News and Links
- Vitalik proposed a three-stage beacon chain plan. To make the roadmap more incrementalist, we assume a fixed validator set in stage 1, and introduce the dynasty transition in stage 3.
- Sharding p2p POC in libp2p
- Boneh, Bünz, Fisch: survey of 2 VDFs
- Latest Casper standup
- Casper v Ouroboros in two parts
- Latest ewasm call
- Fichter: Why is EVM on Plasma hard? (Also: Parsec’s EVM on EVM)
- Plasma Cash verification cost thread
- Latest core devs call. Lane’s notes
- Everything you need to know about the Trinity Ethereum client – the history, why Python, and how it is good for research prototyping
- Intro to the Nimbus Ethereum 2.0 client from Status
Stuff for developers
- Liam Horne: Counterfactual state channel applications. Github
- Connext on real world implementation of virtual channels; currently live on Spankchain mainnet for testing
- Etherlime v0.6 – dev framework based on ethers.js, faster compile and test
- “A quick example of how to set up Truffle and Ethers.js with the new experimentalABIEncoderV2”
- Ethereum gas golf talks from Nick Johnson and Zachary Williamson
- whisper-tools stand-alone API wrapper over shh RPC calls
- How to prepare your dapps for uPort’s standards based identity
- Sourabh Niyogi’s Go implementation of Vitalik’s STARK code
- Mobius ring signatures code
- Why mainstream languages are no good at smart contract programming
- TheGraph is now opensource
- Brief EthQL tutorial
- AnalyseEther – “real-time data analysis” in your browser
- Péter Szilágyi warns of dapp hijacking using dormant service workers and localhost
- ENS Toolkit, and ENS Q&A with Nick Johnson
- Orion: private transaction manager for EEA spec in Java from PegaSys
- video tutorial intro to Dapphub’s KLab debugger in K framework
- Geth v1.8.13 with Swarm v0.3.1 – maintenance release. Combo geth/swarm releases from now on.
Live on mainnet
- Enjin’s ERC1155 is live on mainnet to tokenize game assets. FreeMyVunk lives!
- Devcon4 call for speakers, workshop leaders and breakout room hosts
- Game theory behind FoMo3d and speculative exit scenarios
- Open source block explorer call #10
- Trusted execution environments for Ethereum nodes, from Intel’s Sanjay Bakshi and ConsenSys’s Andreas Freund
- imToken 2.0
- Gnosis Safe – also video of interacting with a dapp using Gnosis Safe
Governance and Standards
- Eric Conner: a case for Ethereum block reward reduction. There’s an Etherchain coinvote (hardly perfect, must use MyCrypto/MEW) on the subject where 50k ETH has vote nearly unanimously to decrease block rewards to miners. There’s also proposal variations like 1276 (delete bomb, 2 ETH) and 1277 (2 ETH). There’s wide support for issuance reduction, the question is about magnitude of reduction, how long should the bomb be delayed, and should an anti-ASIC measure be included.
- signaling for Ethereum proposals should not be formalized
- EIP1285: increase the Gcallstipend fee parameter in the CALL OPCODE from 2,300 to 3,500 gas
- EIP1283: Net gas metering for SSTORE without dirty maps
- ERC1271: Standard signature validation method for contracts
- ERC1288: Get contract return values from transaction recepts
- Next hardfork issue tracker
Project Updates
- Golem v0.17.0. Also, guide to Trusted Computations, part 1
- 365 days of Iconomi platform – cool graphic recapping last year
- Underwriters in Dharma protocol
- DopeRaider launches on POANetwork and teaches people how to move assets
- Dappos – point of sale Eth register for mobile
- to promote Augur reporting standards
- MakerDAO governance risk framework, pt 2
- Jarrad’s letter to Status
- Digix currently has a coinvote on how much Digix is required to be a proposal moderator and how much the mod will be rewarded
Interviews, Podcasts, Videos, Talks
- Swarm Orange Summit videos
- Lane Rettig talks governance and scalability on BlockCrunch
- Dmitry Buterin podcast interview
- Livepeer’s Eric Tang talks offchain computation on Zero Knowledge
- Modular’s Chris Brown and Will Dias on Hashing It Out
- More Dappcon vids are out, including my talk on governance
- Binary District state channels event videos
- Neufund has a security token newsletter – this issue focused on exchanges
- Livepeer open claim period has started. Pay the gas to MerkleMine for others and get rewarded
- Alex Van de Sande’s idea for tokenized sustainable communities on Reddit
- Better information with curation markets slides
- Validating on Polkadot POC2 when everyone has been slashed
- List of Cosmos and Tendermint projects
- Zilliqa’s Scilla language is open sourced
- Binance buys Trust Wallet
- EthNews interview with SEC Commissioner Hester Peirce on her ETF dissent and being open to innovation
- Bitcoin use in commerce is down more than 80% in last 9 months
- John Backus argues filesharing teaches us to only decentralize what is necessary and how bittorrent came from behind to win
- Blockchain innovation in Europe paper from EU Blockchain Forum
Dates of Note
Upcoming dates of note:
- August 7 – Devcon4 tickets, wave 2
- August 7 – Start of two month distributed hackathon from Giveth, Aragon, Swarm City and Chainshot
- August 10-12 – ETHIndia hackathon (Bangalore)
- August 10-12 – ENS workshop and hackathon (London)
- August 22 – Maker DAO ‘Foundation Proposal’ vote
- August 24-26 – Loom hackathon (Oslo, Norway)
- September 6 – Security unconference (Berlin)
- September 7-9 – ETHBerlin hackathon
- September 7-9 – WyoHackathon (Wyoming)
- September 8 – Ethereum Industry Summit (Hong Kong)
- September 15-16 – Kiev DappDev hackathon
- Oct 5-7 – TruffleCon in Portland
- Oct 5-7 – ETHSanFrancisco hackathon
- Oct 11 – Crypto Economics Security Conf (Berkeley)
- Oct 22-24 – Web3Summit (Berlin)
- Oct 26-28 – Status hackathon (Prague)
- Oct 29 – Decentralized Insurance D1Conf (Prague)
- Oct 30 – Nov 2 – Devcon4 (Prague)
- Dec 7-9 – dGov distributed governance conf (Athens)
- December – ETHSingapore hackathon
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This newsletter is made possible by ConsenSys, which is perpetually hiring if you’re interested.

Editorial control is 100% me. If you’re unhappy with editorial decisions, feel free to tweet at me.
Shameless self-promotion
Most of what I link to I tweet first: @evan_van_ness