Ethereum News and Links
- David Knott: Construction of a Plasma Chain 0x1. Here’s the OMG Plasma repo
- Truebit’s plasma repo
- Last Friday’s core devs call. Agenda.
- Latest Casper standup
- Danny Ryan on the Casper testnet’s networking issues
- Vitalik compares FFG to PBFT
- State-minimised executions
- ZkSTARK paper published
- Yellow paper is being updated
Stuff for developers
- Ethereum Alarm Clock v0.9.0
- Ganache v1.1
- solidity highlighting coming with next github/linguist release
- Dapphub’s Seth can now deploy code from your Ledger and broadcast to Infura
Token standard proposals
- ERC820. Esteban Ordano on why we need an improved non-fungible standard
- Avsa: everything you need to know about ERC777, but were afraid to ask
- CryptoZombies lesson 3 is out
- Eth development walkthrough part 1 and part 2
- Three part tutorial using a notary service
- Zeppelin’s gentle intro to Eth programming, part 3
- Jon Evans in TechCrunch: Eth programming for web devs
- New York Times: Beyond the Bitcoin Bubble examines whether Ethereum can fix what ails the web.
- Etherprise Ethereum Alliance hires its first executive director: Ron Resnick
- How miners could be messing with transactions
- Simon de la Rouviere: Memetic Singularity Economics Using Curation Markets & Meme Futures
- Token curated registries as peer review systems
- Eth Community Conference in Paris on March 8 through 10.
- Vitalik: Collateralized debt obligations for issuer-backed tokens. Interesting idea to slice up the counterparty risk for issuer-backed stable coins, thus avoiding the systemic risk of a widely adopted on-chain stable coin
Project Updates
- Brave growth statistics and BAT 2018 goals
- Brave is also giving away more tokens from the user growth pool
- Digix update – aiming at q1 launch
- Aragon Q4 dev update and transparency
- Iconomi Dec update
- Mercury Protocol 2018 roadmap
- VariabL Q4 update
- uPort year in review and 2018 look ahead
Token Sales
Interviews, Videos and Talks
- EthLondon: Jaak,,
- I talk to Aragon’s Luis Cuende and Maria Gomez
- Joe Lubin print interview with Factor Daily
- Taylor Gerring on Chicago Tonight
- “Everyone Is Getting Hilariously Rich and You’re Not” NYTimes on crypto bros in SF. Maybe a bit of a hit piece, but not a good look.
- The antidote to crypto bros: Jeremiah Nichol tells the true story of Joe, who uses crypto gains to help natural disaster victims.
- More NYT: Will the art market’s next big thing be crypto?
- Cornell paper on decentralization in Bitcoin and Ethereum. tl;dr is Ethereum is more decentralized.
- Linda Xie: tips for newcomers
- Vitalik: “2018 … will be the year of action. Everyone in the Ethereum space recognizes that the world is watching, and we are ready to deliver.”
- Dallas Mavs will accept Bitcoin, Ether, and maybe some tokens
Dates of note
From Token Sale Calendar.
Upcoming dates:
- February 1 – Winding Tree
- February 7 – Dether
- February 16-18 – EthDenver
- Mar 8-10 – Ethereum Community Conference in Paris
Ongoing token sales:
WARNING: list may include or even likely includes scams and quasi-scams. Do your own research and due diligence before putting value at risk.
[I aim for a relatively comprehensive list of Ethereum sales, but make no warranty as to even whether they are legit; as such, I thus likewise warrant nothing about whether any will produce a satisfactory return. I have passed the CFA exams, but this is not investment advice.]
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