News and Links
Layer 1
- [Eth 2.0] What’s New in Eth 2.0
- [Eth 2.0] implementers call. Agenda
- [Eth 2.0] Notes from Prague workshop sessions
- [Eth 2.0] Prysmatic Labs dev update, first RanDAO implementation, validator key management, etc
- [Eth 2.0] Who should have to pay storage management fees?
- [Eth 2.0] Explaining the liveness guarantee of Eth 2.0
- [ewasm] ewasm’s roadmap for monthly testnet releases
- [CBC Casper] Barnabé Monnot’s Casper CBC spec explainer part 1 and part 2. Also, a visualization of multi-shard system from Vlad.
- Avalanche RanDAO
Layer 2
- [State channels] Counterfactual dev update. Monorepo. Specs for state channel protocol, app library and a minimalist contracts layer
- [State channels] Magmo launches rock-paper-scissors app with a channel wallet on Ropsten using ForceMove framework. Demo link. repo
- [State channels] Raiden v0.17
- Blockchain at Berkeley’s Fourth State: Plasma isn’t dead, a rebuttal to Coindesk article
- [Plasma] Plasma Cash was a transaction format
- [Plasma] Plasma Prime proposal from Bankex
Stuff for developers
- Solidity v0.5 – a major breaking release, go read the notes.
- Tutorial: deploying a Loom PlasmaChain app
- Next 6 months roadmap for 3Box
- Etherlinker for Unreal Engine 4
- Unity and Ethereum starter tutorial
- Bonding curves explained with code. More (unaudited) code for bonding curve tokens
- Grid+ releases SDK for their Lattice agent.
- IBM is creating Solidity tutorials for Hyperledger
- Gateway contracts: code operating on a shared state through the gateway contract
- Academic paper on KEVM
- Sojourn dev kit in React – encrypt and store data on IPFS using Shamir’s Secret Sharing with hash stored onchain
- Resources for developing with Gnosis Safe
- Austin Griffith: Counterfactual loan repayment or “keyless predictive deployment” and what Austin is up to at Gitcoin. Related: Jez San comment on the struggles of user onboarding for FunFair
- How to query balances for all Eth addresses in BigQuery. Dappboard is working on an ETL pipeline for Eth
- 0x launch kit – start a relayer in “under a minute”
- Infura dashboard now has stats
- snarkjs: snark implementation in Javascript from Iden3
- A survey of Ethereum based games. Tyler Smith’s tweetstorm on tokenizing game assets
- The forever weird Ethereum community made to welcome William Shatner. And Jonathan Mann wrote a song.
- Alethio finds a bunch of CryptoKitty inbreeding
- Hour of day gasprice heatmap from Gitcoin
- Rachel O’Leary profiles Swarm’s Daniel Nagy
- Streamr is following Gnosis’ leadin defaulting to web3 products.
- Taylor on lessons learned in the MEW/MyCrypto split – the whole MyCrypto AMA is worth a read because they put time into it
- Parity v2.2.1 beta & 2.1.6 stable
- Geth v1.8.18 with Swarm v0.3.6. Big Geth optimization coming?
- Nethermind v0.9.1 .NET Core mainnet clientwith Görli support
- Test suite v6.0.0beta2 ready for Constantinople fork
- EthereumJS monthly recap
- A survey of blockchain use cases by industry
- Azure blockchain dev kit with Truffle extension for VSCode. Microsoft also recorded a video chat on dapps with Drizzle
- Zug residents get free weekly 20 hours of e-bike usage through uPort. Also Linum Labs does a trial with Swiss Federal Railways using uPort
Governance and Standards
- ERC1577: Multiaddr for ENS better defined system of mapping names to network and content addresses
- ERC1576: Whisper bid negotiation protocol
- ERC1856: risk redistribution for stable payment
- ERC1572: contact card standard
- Luke Duncan: trust minimized governance tokens
Project Updates
- Livepeer’s potential Streamflow release – new orchestrator role, no stake minimum to be a transcoder, and probabilistic micropayments
- Brave’s SpeedReader – pre-rendering classifier gives 20x performance improvement, 84x less bandwidth, 2.4x memory reduction. They also called for a GDPR in the US
- Market Protocol’s MPX lets youtrade gold, SP500, crude live on Rinkeby
- Aragon Q3 dev update and transparency. Also, their first governance vote is ongoing, but about to end. Since they launched on mainnet at Devcon, 100+ DAOs have been created
- Subby – censorship resistant newsfeed using Eth and IPFS
- More than 1% of all ETH is locked in Maker CDPs. Meanwhile, Augur has ~13k ETH in open interest with a big test of Augur market reporting – is standard prediction markets terminology enough or does every word get parsed?
Interviews, Podcasts, Videos, Talks
- Devcon4 main halltalks are all online. Early winners of buzz are Andy Milenius and Phil Daian.
- Brendan Eich talk at Web Summit
- Ameen Soleimani on POVCrypto
- NEAR protocol’s Alex and Illia on 51 Percent
- BreakerMag’s print interview with Vitalik Buterin
- Alex van de Sande on Hashing It Out
Tokens / Business / Regulation
- RadarRelay says it will implement OFAC compliance, though it doesn’t define what that means. OpenRelay will blacklist security tokens. New relayer Lake Trade is blocking the US, as Paradex continues to do.
- Brooklyn Project on dexes
- Airfox and Paragon agree SEC settlements to register as securities, pay 250k each plus refund purchasers. Given the EtherDelta settlement, I would have expected harsher for these particular cases.
- Simon de la Rouviere’s history of token curves
- Understanding consensus algorithms from Preethi Kasireddy
- Jordan Clifford’s Bitcoin Cash ABC/SV fork explainer
- The Winklevoss twins are suing Charlie Shrem
- A roadmap for ZCash’s next release, Blossom
Dates of Note
Upcoming dates of note (new additions in bold):
- Dec 7-9 – ETHSingapore hackathon (ETHGlobal)
- Jan 10 – Mobi Grand Challenge hackathon ends
- Jan 29-30 – AraCon (Berlin)
- Feb 7-8 – Melonport’s M1 conf (Zug)
- Feb 15-17 – ETHDenver hackathon (ETHGlobal)
- Feb 23-25 – EthAustin hackathon (EthUniversal)
- Mar 27 – Infura end of legacy key support (Jan 23 begins Project ID prioritization)
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I own Week In Ethereum. As such, editorial control has always been 100% me. If you’re unhappy with editorial decisions or anything that I have written in this issue, feel free to tweet at me.
Housekeeping and (wi) ETH 10k
I set a goal to grow the subscriber base of this newsletter to 10000 by the end of the year, so I would be indebted for any and all social network sharing.
Last week I published “why didn’t my post make it into Week in Ethereum” if you’re wondering how I think about newsletter curation.
Most of what I link to I tweet first: @evan_van_ness