Ethereum News and Links
- Spankchain releases 2 generalized state channel videos: an overview and a code walkthrough
- Prysmatic’s sharding Golang implementation roadmap. [And want to work on a stateless sharding implementation in Rust?]
- Justin Drake: Optimised proposal commitment scheme
- More Justin: Proposer withholding and collation availability traps
- VB: Proposal/confirmation separation: a bug and a fix
- Latest Eth/RChain Casper standup call
- Single-round Validation Failure Analysis under Equivocation
- Plasma implementation call 4
- KR8OS Plasma implementation code
- Karl Floersch Plasma overview. Slides.
- VB: Plasma with much less per-user data checking
- EIP905: Fast clone the storage by copying the storage root hash
- EIP909: Revert contract state back to specific block
- Vitalik on scaling in 2018 in Singapore. Trustnodes summary.
Stuff for developers
- Gonçalo Sá: Improved `delegatecall` proxy contract factory
- Solidity ABI v2
- Sha256 zksnark parameter generation + ethereum deployment
- Axlang: formally verifiable language based on Scala. Compiles to JVM, cross-compiles to EVM. Not yet open source.
- Infura benchmarks performance and costs in AWS EC2 instances
- Create your first dapp with Web3 an Vue.JS
- CryptoZombies Lesson 5: ERC 721 editions
- Indorse on architectures for upgrading your code.
Client release
- MyCrypto’s new site is now in beta
- List of the Ethereum Foundation scalability grants
- Jacob Horne: Cryptoeconomic primitives
- Cryptogs – play pogs on Ethereum testnet
- If you’re a visual learner about Ethereum fundamentals: Ethereum Illustrated. Reminds me of Ethereum Ontology
- VB: Prediction markets for content curation DAOs
- VB: Conditional PoS hashcash
Project Updates
- UjoMusic releases testnet alpha of their Creator’s Portal
- Status in security audit for beta release
- New demo from OpenLaw on creating contracts
- Auctus is live on Rinkeby
- Melon Jan/Feb dev update
- Bounties Network: the future of work is on blockchain (and what’s wrong with freelance sites)
- Toshi now supports ERC20 and ERC721 tokens
- Alethio’s suite of Ethereum analytics products. Pretty cool data viz.
- Blockpunk: the Cellarius take on cyberpunk
Interviews, Podcasts, Videos, Talks
- Will Warren with Laura Shin
- Brendan Eich on Changelog’s Request for Commits podcast
- Transcript of Griff’s scaling talk with Truebit
- Print Q&A with Fabian Vogelsteller
- EthNews brief Q&A with new Foundation ED Aya Miyaguchi
- PayPal files patent for “expedited virtual currency transaction system”
- VB: “all DPOS systems as far as I can tell basically succumb to the explicit bribing attack. These pools give up to 90% of their staking revenues out to anyone who votes for them; this game inherently favors larger and larger pools”
- Ledger appears to have an exploit, so update your firmware. Ledger claims that it’s not a critical flaw as it requires physical access to your Ledger and malware on your computer.
- Nouriel Roubini and Preston Byrne: the blockchain pipe dream
- Brazilian development bank to create a Real fixed token.
- Coinbase index fund – initially GDAX assets weighted by market cap, and US only accredited investors, but with plans to expand both.
Dates of note
Upcoming dates:
- Mar 8-10 – Ethereum Community Conference in Paris
- May 3-5 – Edcon in Toronto
- May 11-12 – Ethereal (NYC)
- May 16-17 – Token Summit (NYC)
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