Eth News and Links
Mainnet execution layer
- Why we needed to increase gas for state access opcodes. Hubert Ritzdorf, Matthias Egli and Daniel Perez had found a cheap way to spam attack the network. Dynamic state snapshots in Geth as mitigation in combination with EIP2929 and EIP2930.
- EIP1559 cheatsheet for wallet devs & users
- London testnet Baikal shows EIP1559 transaction data in block explorer
- Beiko’s core devs update: an overview of progress on London and turning off PoW
- Turbo-Geth renaming to Erigon, also reimplementing Erigon into C++ and Rust clients named Silkworm and Akula respectively
- Vitalik’s dust cleanup ideas
- EIP3584: Block Access List
Proof of stake consensus layer
- Latest PoS implementers call. Notes from Ben Edgington and Alex Stokes. Client improvements and getting ready for Altair upgrade
- Teku speeds up syncing with weak subjectivity checkpoints and Infura
- Nimbus v1.3.0: safer and easier options to migrate from other clients
- Latest what’s new in PoS. Ben’s view is that PoW switch off is more likely to happen in Q1 2022 than this year
- Kris Kaczor’s tweetstorm comparing Arbitrum and Optimism’s optimistic rollups
- Etherscan now provides a block explorer for Optimism
- The Verifier’s Dilemma in-depth for fraud proof systems
- Connext’s virtual AMMs and liquidity auctions for load balancing in cross-chain swaps
- An overview of the differences between optimistic rollups and zk rollups
- Patrick McCorry: the bridge determines what is Layer 2
This newsletter is made possible thanks to Celer!

Celer is a coherent layer-2 scaling platform on Ethereum powered by Generalized State Channel Network and Rollup technology.
Celer recently launched, a layer-2 rollup-based DeFi aggregator that acts as a low-cost and trust-free gateway for the users to explore and benefit from the existing DeFi ecosystem with 100X lower cost. achieves scalability “in-place” with no protocol migration needed and therefore, does not cause liquidity fragmentation or break composability. You can use the app here:
Follow Celer on twitter, blog, discord and telegram.
Stuff for developers
- Ethers v5.2.0, custom contract errors, detect replacement transactions
- Starlight: EY’s prototype transpiler to write ZKapps in Solidity
- The most popular secp256k1 library (elliptic) for node & browsers is lightly maintained. Consider switching to noble
- EVM tool to run ABI encoded data for a receiver, sender and block
- evm-fp: multiplies by 1e18 to make tests more declarative
- GSN v2’s decentralized meta transaction relayers launches with better relay routing and anti-griefing protections: allow users to pay gas in any token/fiat
- Wallet devs join the London Infrastructure Readiness call, includes what naming to expose to users
- A tutorial on using Splunk to analyze Geth metrics, logs and ledger data
- Share with web devs – we need them: Austin Griffith scaffold-eth onboarding video for web2 devs
- freeCodeCamp’s intro to web3
- Binance’s chain suffers multiple attacks:
- Bunny Finance ~$45m lost in economic exploit by manipulating the BUNNY mint price
- Venus’s $100m+ in cascading liquidations from manipulating price reported by a Chainlink oracle
- bEarn $11m lost due to bug in internal withdraw logic
- Analysis of Meebit NFT rare mint claim exploit
- yEarn finds flaw in yvWETH MakerDAO strategy accounting logic; no funds lost
- Ethereum will use ~99.95% less energy when we switch off proof of work
- Vitalik burns 90% of their remaining dog meme tokens with message: plans to donate 10% and asks projects not to give him tokens/power without consent
- Out: “seed phrase.” In: “secret recovery phrase”
- Addressing common criticisms about Ethereum
- Coinbase Wallet browser extension: confirm transactions on mobile app
- Birra Peroni goes live on mainnet using EY OpsChain Traceability to notarize information and tokenize goods as NFTs
Application layer
- DeFi performance during ETH price drop: DEX $10B volume day
- Uniswap V3 flipped V2 to be number one DEX
- The Wharton School: DeFi Beyond the Hype
- Dark Forest v0.6 game is live: series of rounds over 2-3 months
- Rick and Morty co-creator Dan Harmon’s new animated series Krapoplis to use NFT marketplace
- Charlie Bit My Finger video to be deleted from YouTube after being auctioned as NFT
- US Federal Reserve to release discussion paper in summer (US) on digital payments and establishing a CBDC
- US proposal for businesses to report $10k+ crypto transactions to IRS
- Three Chinese financial industry groups announced member institutions shall not conduct business related to virtual currency
- Placeholder VC: Isomorphism in DAO governance
- Proposed roadmap for Synthetix: 4 subprojects will get their own token for coordinating micro-incentives within the projects
- UK Conservative MP mentions ETH flipping BTC in parliament speech
- If Ethereum was a public company: Ethereum Q1 results – transaction fees up 200x to $1.7 billion compared to $8 million in Q1 2020
- Dankrad Feist explains what a 51% attack can and can’t do
- Vitalik: Limits to blockchain scalability
- Social consensus is Layer 0 of blockchains
- Run Node.js natively in the browser, with plans to get Hardhat working in a WebContainer
- Wired’s account of RSA getting cracked in 2011
- If you run Windows, installing a CIS language keyboard can help keep your machine malware-free
Job Listings
- Quant (options trading) is hiring for Solidity, full stack, & designers
- Very large game company looking for devs/marketing for NFT product
- WalletConnect: Tech Product Manager and DevOps/Backend Engineer
- Trail of Bits’ Blockchain Security Analyst Apprenticeship program
- Synthetix: Growth Marketer, Designer, Front End Eng and Blockchain Eng
Want your job listing here? $345 per line (~75 character limit including spaces), payable in ETH (or 345 DAI or 345 USDC) to abcoathup.eth. Questions? abcoathup at-gmail
If you’re wondering “why didn’t my post make it into Week in Ethereum News,” then please put it on an Ethereum subreddit; emails/DMs are not part of the workflow.
Follow @WeekinEthNews to find out what the most clicked are. Follow @evan_van_ness and @abcoathup to get most of the week’s news in real time.
Permalink for this week’s issue:
Dates of Note
Upcoming dates of note (new/changes in bold):
- May 26 – London Infrastructure Readiness call
- May 28 – optimistic rollup Arbitrum launches
- May 28-30 – ETHGlobal’s Web3 Weekend
- May 29 – Road to Devcon Quest: EthStaker Painting Party
- May 31 – deadline to apply for Eth core dev apprenticeship
- June 18 – July 9 – ETHGlobal – Hack Money 2021
- June 25-27 – Edcon (Shenzhen/online)
- July 10 – Road to Devcon Quest: Devcon Trivia Game
- July 14 – tentative date for London hard fork (Ropsten June 9, Goerli June 16, Rinkeby June 23)
- July 20-22 – EthCC4 (Paris)
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