Ethereum News and Links
- Danny Ryan published the Casper FFG EIP. Economic security analysis. Stakers should earn a positive return if online 50-67% of the time (presumably this assuming your offline time is uncorrelated to other stakers being offline)
- Last Friday’s core dev call. Lane’s notes.
- Latest Plasma implementation call
- OMG Plasma Cash repo
- Latest Casper call
- Javascript implementation of CBC Casper
- Hsiao-Wei Wang: Minimal sharding protocol extension
- Sharding idea threads: As-fast-as-possible shard chains with notarization, Staggered periods across shards, Cryptoeconomic aggregate signatures for the main chain, RNG exploitability analysis assuming RANDAO-based main chain, Fork-free RANDAO
- Liam Horne’s quick comparison of state channels, side chains, and Plasma
Stuff for developers
- Zeppelin: proxy patterns
- New release for Haskell web3 library
- v4.2.0 with local private key signing
- Parity tutorial on writing smart contracts in WASM for Kovan
- Reversing Solidity code, part 2
- Tutorial on building a social platform for ERC721
- Techniques for using Unreal Engine and ERC721
- React Service Worker may thwart web3 injection in Android
- Paratii.js preview – put a video stream and get a playable url
- Decentraland SDK alpha
- the architecture of Bounties Network
- How Bloom is trying to solve UX
- AWS launches Blockchain Templates
- Crux, a secure enclave for Quorum written in Go
- Solidity v0.4.23
- Geth v1.8.6
- Exthereum – new Eth client written in Elixir. Github.
- MyCrypto desktop alpha
“Is live” on mainnet section
- AirSwap is live. Clean and easy UX
- Aion main net is live
- Ethorse is live – parimutuel better on price of Eth
- CanYa service marketplace alpha is live
- Adchain is live — first token curated registry on mainnet
- How uPort’s identity model preserves privacy with offchain data and new accounts for each dapp
- Parity is decoupling the UI from the client
- The ENS Blacklist.
- Benny Giang on the different categories of blockchain integration in games
- Griff Green’s latest Open Block Explorers Now! call
- BatchOverflow: A few tokens I had never heard of implemented a non-standard function in the token standard and a hacker found an overflow. Bitcoin maximalists temporarily got very excited.
- DNS servers got hacked, leading some MEW users to be compromised. Never click ignore on a certificate warning for MEW/MyCrypto. More on the hack.
- Connext’s two way payment channel on Rinkeby
- Status is starting an incubator aimed mostly at mobile friendly dapps
Governance and Standards
- Parity: we have no intention to split the Ethereum chain, refuting media misinterpretations
- Lane Rettig essay on Ethereum governance, forks and recovery options
- Alex Van de Sande on past and future Eth recovery
- EIP1015: recovery through future issurance
- Martin Holst Swende on EIP210: blockhash refactoring
- All about ERC948’s subscription models
- EIP1035: Transaction execution batching and delegation
Project Updates
- Updated OmiseGo strategy aiming at a crypto exchange this year
- Iconomi q1 financial report
- Where blockchain fits into Cellarius
- DigixDAO governance model
- Video demo of Balanc3
- Video demo of OpenLaw employee offer letter and Openlaw video demo of Australian real estate sale
- Bloqboard, a Dharma debt relayer, is live on Kovan
- Colony: bounties aren’t the future of work, but salaries with reputation
- 0x: compliant p2p trading through a permissioned liquidity pool
Interviews, Podcasts, Videos, Talks
- EthLondon talks: NexusMutual, Liquidity Network, and BlockCollider
- ConsenSys Dev AMA with Christian Reitwießner
- Laura Shin on the other side of the mic with Software Engineering Daily
- I chat with Coinbase’s Dan Romero
- 3 min outtake of Vitalik Buterin’s appearance on HBO Vice
- Bernhard Mueller and Maurelian talk Mythril and Solidity security
- Joe Lubin interviews Stephen Wolfram at SXSW
- MyCrypto’s Will O’Beirne on Hashing It Out
- Karl Floersch on Epicenter
- Howard Yeah: Why Ethereum could be worth $1.7 trillion
- Andreessen Horowitz planning crypto fund.
- Kleros token sale overview
- KyberNetwork is thinking through new uses for its token
- Parametric hurricane insurance for Puerto Rico using Etherisc
- Mougayar on the state of the token market
- Wayne Chang: Buidl, but go talk to your token users, learn, iterate. On that note, Makoto Inoue’s review of his coworkers’ UX issues when using his dapp
- Gavin’s slides on Substrate, the underlying stack of Polkadot. webassembly, libp2p, Rust and Javascript implementations.
- Vitalik on Weyl and Posner’s new book, Radical Markets
- Kraken’s position on regulation. >25% of their employees in compliance.
- The #MeToo message from China that has gotten lots of media attention. (click the ‘Convert to UT8’ button)
- Tyler Cowen: skeptical on blockchains but realizes the possibilities are there
- Ether Capital begins trading on Toronto stock exchange
- Coincenter: No, Ether isn’t a security
Dates of Note
Upcoming dates of note:
- April 27-29 – Hackital Eth hackathon in Washington, DC
- May 3-5 – Edcon in Toronto
- May 7-11 – Swarm Summit in Ljubljana
- May 10 – Fluidity Summit on finance (NYC)
- May 10 – CryptoCup opens for World Cup predictions
- May 11-12 – Ethereal (NYC)
- May 15 – Kleros sale
- May 16-17 – Token Summit (NYC)
- May 17 – Blockchain, Accounting, Audit, and Tax conference (NYC)
- May 17-19 – Melonport hackthon in Zug
- May 18-20 – EthMemphis hackathon
- May 19-20 – Hacketh (Warsaw)
- May 25 – 28th – EthBuenosAires hackathon
- June 1 – Blockchain for Social Impact Conference (Washington, DC)
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