News and Links
- Casper FFG v0.2 with partial slashing
- Casper FFG schedule for decline of mining rewards
- Latest Casper standup
- VB: RANDAO beacon exploitability analysis, round 2
- Prysmatic’s sharding implementation update
- VB: Extending minimal sharding with cross-links
- Justin Drake: proof of independent execution
- Xuanji Li: Plasma limbo Exits and Challenging Fraudulent Exits
- Sourabh Niyogi: Plasma Cash with Sparse Merkle Trees, Bloom filters & Probabilistic Transfers
- Hamdi Allam: structure for Plasma validators to earn fees even if confirm signature is unbroadcasted
Stuff for developers
- RingCT PoC token live on Ropsten
- Facu Spagnuolo: Ethereum (and EVM) in depth, pt 1
- Yoichi’s release notes on Bamboo v0.0.03
- Analyzing two honeypots
- Solium 2 min demo video
- Participatory random numbers through repeated hashing
- LLL: a viable alternative to Solidity?
- Embark v3 release notes
- Update on Pyramid language
- Loom’s Unity SDK to make it easy to integrate with their dappchain on the backend
- Groundhog: smart contract escrows for ERC948 recurring payments
- eth-auth: validate control of an address by decoding signing of auth token
- dot-abi-cli: framework for generating CLIs from ABI
- Truffle and VueJS tutorial
- Truffle, Oraclize, ethereum-bridge and Webpack tutorial
- Setting up a multi node Swarm network tutorial
- Practical decompilation of Ethereum contracts
- Online Solidity decompiler
- Devcon4 in Prague on Oct 30th to Nov 2nd.
- Swarm Summit summaries: day 1, day 2, day 3
- Gathering of the security/audit community at EthBerlin?
- The new MyCrypto is out of beta with all its new features, mobile Parity signer, scheduled transactions with Chronologic, better gas slider, automatic selection of most performant node, request payments, etc
- Dexy launches in bug beta. Permissionless token listing for erc20, 223 and 777 standards, centralized low latency orderbook for now. Their audit found a bug in the Solidity compiler.
- EEA client spec v1.0 released
- Amazon unveils ConsenSys’ Kaleido in AWS for private Geth/Quorum enterprise networks using various consensus protocols with option to store a block hash on mainnet
- Taipei Fubon Commercial Bank deploys Quorum-based payment system for merchants using Istanbul BFT
- Solidity 0.4.24: null pointer detection, multi variable declarations and storage variables for the SMT component
- Parity 1.11.1 beta. Private transactions, faster warp sync, transaction queue optimizations, etc. Also, Parity’s improved security processes
- Geth v1.8.8
- Remix IDE v0.6.3 – now uses ethers.js, ux changes, etc
Governance and Standards
- ERC1077: users sign messages to show intent, but allow 3rd party to execute
- ERC1078: a design method to replace the usual signup/login design pattern.
- Avsa’s talk at the UX unconf on the 2 ERCs above and discussion thread.
- ERC1082: standard to trade tokens across blockchains via atomic swap
- ERC1080: Recoverable token standard for loss or chargebacks
- ERCs 1072 and 1084 merged into ERC721
- ERC1085: common genesis.json format
- ERC1087: Net gas metering for SSTORE operations
Project Updates
- UjoMusic is live on the Ethereum mainnet
- Jaak on their evolution towards a universal music ownership database
- Aragon Q1 dev update. Also they’ve officially split off the current team into a for profit entity, so that the foundation can also fund competitive teams
- Golem’s new promo and demo videos
- TrustWallet deeplinking: user hits link, downloads TrustWallet, automatically goes to dapp URL destination
- How to create a product for Streamr marketplace. HPE and Nokia will be in the marketplace.
- Livepeer network economics update on transcoder performance
- Intel and iExec working together on offchain computing using SGX
- Numerai locked up 3m tokens (~45m USD) for 10 years
- Brave with big performance improvements for users with too many open tabs
- 0x Protocol v2 launch around July 30, with erc721 and ability to add more standards, user friendly info for signing messages, support for more signature types, etc. Also check out its report on all its relayers
- ERC dex to offer market makers 0% fees plus a rebate.
- Augur to deploy to mainnet on July 9. Joey Krug tweetstorm on building Augur
Interviews, Podcasts, Videos, Talks
- Phil Daian talks rent on Zero Knowledge
- CZ from Binance on Epicenter
- Watch POA Network transfer 1.2m POA tokens (then ~1m USD) from its sidechain to Ethereum back to sidechain
- Tomasz Drwiega talk on Parity’s tech stack
- Print interview with Jack DuRose from Colony
- Ledger’s Thomas France on BoostVC podcast
- EthLondon: Kleros, CreditMint, ArtEvo
- Mimir’s Hunter Prendergast and Forrest Marshall on Hashing It Out
- Fluidity Summity morning and afternoon sessions
- Ethereal talks
- Videos from the web3 UX unconf in Toronto. Also interviews with participants on Zero Knowledge podcast
- Laura Shin interview on UN’s World Food Programme Ethereum-based program for refugees
- Hudson Jameson talks governance with Jeff Tong
- Aya Miyaguchi with Laura Shin
- Brendan Eich on This Week in Startups
- The Brooklyn Project’s framework for consumer tokens
- SEC releases HoweyCoins parody of scam
- Token Utility Canvas. a framework for token design
- Santiment keeps adding features to Sanbase
- CME launches ETHUSD reference rates using … only Kraken and Bitstamp?
- Sia’s David Vorick with a must read on why proof of work inherently leads to centralization
- Vitalik points out EOS consensus protocol mistakes
- FedEx’s Fred Smith says blockchain is “the next frontier” for supply chains and logistics.
- Bitmain leads $107m round for Circle plus $136m for tokenized USD
- New family of consensus protocols?
- Coinbase suite of institutional products. They also get a Washington Post profile
- CNLedger says Chinese IT Ministry ranked 28 cryptos, with ETH first.
Dates of Note
Upcoming dates of note:
- May 17-19 – Melonport hackthon in Zug
- May 18-20 – EthMemphis hackathon
- May 19-20 – Hacketh (Warsaw)
- May 25 – 27 – EthBuenosAires hackathon
- May 28 – Zeppelin’s zepcon0 conference (Buenos Aires)
- June 1 – Blockchain for Social Impact Conference (Washington, DC)
- July 14-15 – FEM governance meetings in Berlin
- September 7-9 – EthBerlin hackathon
- Oct 30 – Nov 2 – Devcon4 (Prague)
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I’m thankful that ConsenSys has brought me on and given me time to do this newsletter.

Editorial control is 100% me. If you’re unhappy with editorial decisions, blame me first and last.
Shameless self-promotion
Most of what I link to I tweet first: @evan_van_ness
This newsletter is supported by ConsenSys