- Karl Floersch: Casper & Smart Contract Consensus
- Karl and Vlad talk Casper
- Vitalik on inflation: “Once Casper comes out, ~0.5-2% annual seems feasible. Once we add partial tx fee burning and if fees go up, may go to 0 or lower.”
- We raised the block gas limit from 4.7m to 6.7m, thus making room for more transactions
- But we could do more? To quote from two issues ago: “Per Vitalik, we’d be fine with an 8m-13m gas limit”
- Congratulations to everyone who helped get the limits raised. It took lots of work to override defaults and inertia. Makes me wonder how the Tezos founders will ever not get their way in governance decisions when they hold ~20%.
- At the moment a 4 gwei gas price (~2 cents) will get confirmed in a minute and a half
- Matthew Di Ferrante: Towards Responsible Token Sales
Protocol and releases
- Audio of last Friday’s Core Dev call. Agenda
- Momentum appears to be building for EIP 186 to reduce mining rewards from 5 ETH to 3 ETH.
- Vitalik argued around 1:23:00 that the probability is low that the price could drop just enough that 3 ETH was an inadequate mining reward but 5 ETH was enough for network security
- 5 ETH at 25 sec/block (where we’ll be in Sept) is roughly equivalent to 3 ETH at 15 sec/block
- Some talk of possibly doing two forks
- Istanbul Byzantine Fault Tolerance EIP650
- Dunning_Krugerrands’ ELI5 for EWASM
- Formalization of the EVM in K. Also: Reddit thread
- Bamboo compiler producing executable EVM bytecode from Yoichi Hirai
- Py-EVM Part 2: Opcodes
Stuff for developers
- Underhanded Solidity Coding Contest – who can write the trickiest code?
- Want to contribute to the EthereumJS Team?
- Structure of an LLL Contract, part 2
- “a way to send tokens so that you can pay for the gas of moving them from any account, not just the recipient account.”
- Also EIP662 & Reddit thread
- Easy ways you can contribute to the python ethereum ecosystem
- Ethereum’s Stack Exchange graduates out of beta.
- Jim McDonald: Intro to Ethereum Payment Channels and Building payment channels
- State channel reading list
- Solidity v0.4.12
- Truffle v3.3.0
- TestRPC v.4.0.0
- Embark v2.5.0
- Open Zeppelin v1.1.0, including standard token sale code
- Remix IDE is updated to let you directly interact with files on your local computer
- Hudson Jameson: Accounts, Transactions, Gas, and Block Gas Limits in Ethereum
- Bob Summerwill on what’s been happening at the EEA
- More Bob: why you shouldn’t always expect transparency from the EEA
- The latest issue of Etherian
- 30 New dApps were listed on State of Dapps ethereum directory this week
- MyEtherWallet’s design winners
- Two mining pools currently have 50+% of hash rate.
- Alex Miller: Microgrids aren’t the answer. Ethereum is.
- Slovenia’s government is committed to supporting its blockchain projects like and Iconomi
- Infographic: What Happens When you Send a Transaction via MyEtherWallet
- ‘thetoken.eth’ now has subdomains for all major tokens
- State of the ENS: week 8
- Mahesh Murthy debuts Zastrin, the evolution of his Ethereum tutorials
Project Announcements
- Trutheum – crowdfunded Wikileaks
- Macroverse – data middleware for video games
- – decentralized noise monitoring
- A decentralized prostitution site was announced, but its white paper is wholly plaigarized
Project Updates
- KyberNetwork: Addressing cryptoasset liquidity and general overview
- Unlike Tezos, Status is not going to make trades that impact the price of ETH
- Make sure to convert your SGT to SNT
- Iconomi beta is open to those who participated in their token sale
- George Hallam: What is Melon?
- Numerai reduces NMR payouts by 90%
- Coinbase’s Token is now called Toshi
- OmegaOne whitepaper
Interviews and Talks
- YCombinator talks to IPFS’ Juan Benet
- María P Gomez joins Aragon. Good read, she seems perfect for the role.
- Sadly there was quite a bit of misogyny in the Ethtrader comments. Boo.
- Q&A with Aragon’s Luis Cuende
- The Bitcoin Podcast talks to Neufund
- Arthur Falls talks token sale legality
- Vitalik’s Cryptoeconomic talk at BlockchainNZ in early May
Token Sale Projects
- Announcing the 0x Token (ZRX) Launch
- Linda Xie: A beginner’s guide to 0x
- 0x technical overview video
- Announcing the Decentraland sale
- More details on the Decentraland sale
- ICOStats – keep meaning to mention this: check Eth price vs tokens
- REXMLS Token Sale Announcement and 12 Month Roadmap
Token Sales
- ConsenSys Diligence – helping projects with token sale security
- Nick Johnson: Token Sales done better – FunFair
- Colony’s Jack Du Rose in Venturebeat: Ethereum startups don’t need Silicon Valley
- Fred Ehrsam with a scaling overview
- CNBC’s Bitcoin v Ethereum explainer vid
- Daimler issues a bond on a private Ethereum chain, presumably on Monax/Burrow
- People start a rumor that Vitalik is dead to crash Ether’s price, Vitalik responds with a blockchain proof-of-life
- The Tapscotts’ WEForum blockchain paper
- A guide to running an Ethereum node on a Raspberry Pi
- “ConsenSys Capital is coming” – Andrew Keys
- Financial Post’s history of Ethereum actually had a few details I hadn’t heard before
- “Michael Novogratz says cryptocurrencies would be worth more than $5 trillion in 5 years”
Dates of note
From Token Sale Calendar:
Upcoming token sale start dates:
- July 4 – Santiment community only (July 5 – Priority Pass, July 6 – public)
- July 7 – Blocktix
- July 12 – Dent
- July 15 – Harbour DAO
- July 18 – ACT
- July 18 – district0x
- July 19 – Aventus
- July 20 – Propy
- July 23 – MyBit
- July 24 – Everex
- July 31 – RexMLS
- August 8 – Decentraland
- August 8 – Indorse
- August 15 – Ox Protocol (mandatory registration Aug 9-12)
- August 22 – Monetha
- September 5 – Viberate
- September 13 – Unikoin
Ongoing token sales:
You can find this calendar updated daily at
[I aim for a relatively comprehensive list of Ethereum sales, but make no warranty as to even whether they are legit; as such, I thus likewise warrant nothing about whether any will produce a satisfactory return. I have passed the CFA exams, but this is not investment advice. If you’re interested in what I do, you can find my investing thesis and token sale appreciation strategies in previous newsletters.]
Newsletter housekeeping
Some time in early August, there will be an announcement that I’ve joined ConsenSys. Here’s a logo to draw your eye in case you were going to skip over this section:

I’m very excited about this move and will have significantly more to say in the future. The newsletters should become more regular again! In the meantime, I wanted to make it clear so that you can judge whether I favor ConsenSys projects.
My charge from Joe Lubin is pretty similar to what Status has told me: keep telling the truth and covering the space objectively, even if the truth hurts.
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