Eth News and Links
- Latest core dev call. Beiko’s notes. Ephemeral Berlin fork testnet in a few weeks
- Proposal to decouple block propagation from witness propagation
- Vitalik’s guide to rollups
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Stuff for developers
- solidity-bytes-utils v0.1.2, fixes tainted memory bug in the slice method
- Nick Addison’s tx2uml tool to visualize transactions
- Prettier Solidity plugin now supports Solidity v0.8
- Solidity incremental parser using tree-sitter
- A cheap erc20 token generator using ERC1167 Minimal Proxy
- Solidity for noobs, group video with Austin Griffith. Set up your environment, etc
- Learn some basics by forking mainnet with scaffold-eth and playing with Uniswap
- How to verify your Brownie project on Etherscan
- Getting eth2 data via Bitquery API
- Sword: a financial derivative DSL
- StarkWare’s Cairo Playground, online IDE. Includes several tutorials
- DefiSaver vulnerability found by Dedaub’s automated static analysis, white hat exploited for ~3.5m
- Rug Pull game: insecure random number generation gets exploited
- Waku v0.2 messaging protocol
- Sweeposaurus: tool to move all your tokens in one transaction
Application layer
- 20 billion locked in DeFi, per DefiPulse. Over 23b at the moment
- Shapeshift getting rid of KYC by becoming a dex aggregator
- Futureswap v2 beta is live. Up to date perpetual pricing via oracle relay, usage rewarded by non-transferable governance token
- Gyroscope: stablecoin design using AMMs from Klages-Mundt, Gudgeon and Perez
-, deterministic art NFTs based on blocks with user-created styles (which are NFTs themselves)
- Aragon blows up: the whole team quits over governance opacity
- OCC guidance allowing US banks to use stablecoins and run blockchain nodes to participate in Ethereum just like SWIFT, ACH, etc payment networks
- Fincen earlier said it received 65k comments on Mnuchin’s anti-crypto regulations, but now shows 7522 comments
- Tim Swanson: parasitic stablecoins
- Ethereum at $1000, redux (I wrote this)
- Ethereum’s gambit: a proof by contradiction
- Vitalik: why we need social recovery cryptowallets
- Linda Xie: a beginner’s guide to NFTs
- Brave at 28m MAUs, almost 8m DAUs
Job Listings
- RWAs in DeFi: Centrifuge is hiring a Network Ambassador & Account Manager
- Join Chainlink Labs’ leadership team as the Chief Operating Officer
- Nexus Mutual: experienced Solidity dev in Euro timezones
- Trail of Bits is looking for a technical editor/writer & security engineer
- 0x looking for devs of all types and a Matcha marketing manager
Want your job listing here? $250 per line (~75 character limit including spaces), payable in ETH (or 250 DAI or 250 USDC) to evan.ethereum.eth. Questions? thecryptonewspodcast at-gmail
If you’re wondering “why didn’t my post make it into Week in Ethereum News,” then please put it on an Ethereum subreddit; emails/DMs are not part of my workflow.
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Dates of Note
Upcoming dates of note (new/changes in bold):
- Jan 12 – EthStaker call with Danny Ryan
- Jan 15 – Feb 7 – ETHGlobal’s Market Make hackathon
- Jan 22 – Feb 21 – EthIndia’s EtherPunk hackathon
- Feb 5-12 – EthDenver (virtual)
- Mar 5 – Financial Cryptography DeFi academic workshop, submissions due Jan 15
- Apr 6-8 – EthCC4 (Paris)
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