Ethereum News and Links
- Casper FFG testnet is live.
- Vitalik: Current sharding spec is “good enough to get us to thousands of transactions per second”
- Some Reddit Q&A with Vitalik on sharding
- Ethereum Foundation will fund independent sharding clients through a grants program. Also, grants for level 2 solutions (state channels, Plasma, etc). Very glad to see this.
- Correct-by-construction Casper viz and how RChain’s differs from Ethereum’s. Speaking of, latest Casper standup call
- Current Casper plan: “emission rate to be proportional to square root of total deposits, so annualized return is proportional to inverse square root of total deposits.”
- Get slashed less when your errors are non-correlated with other stakers
- Vitalik: Minimum Viable Plasma spec
Stuff for developers
- Private Transactions with Quorum
- ERC809: Renting Standard for Rival, Non-Fungible Tokens
- Rinkeby (clique consensus) “testnet/private” blockchain explorer
- A libsnark tutorial and development environment
- Ethereum Q4 roundup
- The decline of EtherDelta: first it got hacked, now it’s doing a totally unnecessary token sale. Plus they’re going to restrict token listings showing that they fundamentally don’t understand why people used ED
- Hudson Jameson will redo
- Josh Stark: Digital Collectibles and the Weird Future of “Digibles”. Check out Digibles – a wallet for digital collectibles
- Parity v1.7.11 (stable) and v1.8.5 (beta)
Project Updates
- BAT has 4000 publishers and is working on Twitch integration
- Year in review: Status, Iconomi
- December monthly updates: Melon, Aragon
- Brian Armstrong’s vision for Toshi: blockchains as tools for prosperity in developing countries
- Fortune covers ConsenSys supply chain project Viant: Can blockchain tell you if you’re eating sustainable fish?
Interviews, Videos and Talks
- Chris Dixon on Investor Field Guide podcast
- Arthur Camara of CryptoKitties on Blockchain Guy podcast
- Joe Lubin interview for Coindesk’s Most Influential 2017
- EthNews interview with Microsoft’s Marley Gray
- “When New Tech and Dated Policies Collide: a Conversation with Vitalik Buterin”
- FastCompany: 2018 Is Going To Be A Massive Year For Blockchains
- Blockchains and healthcare
- Andrew Keys: 18 predictions for 2018 and Ryan Selkis: 95 Theses for 2018.
- Hooters franchisee talks about blockchain; stock soars
- The Ripple bubble has its leaders in the top 10 richest people in the world. And yes, that’s a bubble.
- Kik is leaving Stellar too…?
- CryptoKitties makes the New York Times.
- Vitalik reminds us that the whole point of Ethereum is to improve society through decentralization. Clickbait publishers tried to turn his words into a threat to quit the project.
Dates of note
From Token Sale Calendar.
Upcoming token sale start dates:
- January 7 – Rocketpool (proportional refund cap, so final day is the main day)
- January 16 – Kudos Project
- February 1 – Winding Tree
- February 7 – Dether
- February 13 – Right Mesh
Ongoing token sales:
WARNING: list may include or even likely includes scams and quasi-scams. Do your own research and due diligence before putting value at risk.
[I aim for a relatively comprehensive list of Ethereum sales, but make no warranty as to even whether they are legit; as such, I thus likewise warrant nothing about whether any will produce a satisfactory return. I have passed the CFA exams, but this is not investment advice.]
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