Week in Ethereum News
July 27, 2024

Eth News and Links

Spot ETH ETFs launched in US and support Roman Storm legal defense

All core devs

  • All core devs – consensus (ACDC) #138:
    • Pectra (Prague + Electra) upgrade:
      • Pectra-devnet-1 launched, multiple issues being debugged
      • Request types:
      • SSZ StableContainer: no strong push for inclusion, focus on existing Pectra EIPs before considering increasing scope
      • EIP7594 PeerDAS:
        • Simplification proposal to drop peer sampling phase from Pectra
        • Discussion on when to activate (currently separate epoch to Pectra)
      • BeaconBlocksByRange v3 proposal

Pectra (Prague + Electra) upgrade, likely targeting Q1 2025

Centralization watch: threatening the value of your ETH

Layer 1


Client Releases

  • Execution layer:
    • Erigon:
      • v2.60.5: improvements & fixes
      • v3.0.0-alpha1: all-in-one (execution layer + Caplin consensus layer) node
    • Nethermind v1.27.1: fix improperly enabled pre-warming blocks on OP Stack chains


  • EIPs (Ethereum improvement proposals):
    • EIP7747: EVM modular arithmetic extensions
    • EIP7748: State conversion to Verkle Tree

Stuff for developers



Job Listings

Job listings: $600 for 4 issues (75 char limit).  Pay using 3cities.  Questions? abcoathup at-gmail

Onchain stats

  • Fees (via ultrasound.money):
    • Gas: 1.1 to 46.7 gwei, 4.5 gwei average; zero net issuance at 23.6 gwei 
    • 15k ETH net issuance this week
  • ETHUSD: $3,099 – $3,538, currently $3,265, all time high $4,878
  • ETHBTC: currently 0.048 (Flippening at ~0.164)

Notable at app layer

  • Coinbase: free conversion from USDT on Tron to USDC on Base for parts of Latin America, Africa & Asia
  • Atari X Asteroids live on Base, mint to play
  • Zora Sparks: changing display units to 1/1000000 ETH (Szabo)



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Editor: @abcoathup
Follow @WeekinEthNews for the most clicked links
Permalink: https://weekinethereumnews.com/week-in-ethereum-news-july-27-2024

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