News and Links
- Amis: implementing Casper FFG in Geth. Mitigating spam votes with NULL_SENDER
- Parity’s Casper FFG testnet
- Latest Casper standup
- Buterin: Two-speed Casper FFG
- Prysmatic’s sharding implementation update. Their updated contribution guidelines.
- Drake: Pragmatic signature aggregation with BLS
- Buterin: Onchain vs offchain aggregation of crosslinks
- Drake/Buterin: Fixed-size deposits and rewards/penalties/quad leak
- Buterin: hash ladder Lamport sigs
- ethereumJS full node and light client implementation is underway
- Enuma on Sprites state channels
- a proposed algorithm for Swarm incentivization
- solevm: “Partial implementation of the Ethereum runtime in Solidity (PoC)” from Andreas Olofsson
- Video of the ewasm workshop at EthBuenosAires
- Gustav Simonsson: “forced connections and signed routing” to counter p2p attacks. Also Marcus, Heilman, Goldberg paper on a pre-Geth v1.8 eclipse vulnerability
Stuff for developers
- buidler: a new development framework from Nomic Labs
- Embark v3.0.6 updates to Solidity v0.4.24
- Vortex: Redux store, similar to Truffle’s Drizzle.
- colonyJS library to build the future of work on Colony. They’ve also got an online hackathon starting on Tuesday
- Kimono’s time-locked trustless secret sharing
- Celer Network previews its state channels MVP. Video demo.
- Reitwiessner: explaining unexpected reverts starting with Solidity 0.4.22
- Solidity DateTime library from BokkyPooBah (not yet audited)
- Brandon Arvanaghi: Pentesting Ethereum dapps
- Compile Vyper so you can use Truffle testing suites
- ZeppelinOS live on mainnet – upgradeable contracts and standard libraries
- 84 interviews with developers on what Ethereum needs to improve on, compiled by EthPrize.
- Take the EIP0 shared values survey put together by Jarrad Hope
- Scaling EthGlobal: post-EthBuenosAires, a hackathon a month through Devcon. In order, they are Singapore, Bangalore, Berlin, San Fran
- Dan Finlay: trust mapping social arrangements
- Toshi announced a MetaMask-like Chrome extension
- Faster crossborder NGO payments through Maker DAI, Dether and ConsenSys’ Ethereum for Impact (2 min vid)
- A response by Gustav Simonsson to complaints last week from BTC maximalists about the size of an archive node passing 1TB. The original post had legit points, but made more than a few basic and fundamental mistakes common among Bitcoiners that it wasn’t worth linking to. Also check out Afri’s seminal piece distinguishing between different types of archive, full and light nodes.
- Oaken Innovations and Zymbit working on secure enclaves for Eth IoT apps using Raspberry PI/Beagle Bone Board
Live on mainnet
- ZeppelinOS live on mainnet
- Set Protocol has launched on mainnet. Buy sets of the top10 Ethereum tokens, a stablecoin composite, or set of DEX tokens. Bundle or unbundle. Sadly due to US regulatory uncertainty, you can only buy a set from them if you’re outside the US.
- Trinity v0.1.0 – first alpha for new Python client. Documentation.
- Geth v1.8.10 — tiny bugfix for 1.8.9 focused on stability and Go API
Governance and Standards
- ERC1115: Decentralized user authentication standard
- ERC1121: Extend EIP-55 to add chain id to mixed-case checksum address encoding
- ERC1123: EthPM spec, v2
Project Updates
- TrueBit VM spec
- New Aragon whitepaper version. Also, their q1 transparency
- Melon Olympiad: discounted MLN tokens for using Melonport (though you have to register with BitcoinSuisse)
- iExec releases cloud computing marketplace on Kovan
- Updated Althea mesh network paper
- How to price work on Gitcoin
- A day in the life of an autonomous Flying Carpet drone
- OpenLaw updates its employee offer letter with tax witholding
- Iconomi fiat gateway
- NYTimes on Meridio (fka Pangea) tokenizing a Brooklyn apartment building
Interviews, Podcasts, Videos, Talks
- Raul Jordan talks implementing sharding with Arnav Vohra
- Aaron Wright talks smart contracts on podcast
- Aragon’s Luis Cuende on Epicenter
- Facu Spagnuolo and Demian Brener talk ZeppelinOS on ZeroKnowledge
- Rick Dudley on Hashing It Out
- Print interview with Nick Johnson
- TrueBit’s Robbie Bent with Token Talks
- Token Summit videos
- Presentations from EthBuenosAires winners. All the submissions.
- OmiseGo, Vitalik and Karl video AMA
- Beginning of Karl Floersch’s Cryptoeconomics course
- Lots of great web history in this Brendan Eich interview
- McKeon: the Security Token Thesis. Surprisingly convincing.
- Token Curated Playlists, part 2
- Designing multi-token economies
- Obsessed with NFTs? There’s a weekly NFT newsletter.
- Dapped for discovery of dapp games site has prelaunched and plans to reward equity to early contributors through a future Aragon DAO
- ForbesJapan on Ethereum with focus on Aya, Vitalik and Jun. In Japanese, though the Chrome auto-translation is passable.
- Robert Hackett profiles Amber Baldet and Patrick Mylund Nielsen for Fortune
- EU names members of two blockchain working groups
- Lessons on protocols and applications from p2p file sharing
- Emin Gün Sirer: Choose-Your-Own-Security-Disclosure-Adventure. Great read.
- PoW 51% attack cost for a long list of chains. But number may be incorrect as someone who tried to attack ETC found out.
Dates of Note
Upcoming dates of note:
- June 1 – Blockchain for Social Impact Conference (Washington, DC)
- June 4 – ConsenSys Academy 2018 developer program registration deadline
- June 5-24 – Colony online hackathon
- June 14 – CryptoCup deadline to enter (though price goes up June 4th). Link contains referral code
- June 25 – Etherisc token sale starts
- June 28 – BuildEth (San Francisco)
- June 30 – Solidity Gas Golfing challenge deadline
- July 9 – Augur scheduled to launch
- July 12-18 – IC3 Eth Bootcamp (Ithaca, NY)
- July 14-15 – FEM governance meetings in Berlin
- July 19-20 – DappCon (Berlin)
- July 27-29 – EthSingapore hackathon
- August 3-4 – Discon (Boulder, CO)
- August 10-12 – EthIndia hackathon (Bangalore)
- September 7-9 – EthBerlin hackathon
- Oct 5-7 – TruffleCon in Portland
- Oct 5-7 – EthSanFrancisco hackathon
- Oct 30 – Nov 2 – Devcon4 (Prague)
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I’m thankful that ConsenSys has brought me on and given me time to do this newsletter.

Editorial control is 100% me. If you’re unhappy with editorial decisions, blame me.
Shameless self-promotion
Most of what I link to I tweet first: @evan_van_ness
This newsletter is supported by ConsenSys