News and Links
Layer 1 – Eth PoW
- Lane’s notes on the Ethereum 1.0 improvements call – the nomenclature Eth1.x is deprecated
- Péter Szilágyi: chain pruning for long term 1.0 viability
- ewasm proposal for Eth 1.0
- A rough proposal for storage management fees. Discussion at FEM and two at Ethresearch: one and two
Layer 1 – Eth2
- What’s New in Eth2
- Eth2 implementers call. in lieu of notes, agenda
- Prysmatic’s biweekly update – explanations of both new cross-shard approach and STARK-friendly hash functions, refactoring to single state, BLS implementation and much more
- Lighthouse fortnightly update: Alex Stokes joins, spec updates, etc
- Encumberments: instant cross-shard payments over slow cross-shard
- VB: A minimal state execution proposal
- A Tale of Two Ethers explainer.
- Notes from Eth 2.0 Q&A in Prague
- An ELI5 on how Eth2 landed on 32 ETH to be a validator
Layer 2
- Latest state channel call. Penultimate state channels call
- Raiden v0.18
- Plasma Prime PoC client
- A sketch for a STARK-based accumulator. Or Vitalik’s ELI5 on Reddit
- OmiseGo Plasma update
Stuff for developers
- PubSub pattern using Solidity 0.5.0
- Use Whisper in Embark tutorial
- Quick Formality update from Victor Maia. [Formality is kin to Haskell.]
- Compound releases documentation for devs to earn interest on eth/tokens
- Comparing GUN, OrbitDB and Scuttlebutt
- AragonOS 4: refining our framework for production
- Import Ethereum state to use on local chain
- Elixir implementation of Ethereum’s RLP encoding
- Ahken: Eth aware automatic IPFS pinning PoC
- Writing a Truebit task in Rust
- Octopus security analysis tool for wasm, EVM and some centralized chains
- Native Meta Transactions: signed message recovery integrated in contracts
- Remix 0.7.5 released with solidity 0.5 support, plus some cool plugins
- Chart over time of Eth locked up in DeFi (note: Maker off by default)
- MyCrypto is doing an Advent-style calendar of security tips with prizes
- How to easily import your Medium articles into Kauri
- Interview with Shawn Wilkinson on Storj’s current approach to decentralized storage
- Joe Lubin’s tweetstorm overview of the Ethereum ecosystem
Two great client releases. Update now
- Geth v1.8.19 trie read cache for 15% faster full-sync speed and 30% faster in-sync processing and Swarm v0.3.7. Also, Swarm’s Kubernetes setup is now open source
- Parity Ethereum v2.2.2 beta – lower the uncle rate allowing higher gas limit. warp sync reuses local info to reduce required data to sync. and 2.1.7 stable
- Parity CTO Fredrik Harrysson interviews Geth lead dev Péter Szilágyi for Zero Knowledge
Live on mainnet
- Gnosis Safe is on mainnet – Android app (download link. iOS coming soon). Big step forward in UX and multi-sig availability, though obviously you should wait for it to be battle tested before committing large sums. (RuntimeVerification’s formal verification is in process)
- Mintable: easily mint and manage your ERC721 nfty tokens
- Ethertify: certification platform for IP rights and document signing
- Aztec: working zero knowledge proof for confidential transactions on mainnet. Send Maker’s Dai to a contract, then withdraw to another address. The addresses are public, but the amounts are not. Roadmap includes: anonymous voting for governence mechanics, anonymous identity schemes and zero knowledge exchange
- Amazon announces QLDB (one party owns the chain/database) and Managed Blockchain (multiple nodes) for Ethereum and Fabric
- At same event, Kaleido announced consortium plans
- Trends in enterprise blockchain
- Excel to blockchain with web3j
Governance and Standards
- Polkadot: never fork again
- Giveth’s Unicorn DAC non-hierarchical governance experiment
- ERC1630: hashed time-lock standard
Application layer
- Ocean Protocol’s v0.2 Trilobite testnet release – data access control, secure compute via fitchain
- Capbridge and ConsenSys working on a Singaporean security token exchange
- Management and performance fees in a Melon fund
- A look under the hood of Mysterium’s decentralized VPN
- Streamr open sources their front end, Solidity code and event watcher
- upbloc: curated periodic publishing platform, live on Ropsten
- FedEx to work with XYO to build out proof of location
- More on Etherisc, Aon and Oxfam’s crop insurance for Sri Lankan rice farmers
Interviews, Podcasts, Videos, Talks
- Justin Drake on Epicenter
- Luke Mulks AMA on Brave Ads and he tells us about all the ways we’re being tracked
- Pokt Network’s Michael O’Rourke & Luis C. de Leon on Hashing It Out
- Hudson Jameson on the inaugural edition of Eric Conner’s podcast
Tokens / Business / Regulation
- Sina Habibian: tokenizing real estate
- Harbor’s security token platform launched with 20m equity in South Carolina student housing
- A CFTC primer on “smart contracts”
- Chris Burniske reports that SEC Chair Clayton confirmed that ETH and BTC are not securities, but refused to comment about Ripple.
- SEC announced settlements with Floyd Mayweather and DJ Khaled for touting shady sales and not disclosing it
- US Treasury sanctions 2 Bitcoin addresses associated with ransomware in Iran
- NEAR Protocol open sources its client; uses Typescript for its smart contracts. IDE live. (headsup: I’m an investor)
- Zilliqa’s v3 testnet is live in advance of targeted Jan 31 mainnet launch. (As said before, I own some)
- Trail of Bits: 10 Rules for Hardware Wallets
- Buterin/Weyl: Central planning as overfitting
- Jerome de Tychey’s recap and lessons learned of last year’s EthCC has me pumped for 2019.
- Holocracy founder on crypto network organization
- University of Basel gives Vitalik Buterin an honorary doctorate
- Scuttlebutt’s Dominic Tarr statement on a hack that happened because he transferred control of a widely-used module to an attacker who inserted code to steal crypto. Always check your dependencies.
- The hack above highlighted lack of incentive for open source maintainers, which is part of what Gitcoin highlights in their roadmap for financial open source sustainability. A different approach: the ZeppelinOS ecosystem of secure code
Dates of Note
Upcoming dates of note:
- Dec 7-9 – ETHSingapore hackathon (ETHGlobal)
- Dec 9 – Neufund equity token offering(closes after a week)
- Jan 10 – Mobi Grand Challenge hackathon ends
- Jan 29-30 – AraCon (Berlin)
- Feb 7-8 – Melonport’s M1 conf (Zug)
- Feb 15-17 – ETHDenver hackathon (ETHGlobal)
- Feb 23-25 – EthAustin hackathon (EthUniversal)
- Mar 5-7 – EthCC (Paris)
- Mar 27 – Infura end of legacy key support (Jan 23 begins Project ID prioritization)
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This newsletter is made possible by ConsenSys, which is perpetually hiring if you’re interested.

I own Week In Ethereum. Editorial control has always been 100% me. If you’re unhappy with editorial decisions or anything that I have written in this issue, feel free to tweet at me.
Housekeeping and shilling
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I set a goal to grow the subscriber base of this newsletter to 10000 by the end of the year. It’s at 7960 now. I need more people to double subscribe with Stoop so I can hit my vanity metric.
Most of what I link to I tweet first: @evan_van_ness
If you’re wondering “why didn’t my post make it into Week in Ethereum?”