News and Links
- First sharding implementers call. Notes and links from the call
- Prysmatic’s implementation update.
- VDFs reading list
- Vitalik: a guide to 99% fault tolerant consensus
- Rocketpool with an Ethereum 2.0 explainer
- Cardano published their comparison of Ouroboros and Casper. Vitalik was not impressed.
- Latest Casper standup call
- Latest Plasma implementation call
- Off-chain Plasma state validation with on-chain smart contract
- Loom adds ETH and ERC20 support to their Plasma Cash implementation
- Short ELI5 of state channels, plasma and sharding
- Celer + L4 to collaborate on state channel research and standards (eg, encoding)
- Etherships live on Kovan – state channels PoC for Battleship. Github
- Bloom’s payment channels using Whisper live on Rinkeby
- Barry Whitehat: elliptic curve cryptography inside a zksnark on ethereum
- Chia open sources their BLS implementation in C++
- Vitalik position paper on pricing transactions. Tangential: is GasToken good or bad?
Stuff for developers
- MetaMask to stop injecting web3 on Nov 2.
- Deploying and upgrading a simple dapp with ZeppelinOS tutorial by Elena Nadolinski
- Howard Yeah: code analysis of FoMo3D curved bonding
- SecurEth guidelines on coding to “aerospace-grade security”
- how data is stored in Ethereum in levelsdb
- Rattle: an EVM binary static analysis framework from TrailofBits
- Surya adds c3 linearization feature to understand inheritance graphs
- libsnark tutorial from Christian Lundkvist and Sam Mayo
- Iuri Matias video walkthrough of Embark v3.1
- Dharma launches their developer portal. well documented
- AirSwap dev series, pt 2
- Swarm is now available as a docker image
- Coinbase on scaling for traffic spikes
- Runtime Verification: how formal verification of smart contracts works. Also: Everett Hildenbrandt KEVM presentation
- Use your Sklearn models with Oraclize and Flask
- Reference list of Ethereum Python tooling
- Azure adds Parity’s PoA consensus, as well as wasm.
- Crux v1.0 secure enclave for Quorum
- ETHBerlin is dogfooding web3 dapps – Status, Bounties Network, Blockparty, Livepeer, WindingTree, Gnosis, ENS
- uPort: a proposal for user-managed data
- Zymbit and Oaken’s I2C, Raspberry Pi ready blockchain security module is now available for preorder, to ship mid-Sept
- open source web3 design call
- A Zapier integration for Ethereum events
- ENS partnership with MMX to make .luxe the first TLD with DNS and ENS support. How ENS uses the DNSSEC chain of trust for claiming your DNS via ENS. And get a bounty from Gitcoin for integrating ENS into your dapp’s architecture
Governance and Standards
- ERC1167 Minimal proxy contract is now in last call
Project Updates
- The future of Golem: mid-term goals and using SGX
- Aragon decentralizes into two teams. The original team (Aragon One) and a Giveth DAC, both funded by the Aragon Foundation.
- MetaMask August update
- A walk through to registering as an artist on Ujo
- Eric Berry: What I’ve learned over the past year funding open source with CodeFund/GitCoin
- New Gnosis mission statement: redistribute the future
- Lattice1: the evolution of Grid+ agent in order to “duplicate the convenience and security that is presently available in the banking system”
- Joey Krug on making Augur fast, cheap and easy to use
Interviews, Podcasts, Videos, Talks
- Prysmatic’s Preston Van Loon and Raul Jordan on Zero Knowledge
- ENS print Q&As with Virgil Griffith, Dean Eigenmann and Becca Liebert
- web3 onchain governance discussion from Polkadot, Colony, Tezos, POA Network and Cosmos
- Spankchain’s Ameen Soleimani on BoostVC
- Ryan Selkis talks to Patrick OShaughnessy
- Dharma’s Nadav Hollander on Smartest Contract
- SoftwareEngineeringDaily tackles token types with Paratii’s Felipe Pereira
- Aya Miyaguchi and Albert Ni: Decentralization by Substraction at DWebSummit
- All the videos from Ethereum Core Dev Conf (ECDC)
- Sponsored burning for TCRs
- Ether as a store of national security?
- Participatory design for tokens
- Token curated communities
- Centrifuge: User-mintable, privacy-enabled NFTs
- Prominent Republican congressman discloses he owns ETH, BTC, and BCH. First member of US congress to disclose.
- Economist: blockchains could breathe new life into prediction markets.
- Starbucks, Microsoft and ICE announce Bakkt: “launch of regulated, physical Bitcoin futures contract and warehouse planned for Nov 2018”
- Status and Nim partnership will let Nim hire fulltime devs
- USV’s Dani Grant on the distributed computing layer of the web3 stack.
Dates of Note
Upcoming dates of note:
- August 10-12 – ETHIndia hackathon (Bangalore)
- August 10-12 – ENS workshop and hackathon (London)
- August 19 – deadline to submit Devcon4 talk/workshop/discussion
- August 22 – Maker DAO ‘Foundation Proposal’ vote
- August 24-26 – Loom hackathon (Oslo, Norway)
- September 6 – Security unconference (Berlin)
- September 7-9 – ETHBerlin hackathon
- September 7-9 – WyoHackathon (Wyoming)
- September 8 – Ethereum Industry Summit (Hong Kong)
- September 15-16 – Kiev DappDev hackathon
- Oct 5-7 – TruffleCon in Portland
- Oct 5-7 – ETHSanFrancisco hackathon
- Oct 11 – Crypto Economics Security Conf (Berkeley)
- Oct 22-24 – Web3Summit (Berlin)
- Oct 26-28 – Status hackathon (Prague)
- Oct 29 – Decentralized Insurance D1Conf (Prague)
- Oct 30 – Nov 2 – Devcon4 (Prague)
- Nov 2 – MetaMask to stop injecting web3
- Dec 7-9 – dGov distributed governance conf (Athens)
- December – ETHSingapore hackathon
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This newsletter is made possible by ConsenSys, which is perpetually hiring if you’re interested.

Editorial control is 100% me. If you’re unhappy with editorial decisions, feel free to tweet at me.
Shameless self-promotion
Most of what I link to I tweet first: @evan_van_ness