Week in Ethereum News
October 5, 2024

Eth News and Links

Eth R&D protocol calls (All Core Devs)

  • Eth R&D protocol call focused on consensus layer (ACDC #143):
    • Pectra upgrade:
      • Pectra-devnet-3: minor bugs being resolved
      • Pectra-devnet-4: open issue for EIP7685 execution layer requests on whether to send requests or hashes
      • Public testnet: planned for Devcon, Pectra-devnet-4 spec, name suggestions wanted
    • Blob increase: more data needed, engine_getBlobsV1 being implemented by client teams to help stakers with low bandwidth
  • Eth R&D protocol call focused on execution layer (ACDE) #197:
    • Pectra upgrade scope: 
      • Included EIPs (pectra-devnet-3 spec): EIP2537 BLS precompile, EIP2935 historical block hashes in state, EIP6110 validator deposits onchain, EIP7002 execution layer triggerable exits, EIP7251 increase max effective balance, EIP7549 committee index outside attestation, EIP7685 general purpose execution layer requests & EIP7702 EOA account code for one transaction
      • Considered for inclusion: EIP7623 increase calldata cost, EIP7742 decouple blob count, EIP7762 increase min blob fee and a blob increase (needs more analysis & concerns about stakers with low bandwidth)
    • Fusaka upgrade scope: included EIP7594 PeerDAS & EIP7692 EOF.  No other EIPs will be scheduled for inclusion until there is a working Fusaka devnet
    • Amsterdam upgrade scope: Verkle EIPs considered for inclusion

Pectra (Prague + Electra) upgrade

Fusaka (Osaka + Fulu) upgrade

Amsterdam upgrade

  • Stateless implementers call #25 (formerly Verkle): refining gas costs to support EIP7702, partial witness charging and devnet-7 coming soon starting with local testing

Centralization watch: threatening the value of your ETH

Layer 1

For stakers


Client Releases

  • Consensus layer:
    • Nimbus v24.9.0: adds support for additional beacon API endpoints and stability fixes
  • Execution layer:
    • Erigon v3.0.0-alpha4: resync for better performance on chain-tip
    • Geth v1.14.11: new docker images; v1.14.10: hot fix for v1.14.9 blob pool regression
    • Reth v1.0.8: ExEx support for experimental Engine API, RPC bug fixes & performance improvements

Layer 2


  • EIPs (Ethereum improvement proposals):
  • ERCs (application layer):
    • ERC7774: Cache invalidation in ERC5219 mode web3 URL
    • ERC7776: Transparent financial statements
    • ERC7777: Governance for human robot societies
    • ERC7779: Interoperable delegated accounts
    • ERC7780: Validation module extension for ERC7579

Stuff for developers

  • Foundry:
    • Forge-std v1.9.3: adds cheatcodes publicKeyP256, pause/resumeTracing, resetGasMetering, expectPartialRevert, setArbitraryStorage, copyStorage, mockFunction, assumeNoRevert, keyExists, getArtifactPathByCode/DeployedCode, parseTomlType, skip with reason and random bool/bytes/int/uint
  • Hardhat v2.22.12: ~10% performance improvement from internal Solidity tracing refactor
  • Solidity bugs viewer organized by version
  • OpenZeppelin Contracts v5.1.0-rc.0: reentrancy guard & ERC20 approval using transient storage, adds Errors, Hashes, Packing, Panic & SlotDerivation utilities, adds P256 & RSA cryptographic primitives and adds CircularBuffer, Heap & MerkleTree data structures
  • Multiproof v1 (Solidity library): generate Merkle proofs for testing in Foundry
  • Solgauss (Solidity library): statistical functions rationally approximated, includes erfc, erfinv, erfcinv, ppf & and cdf
  • Viem-deal: deal ERC20 tokens by manipulating account balance with setStorageAt
  • Halmos v0.2: expands focus to finding bugs & exploits, adds cheatcode to generate calldata and adds branching over symbolic call addresses
  • Runtime Verification: formal verification of loops
  • Patrick Collins: flash loans guide
  • RareSkills: common Solidity mistakes by beginners
  • CTFs:
  • Micro-eth-signer v0.12.0: adds EIP7702 and EIP7495 SSZ stable container support
  • Bashquiat Discv5 in Bash




  • Visa tokenized asset platform: banks can issue fiat-backed stablecoins on public Ethereum, testing only this year, BBVA expected to have live pilots in 2025
  • PayPal paid EY invoice using PYUSD stablecoin via SAP’s digital currency hub
  • PayPal enabled US business accounts to buy, hold, sell & transfer crypto

Job Listings

Job listings: $600 for 4 issues (75 char limit).  Pay using 3cities.  Questions? abcoathup at-gmail

Onchain stats

  • Fees (via ultrasound.money):
    • Gas: 2.5 to 76.7 gwei, 10.2 gwei average; zero net issuance at 24.3 gwei 
    • 11k ETH net issuance this week
  • ETHUSD: $2,316 – $2,701, currently $2,418, all time high $4,878
  • ETHBTC: currently 0.039 (Flippening at ~0.164)

Notable at app layer



END OF SERVICE: plan to deprecate Week in Ethereum News

Editor: @abcoathup
Follow @WeekinEthNews for the most clicked links
Permalink: https://weekinethereumnews.com/week-in-ethereum-news-october-5-2024

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