News and Links
- Latest Casper standup call
- Buterin: Hash-based VDFs, MIMC and STARKs and Verifiable delay functions and attacks
- More Buterin: griefing factor analysis model
- Prysmatic’s latest sharding implementation update
- Esteban Ordano: Plasmabits. writeup of EVM on Plasma chain
- Alexey Akhunov: recent data on turbo-geth performance
- Mist Browser beta and Ethereum Wallet v0.11.0 release candidate
Stuff for developers
- Velma: real time Solidity debugger with VS Code integration
- SolidStamp – on-chain registry of code audits
- “A definition of purity in the Ethereum EVM with strategies for detecting purity on-chain”
- Zero knowledge taxation on Ethereum from QED-it
- What we learned contributing to OpenZeppelin
- Tutorial on using Puppeth to create a PoA testnet on AWS
- Writing WebAssembly by hand
- ethereum-abi-ui: generate UI form fields from ABI
- Bloom releases developer documentation
- uPort overhauls its developer documentation
- Simple NodeJS Eth explorer
- Solidity, Truffle, NodeJS starter in a Docker image
- Metamask passport client – verify token holdings for access
- Your first Dharma loan dapp in 5 minutes tutorial
- Etherlime: dev framework using ethers.js
- web3.Swift v0.3 – native ABI parsing
- IBFT explainer for enterprise devs
- Ethereum Name Service: New team, new logo, new roadmap, new workshop/hackathon
- Analyzing decentralized exchange activity from Alethio. Cool data viz.
- Bankex’s charity water vending machine using NFC
- UX challenges in Ethereum – wrapup of post-Edcon UX unconf
- Two Ethereum messaging implementations: Melon mail updated and Eth-mail live on Ropsten
Live on mainnet
Governance and Standards
- Enjin blog post on ERC 1155. Gaming NFTs so you can swap many tokens with less gas
- ERC1178: Multi-class token standard similar to ERC1155
- A different take on NFT composables from Cryptokitties
Project Updates
- Livepeer: a path to scaling video transcoding — mining GPUs can transcode video in parallel with only marginal increase in electricity
- Updates on the Digix Gold Marketplace
- Nice summary of recent Golem AMA
- Grid+ gets regulatory approval in Texas to sell electricity
- Maker is revamping Oasis dex
Interviews, Podcasts, Videos, Talks
- Vlad Zamfir and Vitalik Buterin talk scalability on Hidden Forces
- Logan Brutsche talks his new Crypto Primitives Academy on Hashing It Out
- London meetup talks: OpenLaw, Incentivai, Ambrosus
- Joe Lubin video (and transcript!) on some of the theses that drive ConsenSys
- Vanessa Grellet talks social impact on Blockchain Bridge
- Paratii’s Felipe Santa Ana The Bitcoin Podcast
- Jutta Steiner on fixing the internet with Economist radio
- Eric Budish NBER working paper: The economic limits of Bitcoin and blockchain. The “model suggests that Bitcoin would be majority attacked if it became sufficiently economically important”
- Objective vs subjective TCRs
- Incentive alignment in TCRs
- Mimicables as token primitive
- Token Foundry’s standards for consumer tokens
- Vitalik’s estimate of Bitcoin and Ether demand elasticity using historical events
- EthNews owner Blockchains, LLC pulls back the curtain just a little bit at its massive Northern Nevada industrial park
- Sacramento Kings NBA franchise to mine Ether for charity
- Brian Armstrong launches GiveCrypto with a 1m donation
- a16z announces 300m crypto venture fund
- Fortune Q&A with Olaf Carlson-Wee on getting to 1 billion AUM
- Facebook lifts its blanket ban on crypto ads
Dates of Note
Upcoming dates of note:
- June 25 – Etherisc token sale starts
- June 28 – BuildEth (San Francisco)
- June 30 – Solidity Gas Golfing challenge deadline
- June 30-July1 – Off the chain state channel workshop (Berlin)
- July 6-7 – TechCrunch blockchain and Ethereum events (Zug)
- July 9 – Augur scheduled to launch
- July 12 – Sharding and Casper workshop with Karl Floersch and Justin Drake (New Delhi)
- July 12-18 – IC3 Eth Bootcamp (Ithaca, NY)
- July 14-15 – Ethereum Magicians governance talks in Berlin
- July 19-20 – DappCon (Berlin)
- July 24-26 – NIFTY hackathon and NFT conference (Hong Kong)
- August 3-4 – Discon (Boulder, CO)
- August 10-12 – EthIndia hackathon (Bangalore)
- August 10-12 – ENS workshop and hackathon (London)
- August 22 – Maker DAO ‘Foundation Proposal’ vote
- September 6 – Security unconference (Berlin)
- September 7-9 – EthBerlin hackathon
- September 7-9 – WyoHackathon (Wyoming)
- Oct 5-7 – TruffleCon in Portland
- Oct 5-7 – EthSanFrancisco hackathon
- Oct 22-24 – Web3Summit (Berlin)
- Oct 30 – Nov 2 – Devcon4 (Prague)
- December – EthSingapore hackathon
If you appreciate this newsletter, thank ConsenSys
I’m thankful that ConsenSys has brought me on and given me time to do this newsletter.

Editorial control is 100% me. If you’re unhappy with editorial decisions, blame me.
Shameless self-promotion
Most of what I link to I tweet first: @evan_van_ness
This newsletter is supported by ConsenSys