Ethereum News and Links
- Danny Ryan and Nate Rush release CBC Casper v0.2
- Hudson’s notes from last core dev call
- Diving Into the EVM, pt 6: how Solidity Events are implemented
- Update on Turbo Geth
- “stateless client witness size, and gains from batching and multi-state roots”
- “Simple Casper light client”
Stuff for developers
- How Giveth is using the Rinkeby testnet to bring costs down
- MicroRaiden v0.2
- Topcoder challenge: make an API for Mythril
- Zeppelin: upgradeability using Eternal Storage
- eac.js to interact with Ethereum Alarm Clock
- solidity-bytes-utils – library for bytes arrays
- How to use your CryptoKitties as collateral for a loan with Dharma Protocol
- Smart Contract Cover: A Safety Net for Ethereum Smart Contracts from Nexus Mutual
- FOAM: Proof of Location
- EthDNS explainer
- Security issues to keep in mind for in-browser wallets like MetaMask and Parity
- FireFly DIY hardware wallet source code released
- Oraclize on decentralization of blockchain oracles
- uPort: Different Approaches to Ethereum Identity Standards
- Launch of Aragon Nest – grants for Eth and Aragon projects
Project Updates
- Colony quarterly update: targeting Q3 launch on mainnet
- Brave doubles its verified publishers in one week (!)
- Key concepts for derivatives on Blockchain by VariabL
- OMG network validation
- Streamr + Ruuvi sensor explainer vid
- Request Network announces a $30m fund to build on their product
- Will Grid+ Relay Networks uncap the token value? I’m looking forward to buying my power from them in 2018.
Token Sales
- SEC Chairman Clayton’s speech targets lawyers. Also, WSJ op-ed on crypto regulation from SEC and CFTC chairmen echoed their pressure both 1) on lawyers and 2) on projects to use lawyers.
- Pelle Braendgaard compares the early days of Internet to these early days of blockchains. Fantastic read.
- EY released “ICO research”
- Towards the CFI Protocol – the protocol for startup creation and funding. You probably know I’m an advisor; I love seeing the execution.
- “Louis Dreyfus Company, ING, Societe Generale and ABN Amro” do an agriculture trade on their Ethereum based platform. Previously, this was aimed at oil trading.
- MultiCoin’s Myles Snider with a stablecoin overview
- Ledger raises $75 million
- Upfolio’s Ethereum guide for beginners
- Dfinity whitepaper. Arthur Falls podcast.
- Academic paper: Smart Contracts for Bribing Miners
- “Canadian Government’s first-ever live trial of public blockchain technology (Ethereum) in the transparent administration of government contracts.”
Dates of note
From Token Sale Calendar.
Upcoming dates:
- February 1 – Winding Tree
- February 7 – Dether
- February 15 – RightMesh
- February 16-18 – EthDenver
- Mar 8-10 – Ethereum Community Conference in Paris
Ongoing token sales:
WARNING: list may include or even likely includes scams and quasi-scams. Do your own research and due diligence before putting value at risk.
[I aim for a relatively comprehensive list of Ethereum sales, but make no warranty as to even whether they are legit; as such, I thus likewise warrant nothing about whether any will produce a satisfactory return. I have passed the CFA exams, but this is not investment advice.]
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