Ethereum News and Links
- While doing an audit for Augur, the Zeppelin team found a “buffer overflow vulnerability in the Serpent compiler.” Here’s the Zeppelin description of how the bug affected the live Augur REP token. In total, Zeppelin found 8 critical security problems in the Serpent compiler. As a result, Augur is switching to Solidity and has successfully migrated their token.
- Now we know why Vitalik tweeted a few weeks ago that he considers Serpent to be outdated
- Per Vitalik, Viper development is picking up steam
- The kicker: ZeppelinOS: “an open-source, distributed platform of tools and services on top of the EVM to develop and manage smart contract applications securely.”
- Latest core dev call. Audio. Agenda. Hudson’s post-call notes – first fork will be Byzantium and second will be Constantinople
- @cnLedger on Twitter quotes Vitalik on WeChat as saying they’re coding a test version with sharding in Python. Have a look: github.
- KEVM: Formal semantics of the EVM using K
- Vitalik on EOS and on the layers of DPOS subjectivity. We’re a long way (metaphorically speaking) from the time when Dan tried to start a rumor that Ethereum would partner with Bitshares, his project before his Steem project before the EOS project. That was less than 3 years ago. One project per year?
- High Accessibility Blockchains through tokenized PoS communication channels
- Solidity implementation of a Patricia-Tree to verify sidechain EVM transactions
- “most contract coding errors that we see in practice have absolutely nothing to do with Turing completeness”
Stuff for developers
- Porosity – Ethereum code decompiler “generates human-readable Solidity syntax smart contracts from any EVM bytecode” – is already bundled into Quorum. White paper. Github
- Gnosis talks security procedures for their widely used multi-sig wallet
- ZeppelinOS (as referenced above)
- React component to ensure Web3 is available before your app renders
- Boobies on the blockchain: storing images through input data served through Etherscan. See Reddit thread
- Digix token vulnerability report
- Iconomi is open to the public for registrations
- Alex Miller: the future might just be Ethereum and federated pegs. When I envision the future, this is absolutely one of the ways I imagine that “blockchain” ends up. I have my own related post coming on this, if I ever finish it.
- Etherspinner: a fidget spinner whose “state is stored on the Ethereum blockchain and whose client code is hosted on IPFS. Users can spend Ethereum to spin the spinner clockwise or anticlockwise”
- Bio of Aragon’s Luise Cuende and Jorge Izquierdo
- This week the Ethereum genesis block had its second birthday.
Project Updates
- The roadmap of Livepeer releases
- Iconomi Q2 financial report – up a cool 400%, in part due to the spinoff
- What Melonport learned from their first manager competition
- Jez San interview on FunFair
- Etherplay update – looking for 3rd party game devs, gas refactoring
Interviews and Talks
- Enterprise Ethereum Alliance London meetup talks available – watch Jeremy Millar on the EEA’s history, Matthew Di Ferrante on ring signatures, and ING’s Cees van Wijk and Coen Ramaekers on their precomipled zk-snark contract
- Oliver Nordbjerg – Aragon’s new engineer
- Livepeer weekly update – cool demo
- Simon de la Rouviere talks Curation Markets
Token Sale Projects
- Decentraland Q&A with project lead Ari Meilich. Also check out their plans for their first metropolis: Genesis City
- Can Grid+ be the onramp to web3 that AOL was for the internet?
- On Instagram, Floyd Mayweather is promoting the Stox token sale
- As part of District0x’s transparency policy, you can click to see their salaries.
- How does Kyber manage reserves?
Token Sales
- A snafu in the RexMLS sale burned 6700 ETH (~1.5m USD at current prices). The Rex team: “Through a combination of personal and business accounts, we have assembled 6,687 ETH” that will go into the contract.
- Tim Draper’s open letter to the SEC in which he suggests grandfathering any tokens issued before the end of October 2017.
- The WHG has returned all rescued ETH to its rightful owners. You can donate to them at whitehats.eth. They spent 20-30 Eth in gas on the rescue.
- “Launching an ICO next week – e-mailed the SEC for guidance after the DAO news, and they called back.” I didn’t think there was anything interesting in this post, but I keep seeing people sharing it, so I’m including it.
- Pantera’s Dan Morehead short video interview with Michael Green from Thiel Macro
- Coinbase is treating Bitcoin Cash like it treated ETC: only start the work to make it available if BCC gets traction. Right now it’s trading much higher relative to Bitcoin than ETC is to Ethereum – will it hold?
- Vitalik on Metcalfe’s Law as it applies to forking
- Balaji: Quantifying decentralization
Dates of note
From Token Sale Calendar:
Upcoming token sale start dates:
- August 2 – Stox
- August 5 – Blocklancer
- August 5 – Agora
- August 7 – Filecoin
- August 7 – Fluence
- August 8 – Decentraland
- August 8 – Indorse
- August 9 – Lampix
- August 10 – Propy
- August 10 – ChronoLogic
- August 13 – SmartRE
- August 15 – Ox Protocol (mandatory registration Aug 9-12)
- August 15 – BitDice
- August 15 – Latium
- August 20 – SlotnSlot
- August 24 – Real Markets
- August 28 – HelloGold
- August 31 – Monetha
- September 5 – Viberate
- September 12 – Evermarkets
- September 13 – Unikoin
- September 13 – Eventchain
- September 18 – Winding Tree
Ongoing token sales:
- RexMLS
- Macroverse
- Blockpass
- NeverDie
- Brickblock
- KickIco
- Hirematch
- Harbour DAO
- GroceryX
- Agrello
- MyBit
- Everex
- TribeToken
Want to be included? If you are building your project on Ethereum, email [firstname] or send @evan_van_ness a message with 1) your URL, 2) sale date and 3) a brief description of how you are using Ethereum. Listings are free. But please make sure to follow those instructions.
WARNING: list may include scams. Do your own research and due diligence before putting value at risk. Read disclaimer below.
[I aim for a relatively comprehensive list of Ethereum sales, but make no warranty as to even whether they are legit; as such, I thus likewise warrant nothing about whether any will produce a satisfactory return. I have passed the CFA exams , but this is not investment advice. If you’re interested in what I do, you can find my somewhat out-of-date investing thesis and token sale appreciation strategies in previous newsletters.]
Newsletter housekeeping
Some time in early August, there will be an announcement that I’ve joined ConsenSys. Here’s a logo to draw your eye in case you were going to skip over this section:

I’m very excited about this move and will have significantly more to say in the future. The newsletters should become more regular again! In the meantime, I wanted to make it clear so that you can judge whether I favor ConsenSys projects.
My charge from Joe Lubin is pretty similar to what Status has told me: keep telling the truth and covering the space objectively, even if the truth hurts.
I like to share it, share it. Sir Mix-A-Lot style
I measure the success of each issue by how much it gets upvoted and shared.
Follow me on Twitter? @evan_van_ness
This newsletter is supported by and ConsenSys. But in case you still want to send Ether (or tokens?): 0x96d4F0E75ae86e4c46cD8e9D4AE2F2309bD6Ec45