Eth News and Links
Mainnet execution layer
- Arrow Glacier upgrade pushing back the difficulty bomb was successful
- Latest core devs call video. Notes from Tim Beiko:
- PoW switch off key tasks: optimistic sync, fork choice rules for competing terminal PoW blocks, authentication between execution & consensus layers and lots of testing
- EIP4488 (call data gas price reduction) will not be done before PoW switch off
- Post PoW proposals need to be prioritized with community input, e.g. withdrawals vs sharding/EIP4488
- Besu v21.10.3: log4j zero-day vulnerability, update immediately or manually mitigate
- Piper Merriam’s Aperture Portal Network update: changing focus from State network to Chain History network
- EIP4515: XTNDR opcode family
- EIP4520: Multi-byte opcodes prefixed by EB and EC
- EIP4524: Safer ERC20
- EIP4527: QR Code data transmission protocol for the Ethereum wallets
Proof of Stake consensus layer
- Guide to join PoW switch off devnet-3
- Teku security update (v21.12.1): log4j zero-day vulnerability, Teku not believed to be vulnerable but update immediately or manually mitigate
- Nimbus v1.5.5: optimizations, 6x epoch processing & 2x Altair block processing
- Lodestar consensus light-client demo: tracks the head trustlessly, sync to head is 25KB/day of data, follow head is 81KB/day
- Light nodes can offer similar security guarantees as full nodes if enough people run full and light nodes, need to make them easy to run on consumer hardware
- Mir team joins Polygon to build Polygon Zero zk-rollup, pivot from Layer 1 to an Ethereum Layer 2
- Aztec Connect: private bridge live on testnet, aggregates like transactions from Aztec users to interact with Layer 1 DeFi
- Proto’s EVM equivalence endgame is Yellow-Paper equivalence
- dYdX state explorer to be built by L2BEAT, showing decoded calldata on Layer 1 and allow forced exits & trades by sending a Layer 1 transaction
- L2BEAT: how to monitor that $6 billion locked in Layer 2 is secure
- Polynya’s rollup fees explainer: why they get cheaper to use as Layer 2 adoption increases
This newsletter is made possible thanks to Celer Network!

Celer Network is a layer-2 scaling platform that brings fast, secure and low-cost blockchain applications.
cBridge has done almost $1.5b in volume moving ETH, USDT, and USDC between Ethereum mainnet, Optimism, Arbitrum, Avalanche, Boba, Fantom, BSC and Polygon.
LIQUIDITY MINING launches December 15th for $ETH, $USDT and $USDC, with rewards paid in $CELR
Stuff for developers
- Solidity prototype of user-defined operators on user-defined types
- Ethers.js update: ENS avatars in v5; v6 assumes ES2016, TypeScript changes, uses new crypto libraries, dynamic & typed Contract methods, Network object makes Layer 2 providers easier to create & use
- Foundry: fast testing framework for tests written in Solidity, Rust reimplementation of dapptools
- kryptology: Coinbase cryptographic library, Apache-2.0 license
- Slither v0.8.2: Solidity v0.8 feature support (custom errors, top level functions, immutable variables) and detectors for in loop delegatecall & msg.value
- truffle-plugin-verify v0.5.20: verifies proxy implementation on Etherscan and flags as a proxy
- Argent X: browser extension StarkNet wallet, currently ~4 minutes to deploy on Goerli, ~2 hours on mainnet
- Tenderly adds Arbitrum support
- Batch data retrieval using GraphQL on Geth
- Dodoc: documentation generation from Solidity, zero-config Hardhat plugin
- BadgerDAO’s $121 million exploit post mortem, Cloudflare Workers script deployed using compromised API key, intermittently phished ERC20 token approvals
- dYdX deposit proxy post mortem, contract had user ERC20 approvals and could make arbitrary calls, $200k stolen, $500k bug bounty paid
- Vitalik’s scalable blockchain endgame: block production may become centralized due to network effects within rollups or cross-domain MEV, but with decentralized validation and anti-censorship protection
- Flashbots Protect RPC v0.4.0: adds free transaction cancellations
- Josh Stark’s draft guide to joining the Ethereum ecosystem [Google doc], to be sent to 1000+ applicants for EF internship, contributions welcome
- Reddit expanding Community Points to additional subreddits; pros and cons of points
- Pepsi 1,893 profile pic NFTs, free + gas via US only waitlist
- WhiteCastle changes Twitter handle to ENS
- CryptoPunk #6457 sponsored by hair loss serum
Application layer
- Messari Governor: governance aggregator, supports Snapshot, Governor Alpha & Bravo
- Coinbase offers yield on Dai using Compound, covers gas fees, available in 70 countries (excludes US)
- Pods on-chain options protocol live on Arbitrum
- Enso Finance vampire attack of index projects
- xToken lending protocol live on Arbitrum
- dHEDGE decentralized hedge funds live on Optimism
- WAVEFORM 1/1 music NFT produced by 3LAU with full master recording & publishing rights
- Sound: limited edition song NFTs
- Unlock NFTs as memberships live on Optimism
- WorthInNFT: value of NFT assets for an address, supports ENS
- Inb0x: address to address messaging with end to end encryption
Job Listings
- Kwenta is hiring! Frontend Engineer, Solidity Engineer & Marketing Lead
- OpenZeppelin are hiring a Community Manager
- Ethereum Foundation: DevOps for Consensus Layer clients in lead up to merge
- Trail of Bits summer internship 2022
- Nethermind 1-3 month internship program
Reach developers experienced with Ethereum. DECEMBER SPECIAL: $200 for two issues (~75 character limit), payable in ETH/DAI/USDC to abcoathup.eth. Questions? abcoathup at-gmail
- US derivatives exchange CME Group launches Micro Ether futures (1/10th of an Ether)
- xDai & Gnosis token merger on track to happen
- Decentralized governance structures: token governance (direct democracy), optimistic governance (representative democracy) and security guardian (conditional omnipotence)
- Graph-based analysis of NFT transactions
- Challenges in blockchain gaming: multi-accounting, key management, hiding information on-chain and cheat-to-earn
- Blockchain-based approach for collaborative formalization of mathematics & programs
- Novi digital wallet US pilot, sending and receiving USDP on WhatsApp
- Machine-readable fuzzing corpora directory
- Practical asynchronous Distributed Key Generation
- Java logging library Log4j2 zero-day remote code execution
Follow @WeekinEthNews to find out what the most clicked links are. Follow @evan_van_ness and @abcoathup to get most of the week’s news in real time.
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Dates of Note
Upcoming dates of note (new/changes in bold):
- Dec 11 – Codeless Conduct no-code hackathon (virtual)
- Dec 16 – Gitcoin Grants Round 12 ends (support Week in Eth News)
- Jan 22-23 – DeFi Security Summit (Stanford)
- Jan 24-26 – Science of Blockchain Conference (Stanford University)
- Feb 17 – Schelling Point (Denver)
- Feb 18-20 – ETHDenver
- Mar 28-30 – ETHDubai
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