Week in Ethereum News
March 5, 2022

Eth News and Links

Mainnet execution layer

  • Latest core devs call video. Notes from Tim Beiko:
    • Kiln public testnet next week
    • JSON RPC discussion if safe head or latest block should be default
    • Shanghai upgrade priorities are withdrawals, lower rollup fees, agreed EVM improvements and quick wins  
    • Shanghai candidates: EIP4863 push withdrawals, EIP4844: shard blob transactions & EIP3651: warm COINBASE 
    • Not including in Shanghai EIP3978: gas refunds on reverts
    • Name for Execution Layer PoW switch off to be decided next week
  • Blocks per week indicate when the difficulty bomb explodes

Proof of Stake consensus layer

PoW switch off


  • EIP4863: Beacon chain push withdrawals
  • EIP4844: Shard Blob Transactions


  • Optimism to reduce fees by 30-40% with calldata batch compression at end of March using zlib, longer term plan to use zstd with a dictionary
  • Pathfinder v0.1.0: StarkNet full node in Rust, alpha
  • Arbitrum AnyTrust chains announced, ultra low cost transactions, hash of data posted on mainnet, operated by committee, assumes minimal members honest as can fallback to rollup.  Similar trust assumptions to Validium
  • Polynya: historical storage as the final bottleneck, state growth will be solved by statelessness, validity proofs, state expiry and PBS

This newsletter is made possible thanks to Celer!


Celer (new website launched!) is a multi-chain operating system that allows the various application logic, liquidity and states, normally segregated across different chains, to communicate with one another and enables seamless inter-chain composability for dApp developers and projects.

Developers can build inter-chain-native dApps using the Celer Inter-chain Message SDK with efficient liquidity utilization, coherent application logic, and shared states. 

Users of Celer-enabled dApps, such as the cBridge asset bridge, can enjoy the benefits of a diverse multi-blockchain ecosystem with the simplicity of a single-transaction UX from a single chain.

Stuff for developers

  • Hardhat v2.9.0: faster mainnet forking, parallel testing with Mocha, parallel contract compilation & large block mining for Hardhat Network
  • How 3D interactive on-chain NFT was built using gITF (Graphics Language Transmission Format)
  • EVM walk through of opcodes using a simple storage contract
  • Guide on using Arbitrum Address registry to reduce calldata
  • TrueBlocks beta: ENS support, docker version, OpenAPI based server, monitoring, index any EVM & share on IPFS and Unchained Index
  • Eth Testing: generate mock Web3 Provider to simulate blockchain interaction in tests, alpha
  • starknet-scaffold: template using Nile and pytest
  • Rails tutorial to authenticate users with MetaMask
  • Optimizing Echidna fuzzer: profiling the Haskell code found bottlenecks




Application layer

Job Listings

Reach developers experienced with Ethereum.  $600 for four issues (~75 character limit), payable in ETH/DAI/USDC to abcoathup.eth on mainnet, Arbitrum or Optimism.  Questions? abcoathup at-gmail



Follow @WeekinEthNews to find out what the most clicked links are. Follow @evan_van_ness and @abcoathup to get most of the week’s news in real time.

Permalink for this week’s issue: https://weekinethereumnews.com/week-in-ethereum-news-march-5-2022

Dates of Note

Upcoming dates of note (new/changes in bold):

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