Ethereum News and Links
- FunFair’s Jeremy Longley: An Approach for Turing-Complete State Channels
- Alex Miller proposes Trusted Relay Networks. Linear scaling by using a separate chain pegged to the mainchain. As name suggests, it requires trusting the relayer though there are some ways to mitigate that. Whitepaper.
- Vitalik: notes on blockchain governance concludes that Ethereum’s current governance is least bad among the alternatives.
- Doug Petkanics argues that PoS protocols should dynamically alter the issurance to target participation
- Vlad Zamfir tweetstorm on protocol tradeoffs
- Latest Casper standup call
- Hsiao-Wei Wang’s sharding concept.
- Reddit thread with lots of explanations and ELI5 on sharding.
- Dec 15 core dev call. Hudson’s notes on the last two core dev calls.
Stuff for developers
- Reitwiessner: Writing code new low level language IULIA
- A random number generator for Rinkeby
- ERC801: Warrant Canary interface
- Gitcoin Chrome extension lets you see bounties while you browse Github
- ABI to TypeScript generator from 0x
- web3j spring boot starter
- Efficient full multiplication in Solidity
- Mark Beylin and Mike Goldin: a generalized mechanism for staking and arbitration
- Maker’s Dai stablecoin is now live. They also sold $12m in Maker to funds.
- Ethereum reached about 1.1m transactions per day. Not too shabby. r/ethereum passed 200k subscribers this week and is now at 215k. MetaMask passed 500k active installs a few days ago.
- Vitalik: a quick gas price analysis
- Etherdelta DNS got hacked. Check that it’s ok before visiting.
- /r/EthereumCommunity – “a sub for community-driven projects/events & all things Ethereum”
- A call for more more –lightserve nodes
- DIscussion on the CFTC’s definition of “physical delivery” for a digital currency by Nick Fett, ex-CFTC staffer. Also: his vision for decentralized derivatives
- ETHDenver Hackathon – Feb 16-18. I’ll be there.
- The state of decentralized video at the end of 2017
- If you choose to play Etheremon, you should realize their code makes an exit scam quite easy.
- Merry Merkle – a Christmas tree that lights up as ETH donations come in for an at-risk youth shelter in Toronto. Happening Dec 21st
Project Updates
- Gnosis Olympia prediction market tournament (beta test) is live on Rinkeby.
- Gnosis announces Dutch exchange – dutch auction for ERC20 tokens.
- Request Network alpha on testnet
- WeTrust beta on testnet
- Grid+ progress report
- Plutus update
- FunFair targets Q1 2018 to go live on the main net.
Project Announcements
- Cipher Browser: iOS wallet and browser
Interviews, Videos and Talks
- Vlad Zamfir talks Casper on Bloomberg podcast
- Token Curated Registry roundtable
- Joe Lubin Bloomberg hit
- Arthur Falls talks to Spankchain
- Ethereum featured on Comedy Central’s Daily Show. Joe Lubin’s cameo comes from a 45 minute interview.
- Rhys Lindmark talks to Trent McConaghy
- Felipe Faraggi from Legacy Project talks about wills on the blockchain on my podcast
- Tim Swanson on Epicenter
- Ixo protocol on Epicenter
Token Sale Projects
- Keep Network: threshold signatures, or how they get randomness
- Estonia is planning on selling estcoin, though exactly what for is still to be determined
- Reuters: Blockchain consortium Hyperledger loses members, funding because corporations are leaving for the Enterprise Ethereum Alliance.
- The EEA announces three new working groups: energy, digital identity and interoperability.
- Fortune talks ZCash with a lengthy profile of Zooko.
- Singapore fintech chief doesn’t like Bitcoin, but does like Ethereum
- It’s not just cryptomarkets that are irrational: Long Island Iced Tea stock jumps 432% on announcing it will change name to Long Island Blockchain
- BitcoinCash now live on Coinbase. Brian Armstrong responds to rumors of insider trading.
- It’s so bizarre to me to see CNBC hits on buying Ether as if it was $AAPL
- Litecoin founder Charlie Lee sells all his LTC at the top. This is exactly the sort of behavior that leads to over regulation. Founders must have skin in the game and alignment of interests with their network. These longterm governance problems are serious. My hope is that the Ethereum community will soundly reject any founder who quits his/her project. Kudos to Ryan Selkis for being outspoken on the subject.
Dates of note
From Token Sale Calendar
Upcoming token sale start dates:
- December 23 – Rocketpool (proportional refund cap, started November 25h)
- January 16 – Kudos Project
- February 1 – Winding Tree
- February 7 – Dether
- February 13 – Right Mesh
Ongoing token sales:
WARNING: list may include or even likely includes scams and quasi-scams. Do your own research and due diligence before putting value at risk. Read disclaimer below.
[I aim for a relatively comprehensive list of Ethereum sales, but make no warranty as to even whether they are legit; as such, I thus likewise warrant nothing about whether any will produce a satisfactory return. I have passed the CFA exams, but this is not investment advice.]
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