Eth News and Links
- Snapshot acceleration in Geth. Part of Péter Szilágyi’s Ask about Geth series
- KV witness, an alternative block witness proposal
- An economic review of eth2: how having less than 1% issuance in proof of stake results in greater chain security than proof of work
- Afri’s updated benchmarking of eth2 client performance
- Latest Prysmatic client update – better memory management, more test coverage
- Latest Lodestar client update – syncs to Altona, doesn’t stay synced yet
- Lodestar tooling – BLS keygen, Simple Serialize, ENR decoder
- RuntimeVerification formally verified safety and liveness with Coq in the beacon chain
- A minimum polynomial commitment scheme implementation
- How to run the eth2 fuzzer and make eth2 more secure
- The incentives to stake your own eth: don’t need to be online as much, less likely to be slashed
- Zkopru – an optimistic rollup using zk proofs for 100 private transactions per second. Live on testnet, supports ETH, ERC20, and ERC721 tokens
- Against PoS for leader election in rollups
- Mass migration to prevent user lockin in rollups
- Matic does 7200 tps on testnet
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Stuff for developers
- snarkJS v3: native WASM, BN128 and BLS12-381 support, works in nodejs and browser
- Brownie v1.10 with expanded call traces
- Remix IDE v0.10.3 – unit testing plugin refactored
- Intro to building with Eth and USDC
- Factories: deploy contracts within contracts easily and efficiently
- Austin Griffith’s Scaffold-eth tutorial for beginners: see your frontend with your Solidity code
- Dapphero tutorial on connecting your frontend with just html
- OKCoin provides signed price feed as free API endpoint conforming to Compound’s Open Price Feed
- Delegation and voting in Compound with EIP712 sigs
- Use the Diamond proxy standard to get around max contract size limit
- ENS will have a decaying price premium for newly released names on Aug 2
- – frontend that tells you how much you’ve spent on gas
- Camila Russo’s Infinite Machine book on early Eth history came out this week
- Quorum v2.7 – add new members to private contracts, protect JSON RPC APIs interface
- Hyperledger Besu v1.5 – better mining support, better tracing, plugin API block events
- Singapore’s Project Ubin phase 5: “successful development of a domestic multi-currency payments network prototype.” Built on Quorum
- EIP2780 – make ETH send cost 16360 gas instead of 21000
- ERC725 v2 – contract based account with attachable key value store
Application layer
- Otoco: instantly form a Delaware LLC from your Eth wallet
- Understanding pooled staking in Nexus Mutual which led to substantially more cover being available for popular apps
- Request Network now has DAI invoices (I used it for the job listing below, it was easy)
- Celer launches Taito’s classic Bust-a-move game
- DAI passed 200m minted this week. Currently at 220m
- Mashable: DeFi could become the next big thing in finance
- ETH2 staking: the birth of a digital bond
- On verifying token-based systems
- Why merchants should accept DAI
- The most prominent Twitter accounts got hacked this week in a crude BTC phishing which shines light on the fact that Twitter DMs are not e2e encrypted
- Nim: syntax like python and efficiency like C. Language of the eth2 nimbus client
- Playing with GossipSub and PubSub playground
- Trivial collisions in IOTA’s hash function. A recurring theme
- Matthew Green: Signal’s questionable decision to rely on SGX
Job Listings
- The Request team is looking for a fully remote full stack engineer
- Celer Network: Android developer
- 0x is looking for all types of devs: full-stack, back-end, and front-end engineers
- Trail of Bits is looking for an elite blockchain security engineer
- Build Chainlink as a Software Engineer, Test Engineer, or Product Manager!
Want your job listing here? $250 per line (~75 character limit including spaces), payable in ETH/DAI/USDC to evan.ethereum.eth. Questions? thecryptonewspodcast at-gmail
Follow me on Twitter @evan_van_ness to get the annotated edition of this newsletter on Monday or Tuesday. Plus I tweet most of what makes it into the newsletter.
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Dates of Note
Upcoming dates of note (new/changes in bold):
- July 20 – Fork the World MetaCartel hackathon
- July 21 – Personal Token (online) Summit
- July 28 – Augur v2 launch
- July 30 – EEA’s Ethereum in the Enterprise 2020 virtual conference
- July 31-Aug 9 – Colorado Lottery & EthDenver Game Jam hackathon
- Aug 2 – ENS grace period begins to end
- Aug 28-29 – Chainlink’s Smart Contract Virtual Summit
- Jul9 – Aug30 – EthPlanet’s Summer Camp virtual event series
- Oct 2-Oct 30 – EthOnline hackathon
- Nov 6-Nov 7 – virtual Trufflecon