Week in Ethereum News
July 24, 2021

Eth News and Links

Mainnet execution layer


Proof of stake consensus layer

  • Draft EIP3675: Upgrade consensus to Proof-of-Stake
  • Validators need to update their execution clients for the London consensus issue, validators running Prysm need to update Prysm
  • Lighthouse client update: focusing on Altair upgrade, doppelganger support and networking overhaul


  • Reddit scaling Community Points using an Arbitrum rollup: starting with Rinkeby testnet then migrating to mainnet
  • Celer cBridge v1.0: instant token transfer between Ethereum, Arbitrum and selected sidechains
  • StarkNet Alpha 1: Layer1<>Layer2 messaging protocol and onchain data availability via state diff published to Ethereum

This newsletter is made possible thanks to Celer!


Celer cBridge v1.0 is now live on mainnet! Users are now able to use cBridge to instantly transfer tokens across Ethereum, Arbitrum, Polygon and Binance Smart Chain, with many more side chain and layer-2 chain integrations planned for in the near future. Anyone can run a cBridge node to join the cBridge Network and provide cross-chain and cross-layer liquidity while generating yields through transaction fees.

Stuff for developers

  • Hardhat v2.5.0: Hardhat Network support for London
  • Brownie v1.15.0: Multicall context manager, Solidity 0.8 typed errors, EIP712 message signing, hardware wallet support, and Vyper v0.2.14
  • Permit Singleton: meta transaction transfers for already deployed ERC20/721/1155 tokens via a singleton contract per network
  • micro-eth-signer updated for London and Berlin
  • abi-to-sol v0.3.0: adds a web UI and improved support for older Solidity versions
  • Ledger plugins to parse transaction fields and build custom displays for smart contracts
  • Don’t use spot price as an oracle
  • Beginner tutorial: send transactions in React via useDapp




Application layer



  • Detect NSO Group’s Pegasus phone malware, used to target activists, politicians and journalists
  • Security analysis of Telegram, vulnerabilities disclosed in message reordering, encrypted message detection, plaintext recovery of encrypted messages and attacker in the middle
  • Chrome patches 8th zero day vulnerability this year, reports of exploit in the wild
  • DuckDuckGo Email Protection beta: removes email trackers from @duck.com and unique private email addresses

Job Listings

Want to reach people experienced with Ethereum? List your job here. $345 per line (~75 character limit including spaces), payable in ETH (or 345 DAI or 345 USDC) to abcoathup.eth. Questions? abcoathup at-gmail

Follow @WeekinEthNews to find out what the most clicked links are. Follow @evan_van_ness and @abcoathup to get most of the week’s news in real time.

Permalink for this week’s issue: https://weekinethereumnews.com/week-in-ethereum-news-july-24-2021/

Dates of Note

Upcoming dates of note (new/changes in bold):

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