Eth News and Links
- Péter Szilágyi’s snap sync, and some benchmarking of snap vs fast sync
- Discovery peer advertisement efficiency analysis, also applicable to eth2
- phase 0 spec v0.12 – added latest IETF standard. This is THE spec for the eth2 launch, barring any updates for bugs
- Lighthouse client update – BLS key implementation, under Trail of Bits audit, 300mb RAM to run 2000 validators
- Lodestar client update – syncing to both Schlesi and Topaz testnets
- Prysmatic client update – Schlesi fork post-mortem, slashing client and protection
- Fizzy v0.1 – WASM interpreter written in C++
- Carl Beekhuizen’s Eth2 keys explainer
- Fuel does a demo of Reddit’s community points in an optimistic rollup that reduces transaction fees by 60x
- Loopring to pass 1 million trades on its zk rollup in just 3 months of being live
- Gazelle (formerly Plasma Chamber) alpha release with an API for deposit, transfer and exit
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Stuff for developers
- web3js v1.2.8 with Ethers v5 ABI coder integration, ENS’s contenthash, and EIP-1193’s AbstractProvider
- Mocking Solidity code with Waffle
- A writeup of Solhint v3’s features
- How to get randomness onchain using Chainlink’s VRF
- Offchain voting for personal tokens, tutorial from Austin Griffith
- Gas and circuit constraint benchmarks of binary and quinary incremental Merkle trees using Poseidon
- Loopring’s new approach to generating frontend keys to sign offchain requests
- Hegic had to shut down again because of an exploit that Sam Sun reported weeks beforehand
- tBTC found a bug during their rollout; launch delayed
- Matic’s mainnet is in the process of going live
- non-custodial mixer is now trustless, with the admin function burned and the frontend available at
- Ethereum Foundation q1 update, including how EF thinks about funding
- Intro to dwebsites. dweb = ENS + IPFS (and equivalents)
- Network usage is at an all time high. With similar use of the Eth2 chain, Ethereum will have negative issuance of ETH because part of every transaction fee is burned
- Using Eth mainnet, Baseline Protocol privately and securely synchronizes data and business logic across SAP and Microsoft Dynamics
- Hyperledger Fabric founder John Wolpert’s common sense statement on using blockchain and Ethereum mainnet
- The Baseline Protocol as lean strategy
- Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation’s Project Whitney using Ethereum mainnet to “support private market securities, from issuance through secondary markets”
DAOs and Standards
- Aragon sues to avoid paying grantee a community-voted grant
- Exploring DAOs as a new kind of institution
- MetaCartel is becoming a DAO incubator
- ERC2665: ERC721 transfer fee extension
- EIP2666: Repricing of precompiles and Keccak256 function
Application layer
- Uniswap v2 launched, with more features – direct token pairs, price oracles, flash swaps, etc
- UMA launches the ETHBTC synthetic token, so you can bet on The Flippening
- idle v3 – stablecoin yield rebalancer adds dydx, USDT, and a risk-adjusted strategy
- Maker changes USDC stability fee to .75% and WBTC to 1%. Also, how Dai became a favorite in Latin America
- Argent launches v1 of smart contract wallet with one touch access to TokenSets, PoolTogether, Aave, Uniswap V2, Compound, Maker and Kyber.
- 5 things crypto can learn from Visa’s struggle for adoption in the 1970s
- WBTC mints another 1500 BTC on May 21. There’s now 5200 BTC on Ethereum compared to less than 3000 BTC on Lightning and Liquid combined
- Blockchain code as antitrust, Schrepel and Buterin paper
- ETH to soon surpass BTC on Bitcoiners’ preferred stock-to-flow metric
- Staking will turn Ethereum into a functional store of value
- KYC puts lives at risk: BlockFi hack leaks client name, address, and crypto addresses. Similarly, a hacker claims to have exploited Shopify for Trezor and Ledger databases, though Ledger says the databases don’t match
- Using zero knowledge proofs for vulnerability disclosure
- World Economic Forum’s principles for a decentralized future (transparency, self-sovereign data, privacy and accountability)
- JK Rowling jokes about trolling BTC because of her significant ETH holdings
- The Winklevosses say they own a similar amount of ETH and BTC
- Brave’s anti-fingerprinting v2, available in the beta releases but coming soon in the main releases
Follow me on Twitter @evan_van_ness to get the annotated edition of this newsletter, usually forthcoming in a day or so, as well as a real-time source of Eth news.
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Dates of Note
Upcoming dates of note (new/changes in bold):
- May 26 – last day to apply for Ethereum India fellowship
- May 28 – EIP1559 implementation call
- May 29 – core devs call
- May 29-June 16 – SOSHackathon
- June 16 – deadline to apply for Gitcoin’s Kernel incubator