Ethereum News and Links
- Plasma: Scalable Autonomous Smart Contracts by Vitalik Buterin and Joseph Poon
- Scalability effort that will be worked on in parallel with PoS and sharding
- tl;dr from Matthew Di Ferrante or Plasma in 10 mins from Anthony Akentiev. Or a video read-along of the Plasma whitepaper with Jordan Leigh and Ameen Soleimani
- Peter Todd started attacking Vitalik on Twitter. The many Twitter threads make it hard to link to the original source, but Trustnodes had a decent summary, though somewhat Vitalik-friendly. There are plenty of brilliant people in the world, what might be most impressive about Vitalik is his maturity in dealing with trolls. Being a jerk is not tolerated in this community.
- Patricia Tree UI by Andreas Olofsson. Context from Christian Reitwiessner: “this is a way to implement the cross-chain verification mechanisms mentioned in the plasma paper.”
- Vlad Zamfir is nonplussed by Plasma
- Vitalik: “I personally have cut down evangelism precisely because I see that the main bottleneck is now not interest, but tech.”
- Coinbase raises $100M Series D at a 1.6b valuation, led by IVP. Check out that hockey stick graph in the TechCrunch article. Volume on track in 2017 to be 10x the 2016 volume.
- Seems clear that Toshi is phase 3 of the Coinbase Master Plan, so with 100m they now have a similar warchest as Status (the sponsor of this newsletter, along with ConsenSys). That’s fantastic because both can do great work introducing people into the ecosystem.
- Russell Smith on the ease of building a testnet faucet on Toshi
- You can also now view your Coinbase balances on Fidelity
- Video of core dev meeting. Agenda.
- Metropolis HF1 (Byzantium) in late September, if not October
- If the hard fork is postponed too long, we should make sure miners know to raise the gaslimit
- New high for number of daily transactions, no backlog, median wait time just 2 blocks.
- Q&A with Vitalik.
- Diving into the EVM, part 2
- Qtum developer on the faults and shortcomings of the EVM
- Qtum developer on the faults and shortcomings of the EVM
- Vitalik confirms that current plan is for ~1000 ETH to be necessary to stake
Stuff for developers
- Solidity v0.4.15
- Christian Lundkvist: Safer simpler multisig
- Grid+: 2-of-3 blind multisig
- Grid+: 2-of-3 blind multisig
- Dividend payments based on MiniMeToken
- Using Infura with web3j
- Scaling INFURA: Not All API Calls are Equal, especially getLogs
- Scaling INFURA: Not All API Calls are Equal, especially getLogs
- Costs of deployed Ethereum code
- Status v0.9.10 alpha release
- Status will have their first fireside chat on August 17th at 16:00 CEST
- Status will have their first fireside chat on August 17th at 16:00 CEST
- Trezor support now in Geth
- MyEtherWallet is hiring JavaScript devs, hourly or fulltime
- OmiseGo and Vitalik meet with Thailand’s Central Bank
- Paul Vigna on the Ethereum NYC birthday bash (already behind WSJ paywall)
- Colony open sources its employee-friendly option plan – 10 year window, cashless exercise, buyback program
Ethereum in the Enterprise
- Microsoft announces the Coco framework for enterprise – using a trusted environment like Intel SGX or Windows VSM, you use Coco to hook up to your “distributed ledger technology.” Code to be open sourced next year.
- The EEA Legal Working Group
- Case study of using Microsoft tools and Truffle
- How the Dubai government is pioneering blockchain with ConsenSys
- ISDA: Legal aspects of smart contracts in derivatives
Project Announcements
- Cent – Quora on Ethereum
- MoonCatRescue – something like the next level of LarvaLabs’ CryptoPunk
Project Demos
- Dharma P2P credit live on Kovan using MetaMask
- Lendroid loans for ENS names, live on Kovan testnet
- RougeProject CouponDemo, on testnet
Project Updates
- Augur is 50% done migrating to Solidity
- Introducing Iconomi’s first asset manager: Columbus Capital
- How Melonport protects ecosystem participants
-’s David Sabo talks building the network of hubs
- Video of Agrello MVP release
- KyberNetwork smart contract modules explained
- LivePeer weekly update – protocol now supports payments
- Etherisc discusses its first year since inception
- uPort upgrading its code framework, part 1
- BAT is building a network of geographical community leaders
- How contributors can earn VariabL/StabL during alpha, and why they’re avoiding a token sale for now
- Video on Golem and Streamr collaboration
Interviews and Talks
- Videos of the ENS workshop talks. I couldn’t find a schedule, so I made own schedule so you can find which parts of the workshop you’d like to watch
- Dan Finlay: Future of ENS subdomain markets
- Dan Finlay: Future of ENS subdomain markets
- Epicenter with Loi Luu of KyberNetwork and SmartPool
- Videos from Blockstack Summit. My favorites: Naval Ravikant chat, Albert Wenger talk, Elizabeth Stark on Layer 2
- Vitalik and Thomas Greco Q&A in Japan
- Status Q&A with the developer of bchat, a bulletin board system live on Swarm. Very cool.
