Ethereum News and Links
Constantinople postponed
- The day before the scheduled Constantinople upgrade fork, ChainSecurity found that EIP1283 potentially allowed deployed contracts to be vulnerable to a re-entrancy attack. There was no bug in the EIP per se, but it broke an implied invariant for a small but then-indeterminate amount of deployed code. Hence, out of an abundance of caution but with limited time for the community to come to consensus, Constantinople was successfully postponed.
- A full post-action report by Trail of Bits, ChainSecurity, and Eveem. They proffer a different alternative to 1283 – refund difference of intended cost of writes. Magicians thread on 1283 alternatives and thread on invariants.
- New ConstantiNOPE client releases by which the fork was avoided (update if you haven’t): Geth, Parity (stable) and beta, Trinity, Nethermind, Pantheon, Ethereum on ARM
- Constantinople is set for block 7280000, around Feb 27. EIP1283 is not included.
Layer 1
- [eth1] Ethereum State Rent Proof of Concept
- [eth2] Ben Edgington: exploring Eth2.0 design goals
- [eth2] James Prestwich: An engineer’s guide to eth2. See also Vitalik’s annotations.
- [eth2] Latest Eth2.0 implementers call. agenda to follow along
- [eth2] What’s New in Eth2
- [eth2] Prysmatic dev update
- [eth2] Lighthouse dev update
- [eth2] Lodestar dev update
- [eth2] Dean Eigenmann and Eric Tu are implementing the Beacon Chain in Swift
- [eth2.x] What CBCifying the beacon chain would look like
- [eth2.x] Bitwise LMD GHOST: an efficient CBC Casper fork choice rule
- Swarm v0.3.9
Layer 2
- OmiseGo Plasma update
- Encumberments as a common mechanism in sharding and L2
- Plasma snapp-1-bit
- Aragon’s Voting Relay Protocol for optimistic vote counting
- Connext dev update
- Loredana Cirstea on building CryptoBotWars on Raiden
Stuff for developers
- 0x dev tools suite: compiler, tracer, code coverage measurer, and gas profiler
- Trail of Bits’ Slither v0.5.0 static analyzer
- Panvala’s first token grant applications
- A flow chart analyzing the potential EIP1283 attack
- Using the Truebit file system
- Rust bindings for the Solidity compiler
- Python REST api for JSON-RPC Infura calls
- On efficient Eth addresses to eek out gas savings
- Automatic authentication signatures for web3
- Mintable’s SDK to generate ERC-721s
- Piñata on IPFS economics. And an SDK for pinning on IPFS with Piñata
- Web3 yeet wraps most common web3js operations for one line use
- draft of code for ENS permanent registrar
Live on mainnet
- Augur interface Veil launches on mainnet
- STK payment channels live on mainnet
- Urbit Address Space live on mainnet. You may find the Urbit Primer useful
- The Year in Ethereum 2018. #longreads
- Andrew Keys’ 2019 predictions
- New ENS manager
- Parity Fether v0.2 beta light-client based wallet
- Austin Griffith: onboarding new users with Burner Wallet point of sale
- New Etherscan beta site
- Quorum v2.2.1 and Tessera v0.8
- Oaken Innovations’ toll road transactions pilot
Governance and Standards
- Latest core devs call. Agenda to follow along.
- List of Aragon proposals up for a vote on the 24th.
- 2019: the year of the DAO?
- Kristy-Leigh Minehan on ProgPoW tradeoffs between Nvidia and AMD
- ERC1710: URL format for web3 browsers
- ERC1700: non-exhaustible token
- ERC1702: generalized account versioningscheme
- ERC1707: version byte prefix for account versioning
Application layer
- 0x roadmap: ZEIPs. Also a new look 0xTracker.
- Understanding the risk/reward of providing Uniswap liquidity
- Ari Juels on Chainlink and TownCrier
- Brave’s opt-in ads paying 70% to user are live in their dev release. I tried it – slightly unexpected, but I like it.
- Monetha’s decentralized reputation framework
- Ryan Yi on Augur’s dispute resolution mechanism and US Congressional elections
- Gnosis to prime the liquidity pump for DutchX with some DAI/ETH orders
- Althea beta release “to dynamically route, buy, and sell bandwidth” with Eth
- Maker to completely rebuild Oasis and will remove OasisDex and frontends on Jan31
Interviews, Podcasts, Videos, Talks
- Multiparty Computations episode of Zero Knowledge
- Andrew Keys talks ConsenSys 2.0 on Decentralize This
- Decentralized Data Now call. Formerly open source block explorers
- Andy Bromberg on the Smartest Contract
- Settle’s Scott Lewis on Into the Ether
Tokens / Business / Regulation
- Status app store curation mechanism
- Brooklyn Project: the state of regulation in 2019
- Continuous Organizations 1.0
- de la Rouviere: Moloch DAO and collapsing the firm
- Implementing secp256k1 on Secure Scuttlebutt (SSB) to create cross-platform Ethereum-Scuttlebutt applications
- Ex-BitTorrent employee Simon Morris on lessons for crypto from BitTorrent (link to part 1 of 4)
- CBInsights: how blockchain could disrupt insurance
- Shapeshift on 2018 law enforcement requests
- Profile of DuckDuckGo and founder Gabe Weinberg
- Gitcoin planning on experimenting with Liberal Radicalism with its grants
Dates of Note
Upcoming dates of note (new in bold):
- Jan 23 – Infura Project ID prioritization
- Jan 24 – List of things for Aragon vote, including on funding original AragonOne team
- Jan 25 – Graph Day (San Francisco)
- Jan 29-30 – AraCon (Berlin)
- Jan 30 – Feb 1 – Stanford Blockchain Conference
- Jan 31 – GörliCon (Berlin)
- Jan 31 – Maker to remove OasisDEX and frontends
- Feb 7-8 – Melonport’s M1 conf (Zug)
- Feb 7 – 0x and Coinlist virtual hackathon ends
- Feb 15-17 – ETHDenver hackathon (ETHGlobal)
- Feb 27 – Constantinople (block 7280000)
- Mar 4 – Ethereum Magicians (Paris)
- Mar 5-7 – EthCC (Paris)
- Mar 8-10 – ETHParis (ETHGlobal)
- Mar 8-10 – EthUToronto
- Mar 22 – Zero Knowledge Summit 0x03 (Berlin)
- Mar 27 – Infura end of legacy key support
- April 8-14 – Edcon hackathon and conference (Sydney)
- Apr 19-21 – ETHCapetown (ETHGlobal)
- May 10-11 – Ethereal (NYC)
- May 17 – Deadline to accept proposals for Instanbul upgrade fork
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