Ethereum News and Links
- Karl Floersch: Casper FFG in depth
- Latest Casper standup call
- Parity proposed an unfreezing through allowing some retroactive changes. This specific proposal seems to be DOA. Phil Daian and Lorenz Breidenbach and Nick Johnson detail what they see as being dealbreakers. [For those of you who want an apology from Parity: Jutta, Jutta again, Maciej. I’m confident I could easily find more examples]
- Solidity compiler audit report from Sergio Lerner for Augur
- ERC 792: Arbitration Standard
- A thorough explanation of all the ways blockchains aren’t ready for mass adoption by Preethi Kasireddy
Stuff for developers
- Maurelian: when you might consider breaking Solidity best practices
- Remix IDE updated
- uPort + Ether + Infura + React boilerplate
- Kovan testnet hardfork
- Video tutorial of Solidity security basics
- Joseph Chow: Audit the code deployed on chain, not Github.
- Methods for upgrading your deployed code using Truffle
- Circular linked list Solidity code
- Towards cracking the cryptokitty genetic code
- Why Lee Fallat chose LLL over Solidity
- Calling the precompiled contracts added in Byzantium from Solidity
- CryptoZombies – learn Solidity by building a game
- EthGasStation: progress on the Safe Low gas price. Also, the gas price estimator code is now open source.
- Ethereum is over 900k transactions a day, or about 10/sec as the block gas limit is around 8m now. Though we should remember that not all transactions are the same in terms of gas cost.
- Upswings always make Vlad Zamfir nervous.
- “Barclays, Credit Suisse, KBC, SIX, Thomson Reuters and UBScollaborate to advance MiFID II data reconciliation” using private Ethereum chain on Azure. Going into production to agree on public reference data for compliance.
- Graphic: how an Eth address is constructed. Also more basics on keystores and cryptography
- The winners of the Blockchain for Social Impact hackathon.
- New whitepaper for Maker’s Dai. Go live on December 17th.
Project Updates
- AirSwap’s Token Trader is live in beta on Rinkeby
- Will Warren promises neutrality toward those who build on 0x
- Around the Block trailer on Paratii’s player
- CryptoKitties is now on Toshi
- How Dether (localbitcoins for ETH) is thinking about adding an affiliate program
Project Announcements and Whitepapers
- ixo protocol – decentralized impact exchange
- Dock – professional data and reputation
Interviews, Videos and Talks
- Ryan King presenting FOAM with Spatial Index demo at Philly Ethereum
- Conor Svensson web3j talk at Ethereum London
- Joe Lubin on a Singapore Fintech panel
- Griff Green talks Giveth on The Bitcoin Podcast
- From blockchain to cryptokitties podcast interview with Jake Brukhman
- Kevin Owocki from GitCoin and Mark Beylin from Bounties Networkepisode on my podcast
- Stephan Karpischek 15m talk on Etherisc at Blockchain World Conf
- Jarrad Hope 20 min talk on Status and decentralization at Blockchain World Conference
Token Sales
- SEC halts Munchee sale for securities violations. Speaking as a non-lawyer, the order details the many ways Munchee promised profits through the Munchee team’s efforts. Sounds like a security.
- Also see Chairman Clayton’s statement. He doesn’t seem to exactly understand the technology but emphasizes the right themes around not scamming Main St. The scams are distressing to everyone. Clayton even mentions a token he would find to be a utility token and not a security. I found footnote 7 to be particularly interesting.
- Tokenized Debt Payable by Assets. A tokenized SAFT from Dharma Protocol.
- Nichols Chirls quantifies valuation differences between tokens and equity
- Luke Duncan on governance, network effects and defensible token models
Token Sale Projects
- RocketPool 101: Casper staking pool FAQ
- Building lending apps using Bloom
- IndieGoGo ICO – their first sale is Fan Controlled Football League who I recently saw pitch on Dragon’s Den Canada. Here’s the NYTimes coverage, though it doesn’t mention that the IndieGoGo site appears to just be an affiliate site for Microventures? Also: seems to be an ERC20 token that doesn’t accept ETH in its sale.
- Leo Messi is the latest celeb ICO shiller for Sirin Labs. Which as a result has of course raised 100m USD. For a hardware company. [Did anyone else notice that what he said in Spanish doesn’t really make sense?]
- NY Daily News: Man accused of kidnapping friend, robbing him of $1.8m in crypto assets
- Kik leaning towards building on Stellar instead of Ethereum. No shocker there.
- Steam dropped Bitcoin over transaction fees
- The mission of the web3 Foundation
- DuckDuckGo + Brave = private search in private tabs released
- Vitalik tweetstorm: Cryptoassets are worth $500B. But have we earned it?
- Linda Xie’s list of beginner guides to cryptoassets
- The New Yorker on blockchained Estonia
- Leonid Bershidsky on Brave’s Basic Attention Token: Google and Facebook Too Can Be Disrupted
Dates of note
From Token Sale Calendar:
Upcoming token sale start dates (will start updating this week with 2018 sales):
- December 23 – Rocketpool (proportional refund cap, started November 25h)
Ongoing token sales:
- Aurora DAO from IDEX
- Gazecoin
- Neufund ICBM
- Debitum
- Nous Platform
- Bloom
- Relest
- CanYa
- Realisto
- FundRequest
- Dopameme
- Aigang
- Hirematch
- ScriptDrop
- SeedsTokens
WARNING: list may include or even likely includes scams and quasi-scams. Do your own research and due diligence before putting value at risk.
[I aim for a relatively comprehensive list of Ethereum sales, but make no warranty as to even whether they are legit; as such, I thus likewise warrant nothing about whether any will produce a satisfactory return. I have passed the CFA exams, but this is not investment advice.]
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