Ethereum News and Links
- Counterfactual: generalized state channels. Academic paper. Also Jeff Coleman Reddit comment on the history and progress of state channels. The rest of that Reddit thread is worth reading as well.
- Tom Close: Minimal Progamable State Channels
- Latest Casper standup call
- Drake: Committee-based sharded Casper.
- Drake: 1-bit BLS aggregation-friendly custody bonds
- More Justin Drake: “we are considering changing the Ethereum 2.0 roadmap to skip Casper FFG with 1500 ETH deposits. Instead Casper and sharding validators would be unified from the get-go in the beacon chain, and deposits would be 32 ETH.” Two less technical Reddit threads worth reading: one and two.
- Prysmatic’s geth sharding implementation update
- Hsiao-Wei Wang: what you can do for sharding slide deck. Nice sharding overview in there as well.
- Latest Plasma implementation calls: this week and two weeks ago
- an “alternative light-client concept for plasma chain clients”
- Dan Robinson: Plasma Debit. payment channels on Plasma Cash?
- Loi Luu video talk on Kyber’s Gormos scalability project: application specific “plasma plus sharding”
- Ben Jones, Kelvin Fichter: More Viable Plasma
- Alexey Akhunov: latest on Turbo-Geth
Stuff for developers
- First Vyper beta release
- Truper: compile vyper contracts to truffle compatible artifacts.
- Karen Scarbrough: A guide to generalized state channels for developers. And part 2.
- Connext on becoming a network for projects to open hubs
- Human readable contract ABIs using ethers.js
- sol2proto – Amis’s first step to Contract as a Service
- hevm: an EVM implementation for unit testing from Dapphub
- ethQL: a graphQL interface from ConsenSys
- Loom SDK out in public beta with long update on their plans
- dappeteer: e2e testing with Puppeteer + MetaMask
- libSTARK: C++ library for Starks from EliBen-Sasson
- Thetta DAO framework v0.1. Github repo
- Eth dev with Go online guide book
- Cryptographic javascript-functions for Ethereum with web3js tutorials
- INCUBED client – a network of server nodes for Slockit’s IoT devices
- How Weeve puts an Eth wallet in trusted enclave
- Latest Open Block Explorers call
- John Wolpert on the future of private and public blockchains
- Introducing EthIndia and EthBerlin applications are open
- Vitalik’s ELI5 on the difference between full and archive nodes
- Tips on applying for ECF grants
- Geth v1.8.11: 28% less disk usage, 23% faster block processing, increased memory stability
Governance and Standards
- Casey Detrio on what happened to EIP648 (tldr: disk I/O is bottleneck, not CPU)
- ERC721 finished last call and is finalized
- Dean Eigenmann: against community governance
- Avsa: governance of the .ETH namespace and ENS foundation
- PoA Network governance model
Project Updates
- Augur bounty program opens tomorrow before full launch on July 9
- Bloomberg on the Decentraland land rush
- Dharma 3 month roadmap: improve dharma.js API, better documentation, standardize terms on some debt agreements
- Maker: a Dai primer
- Now much easier to pay in tokens like Dai on Gitcoin
- How Golem wants to use SGX for computational integrity and privacy
- FunFair to seek platform licenses so casino operators don’t have to get their own license
- TrustWallet to sell its tokens on Kyber
- Brave at 2.7m MAUs and giving away 500k more in BAT
- 0x’s vision, mission and core values
- Andy Warhol work to be auctioned by Maecenas
Interviews, Podcasts, Videos, Talks
- Truebit’s Harley Swick on Hashing It Out
- Grigore Rosu talks K framework on Epicenter
- Joey Krug with Laura Shin
- 5 mins of Joey Krug’s story of risktaking leading him to Augur
- Meher Roy gets interviewed by Decrypt Asia
- Glen Weyl lecture on Radical Markets at Google
- Video of Kyber Network’s event last week
- Griff Green revisits The DAO on Zero Knowledge
- SEC’s William Hinman: “current offers and sales of Ether are not securities transactions.”
- CFTC Commissioner Rostin Behnam: “Blockchain is more than technology: it is an advance that reaches out into every aspect of life.”
- Colony’s Hackathon is an MVP of perpetual inflation to incentivize developers.
- Etherisc: democratizing insurance using blockchain
- A compendium of NFT links
- Ujo: expanding collectibles for artists
- Incentivized music curation with curved bonding rewards
- What if BitTorrent had a token? More lessons learned from p2p file sharing by John Backus
- Leigh Cuen reports on Code to Inspire offering Afghan women opportunities to earn Eth for completing tasks
- How Polkadot is addressing the big issues in blockchain
- Academic paper claiming Bitfinex/Tether manipulated Bitcoin price. I skimmed and did not see reason to update my priors. Still maybe.
- Coinbase Index Fund is now open.
- VB answers a few technical questions on Marginal Revolution.
- Irish newspaper interviews Joe Lubin
- Discussion of 20 psychological biases around money that is getting passed around in crypto circles this last week
- A year after the sale, Tezos adds KYC/AML
- WSJ on big pharma companies tracking supply chains using Ethereum.
Dates of Note
Upcoming dates of note:
- June 24 – Colony online hackathon finishes
- June 25 – Etherisc token sale starts
- June 28 – BuildEth (San Francisco)
- June 30 – Solidity Gas Golfing challenge deadline
- June 30-July1 – Off the chain state channel workshop (Berlin)
- July 6-7 – TechCrunch blockchain and Ethereum events (Zug)
- July 9 – Augur scheduled to launch
- July 12-18 – IC3 Eth Bootcamp (Ithaca, NY)
- July 14-15 – FEM governance meetings in Berlin
- July 19-20 – DappCon (Berlin)
- July 24-26 — NIFTY hackathon and NFT conference (Hong Kong)
- August 3-4 – Discon (Boulder, CO)
- August 10-12 – EthIndia hackathon (Bangalore)
- September 6 – Security unconference (Berlin)
- September 7-9 – EthBerlin hackathon
- September 7-9 – WyoHackathon (Wyoming)
- Oct 5-7 – TruffleCon in Portland
- Oct 5-7 – EthSanFrancisco hackathon
- Oct 22-24 – Web3Summit (Berlin)
- Oct 30 – Nov 2 – Devcon4 (Prague)
- December – EthSingapore hackathon
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