT Christmas cards through Giveth. Easy onboarding for your non-crypto friends.
- Results of Bounties Network paying local to participate in Manila Bay beach cleanup. Some interesting UX lessons.
- Terra-Bridge: Transfer between Ethereum and Bitcoin protocol
- CMEGroup puts up an Intro to Ether course
- Zilliqa testnet v3 is live and in feature freeze ahead of January mainnet release. It also got an AWS case study
- Boerse Stuttgart and SolarisBank say in next 6 months they’ll launch crypto trading platform in Europe
- The state of Surveillance Capitalism is dire: your apps are tracking your location and selling it. It’s very easy to figure out who you are from your location. Bring on web3!
Dates of Note
Upcoming dates of note (new in bold):
- Dec 17 – vote to reduce Maker stability fee
- Jan 10 – Mobi Grand Challenge hackathon ends
- Jan ~15 – Constantinople hard fork at block 7080000
- Jan 29-30 – AraCon (Berlin)
- Feb 7-8 – Melonport’s M1 conf (Zug)
- Feb 15-17 – ETHDenver hackathon (ETHGlobal) next hacker application round closes December 31st
- Feb 23-25 – EthAustin hackathon (EthUniversal)
- Mar 4 – Ethereum Magicians (Paris)
- Mar 5-7 – EthCC (Paris)
- Mar 27 – Infura end of legacy key support (Jan 23 begins Project ID prioritization)
- Apr 19-21 – ETHCapetown
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I own Week In Ethereum. Editorial control has always been 100% me. If you’re unhappy with editorial decisions or anything that I have written in this issue, feel free to tweet at me.
Housekeeping and random Twitter banhammers
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I’m sure that I missed things for this newsletter due to Twitter’s banhammer last week. Sorry! Plenty of folks in Ethereum got random Twitter banhammers this week. 🙁