Week in Ethereum News
June 15, 2024

Eth News and Links

Electra upgrade scope not finalized yet, Devcon ticket dates and Curve liquidations

All core devs

  • All core devs – consensus (ACDC) #135:
    • Pectra (Prague + Electra) upgrade:
      • pectra-devnet-1: consensus layer client teams expect to be ready in 1-2 weeks and agreed to append committee bits field to end of attestation 
      • EIP7594 PeerDAS: building on top of Deneb upgrade for now rather than Electra, aim for peerdas-devnet-1 in 2 weeks
      • Blob count increase: discussion on increase with/without PeerDAS or PeerDAS without an increase, needs analysis on devnets and proposal to uncouple blob count from execution layer
      • SSZ: EIP7688 change to SSZ StableContainer: devnet planned before next ACDC to help decide whether or not to include in Pectra
    • Naming F-starname upgrade discussion for upgrade after Electra

Pectra (Prague + Electra) upgrade, likely targeting Q1 2025

  • Consensus-specs v1.5.0-alpha.3: specs for pectra-devnet-1
  • PeerDAS breakout #1: client implementation progress, proposal to move max blobs to config & uncouple blob count from execution layer, keep activation logic same for devnet-1 and bandwidth concerns for home stakers

Centralization watch: threatening the value of your ETH

Layer 1

Client Releases

  • Consensus layer:
    • Lighthouse v5.2.0: adds in-memory tree-states, optimized epoch & block processing and execution client version in graffiti
  • Execution layer:
    • Besu v24.6.0: Java v21 now minimum version and historic trie log data removed by default

For Stakers

Layer 2


  • EIPs (Ethereum improvement proposals):
    • Meta EIP7723: Network upgrade inclusion stages
  • RIPs (rollup improvement proposals):
    • RIP7724 (clone of EIP7667 for zk rollups): Raise gas costs of hash functions
  • ERCs (application layer standards):
    • ERC838 (resurrected): ABI specification for REVERT reason string
    • ERC7720: Deferred token transfer (ERC20)
    • ERC7721: Lockable extension for ERC1155
    • ERC7722: Opaque token

Stuff for developers



Job Listings

Job listings: $600 for 4 issues (75 char limit).  Pay using 3cities.  Questions? abcoathup at-gmail

Onchain stats

  • Gas fees (via ultrasound.money): 2.4 to 104.0 gwei, with 10.7 gwei average
    • Zero net issuance currently at 23.5 gwei 
    • 9.7k ETH net issuance this week
  • ETHUSD: $3,367 – $3,713, currently $3,480, all time high $4,878
  • ETHBTC: currently 0.053 (Flippening at ~0.16)

Notable at app layer

  • Curve co-founder Michael Egorov liquidated, triggered by UwU exploit, causing ~$10M of bad debt which he has already repaid
  • 100x (perps) live on Blast, up to 20x leverage on ETH & BTC, with Blast gold for orderbook liquidity [Starbloom portfolio]
  • Uniswap Labs acquired Crypto: The Game (onchain Survivor)



END OF SERVICE: plan to deprecate Week in Ethereum News

Editor: @abcoathup
Follow @WeekinEthNews for the most clicked links
Permalink: https://weekinethereumnews.com/week-in-ethereum-news-june-15-2024

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