Week in Ethereum News
October 12, 2024

Eth News and Links

Eth R&D protocol call (All Core Devs)

  • Eth R&D protocol call focused on execution layer (ACDE #198):
    • Pectra upgrade:
      • Pectra-devnet-3: issues being found & fixed
      • Pectra-devnet-4: plan to launch next week
      • EIP2537 BLS precompile: breakout to finalize gas pricing & specs
      • Public testnet: launch by Devcon
    • Proposed EIPs:
      • EIP7783 gradually increase gas limit: can implement without an upgrade
      • EIP7782 reduce slot time to 8 seconds: alternative to raising blob count
    • EIP4444: Nethermind continuing Portal network integration

Pectra (Prague + Electra) upgrade

Fusaka (Osaka + Fulu) upgrade

  • Peerdas-devnet-3: launched with peerdas-devnet-2 spec, issue caused clients to be on different forks

Centralization watch: threatening the value of your ETH

Layer 1


Client Releases

  • Consensus layer:
    • Teku v24.10.0: adds engine_getBlobsV1 & IDONTWANT support and disabled flood publishing; v24.10.1: hotfix for validators proposer config that prevented startup in v24.10.0
  • Execution layer:
    • Nethermind v1.29.0: adds heuristics-based censorship detection for high-paying transactions & addresses
    • Reth v1.1.0: Engine 2.0 enabled by default (except op-reth), new metrics & RPC improvements

Layer 2

  • Flashbots Rollup-Boost: block building using TEEs, starting with 250ms Flashblocks (partial blocks) and priority ordering
  • L2 standards meeting (RollCall #8): RIP7755 cross-L2 calls presentation, Pectra upgrade expected Q1 2025 (optimistically February) & upcoming breakout on future of EVM on L2


  • EIPs (Ethereum improvement proposals):
    • EIP7782: Reduce slot time for lower peak bandwidth
    • EIP7783: Add controlled gas limit increase strategy
    • EIP7784: GETCONTRACT opcode
  • ERCs (application layer):
    • ERC7785: Onchain registration of chain identifiers 

Stuff for developers

  • Solidity v0.8.28: adds transient storage state variables for value types, generates JSON for Yul ASTs on demand to reduce memory usage and adds ability to request bytecode/IR for subset of contracts
  • RareSkills: storage slots for dynamic types in Solidity (mappings, arrays, strings & bytes)
  • Circom v2.2.0: adds buses (groups related signals under one name)
  • Circuitscan: submit/browse verified Circom circuits


  • EigenLayer $6M stolen via compromised investor email thread, token vesting not enforced onchain but via legal documents



  • Stripe Pay with Crypto: US businesses can accept USDC on mainnet, settled in USD

Job Listings

Job listings: $600 for 4 issues (75 char limit).  Pay using 3cities.  Questions? abcoathup at-gmail

Onchain stats

  • Fees (via ultrasound.money):
    • Gas: 1.9 to 129.9 gwei, 15.1 gwei average; zero net issuance at 24.3 gwei 
    • 7k ETH net issuance this week
  • ETHUSD: $2,346 – $2,504, currently $2,440, all time high $4,878
  • ETHBTC: currently 0.039 (Flippening at ~0.164)

Notable at app layer

  • ZKP2P Tickets: lower fee secondary market for Ticketmaster, zk proof of transfer



  • TD Bank plead guilty to US Bank Secrecy Act & money laundering conspiracy violations, $1.8B in penalties, no individuals charged
  • US broadband attack linked to China, may have had access to wiretap infrastructure
  • Internet Archive Wayback Machine offline after DDoS attack & data breach
  • WHIR: IOP of proximity for constrained Reed-Solomon codes, verifier runs in hundreds of microseconds

END OF SERVICE: plan to deprecate Week in Ethereum News

Editor: @abcoathup
Follow @WeekinEthNews for the most clicked links
Permalink: https://weekinethereumnews.com/week-in-ethereum-news-october-12-2024

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