- Alex Miller talks Grid+ at SF meetup
Token Sale Projects
- Details on the Decentraland token launch
- Neufund’s “ICO” is a call to commit capital to the Neufund platform in exchange for tokens
- How the Digital Asset Power Play trading platform came together
- You don’t need to do anything to receive OMG airdrop tokens
- announces the next 4 sales: Musiconomi, Maecenas, X8 Currency, Digital Asset Power Play (reminder: I advise
- Tyler Cowen in Bloomberg: “[Crypto money is] becoming so strange and diverse that the actual practice of money is outracing anything found in economic theory or in the law.”
- Filecoin raised almost $200m in an hour and then paused their sale for a day or so. It’s back open again, but so far has been very frontloaded.
- Zeppelin’s Demian Brener: private silos to blockchain ledgers — a $2.5 trillion opportunity
- Wired: Ethereum Is Coding’s New Wild West
- Ryan Selkis on the onslaught of cryptofunds. I agree that I wouldn’t put money into many of the new funds. However, Ethereum and tokens are an emerging asset class that many money managers don’t understand so it’s tougher for them to do manager selection.
- Laura Shin on how Bitcoin solved payment issues for a female Afghan entrepreneur.
- Oregon finance prof Stephen McKeon on tokenizing traditional assets
- Brian Kelly explains Ethereum on CNBC Fast Money
- David Sacks: Cryptocurrency fulfills the original vision we tried to build at PayPal
- “A Solution of the P versus NP problem.” Hmm.
Dates of note
From Token Sale Calendar:
Upcoming token sale start dates:
- August 16 – Magos
- August 17 – Decentraland
- August 20 – SlotnSlot
- August 20 – Umbrella Coin
- August 23– FoodCoin
- August 24 – REAL (Real Estate Asset Ledger)
- August 25 – Avalon
- August 28 – HelloGold
- August 28 – ChronoLogic
- August 28 – Grace
- August 29 – Kickico
- August 30 – LookRev
- August 31 – Musiconomi ( Priority Pass presale: Aug 29)
- August 31 – Monetha
- September 5 – Viberate
- September 6 – Aventus
- September 7 – Maecenas ( Priority Pass presale: Sep 5)
- September 11 – Enigma Catalyst
- September 12 – Evermarkets
- September 13 – Unikoin
- September 13 – Eventchain
- September 14 – X8 Currency ( Priority Pass presale: Sep 12)
- September 18 – Winding Tree
- September 18 – Circles
- September 21 – Digital Asset Power Play ( Priority Passpresale: Sep 19)
- October 1 – Hirematch
- October 10 – Swap
Ongoing token sales:
- Indorse
- Fluence
- Everex
- 300 Cubits
- Authoreon
- Agora
- Lampix
- Propy
- Latium
- SmartRE
- Macroverse
- Blockpass
- NeverDie
- Atlant
- GroceryX
- Agrello
- RexMLS
Want to be included? If you are building your project on Ethereum, email weekinethereum @ gmail [period] com with 1) your URL, 2) sale date and 3) a brief but convincing description of how you are using Ethereum, preferably with a link to your Github repo. Listings are free. But please make sure to follow those instructions. If you don’t follow the instructions, you likely won’t get a response.
WARNING: list may include scams. Do your own research and due diligence before putting value at risk. Read disclaimer below.
[I aim for a relatively comprehensive list of Ethereum sales, but make no warranty as to even whether they are legit; as such, I thus likewise warrant nothing about whether any will produce a satisfactory return. I have passed the CFA exams, but this is not investment advice. If you’re interested in what I do, you can find my somewhat out-of-date investing thesis and token sale appreciation strategies in previous newsletters.]
New email
I’ve joined ConsenSys. Here’s a logo to draw your eye in case you were going to skip over this section:

I’m very excited about this move and will have significantly more to say in the future. The newsletters should become more regular again! In the meantime, I wanted to make it clear so that you can judge whether I favor ConsenSys projects.
My charge from Joe Lubin is pretty similar to what Status has told me: keep telling the truth and covering the space objectively, even if the truth hurts.
I measure the success of each issue by how much it gets upvoted and shared.
Follow me on Twitter? @evan_van_ness
This newsletter is supported by and ConsenSys (have you seen that we’re hiring?). But in case you still want to send Ether or tokens: 0x96d4F0E75ae86e4c46cD8e9D4AE2F2309bD6Ec45