News and Links
- Latest core devs call. Lane’s notes.
- [Casper] Vitalik Buterin’s 75 tweets on the history and current plans of Casper
- [Casper] Latest Casper standup
- [Casper] Censorship detectors via 99% fault tolerant consensus
- [Casper] Casper FFG and light clients. Vitalik listed the major challenges of light client protocol design and compared with old Casper FFG, this post explored how to optimize the times on BLS verifications for beacon chain light clients.
- [Eth 2.0] Eth2.0 Implementers call
- [Eth 2.0] VDF explainer
- [Plasma] OmiseGO’s comprehensive Plasma update (with notes from last Plasma call)
- [Plasma] Enabling Fast Withdrawals for Faulty Plasma Chains
- [Plasma] Challenge Bond Pricing Concerns
- [Plasma] Batch auctions on Plasma
- [Plasma] Plasma bridge between chains
- [STARKs] BarryWhiteHat: babyjubjub ecc
- [State channels] Channels Can Enforce Contracts Beyond Intermediary Lockup Time
Stuff for developers
- List of opcodes and gas prices. Kelvin Fichter adopted Danny Ryan’s list
- eth-mutants: mutation testing tool from Federico Bond
- Cryptofin’s array utilities library for Solidity
- Austin Griffith on his Clevis and Dapparatus dapp dev tools
- Runtime Verification: Formal verification of ERC20 tokens
- Loredana’s new video tour of Pipeline visual IDE. Github code
- New and comprehensive Infura documentation
- A list of tools to get data out of the Ethereumchain
- Getting deep into the EVM. Reminds me of Howard Yeah’s EVM series.
- Zeppelin: deconstructing a Soliditycontract, part 1 and part 2
- OpenZeppelin v1.12
Client Releases
- Trinity third major alpha release– faster sync
- Scala/Akka v0.1
- Maker and Wyre announce compliant fiat <> Dai onramp in 30+ countries, so now it will be easy to acquire the best store of value in crypto. An AMA with Maker and Wyre
- ETH India recap from Lendroid. Check out the EthIndia submissions, lots of ambitious projects as well as devs new to Solidity. ENS Hackathon recap
- ECF and EthPrize team up to fund EthWorks to implement Avsa’s universal logins
- Luke Duncan: Harberger taxes for a middle ground between copyleft and permissive licenses
- CryptoKitties filed for a Nifty trademark, which is messed up. Perhaps this means Nifty will win out in the nifty vs nfty nomenclature wars.
Governance and Standards
- Harbour <> Aragon bridge for Harbour voting in Aragon orgs.
- Secret voting with Enigma
- ERC1329: Inalienable Reputation Token
- ERC1319: Smart Contract Package Registry Interface
- ERC1328: WalletConnect Standard URI Format
- ERC1327: Extendable Atomic Swaps
Project Updates
- Brave plans to release an in-browser ETH wallet running a geth light client. Also, they’ll add Reddit and Twitter tipping.
- Toshi rebrands as Coinbase Wallet
- Columbia Journalism Review profiles Civil
- Aragon Q2 dev update
- 0x monthly dev update
- 100 pages on local electricity market regulations to guide Grid+ domestic expansion
- Gnosis on getting to 100% decentralized exchanges
- Augur hit 1000 markets
- Raiden v0.5 testnet breaking change release
- Ocean Protocol v0.1 testnet release
- Loom Network’s Zombie Battleground is in private alpha
Interviews, Podcasts, Videos, Talks
- Howard Wu talks snarks and libsnark on Zero Knowledge
- Joseph Lubin 11 min BloombergTV interview
- Cheddar’s 5 min profile of ConsenSys
- Matt Condon’s intro to blockchain talk
- Podcast interview of EEA Executive Director Ron Resnick
- Ryan Selkis on Epicenter
- Origin Protocol’s Stan James on Hashing It Out
- Vitalik’s transaction fee economics talk from TechCrunchZug
- 30 mins of Brian Armstrong with Emily Chang
- ZCash 2.0 released, should activate Oct 28 on 2 year anniversary
- Dan Boneh’s Cryptography II Coursera class starting in September
- Fascinating story of Indian politicians and Bitconnect. Ignore the fake news title.
- Foreshadow: “how speculative execution can be exploited for reading the contents of SGX-protected memory as well as extracting the machine’s private attestation key”
Dates of Note
Upcoming dates of note:
- August 19 – deadline to submit Devcon4 talk/workshop/discussion
- August 22 – Maker DAO ‘Foundation Proposal’ vote
- August 24-26 – Loom hackathon (Oslo, Norway)
- September 6 – Security unconference (Berlin)
- September 7-9 – ETHBerlin hackathon
- September 7-9 – WyoHackathon (Wyoming)
- September 8 – Ethereum Industry Summit (Hong Kong)
- September 21-23 — EthAtlanta
- Oct 5-7 – TruffleCon in Portland
- Oct 5-7 – ETHSanFrancisco hackathon
- Oct 11 – Crypto Economics Security Conf (Berkeley)
- Oct 22-24 – Web3Summit (Berlin)
- Oct 26-28 – Status hackathon (Prague)
- Oct 28-30 – Ethereum Magicians Council of Prague
- Oct 29 – Decentralized Insurance D1Conf (Prague)
- Oct 30 – Nov 2 – Devcon4 (Prague)
- Nov 2 – MetaMask to stop injecting web3
- Dec 7-9 – dGov distributed governance conf (Athens)
- December – ETHSingapore hackathon
If you appreciate this newsletter, thank ConsenSys
This newsletter is made possible by ConsenSys, which is perpetually hiring if you’re interested.

I own Week In Ethereum. As such, editorial control has always been 100% me. If you’re unhappy with editorial decisions, feel free to tweet at me.
Shameless self-promotion
Most of what I link to I tweet first: @evan_van_ness