Ethereum News and Links
- Byzantium hard fork is October 16. Update your clients – geth 1.7.2 and Parity 1.7.6 (post-publication edit: Parity has released some hotfixes and the current version is now 1.7.6. Geth also released a new version)
- Ethereum Foundation development and research roundup over the last 2 months
- Core dev call last Friday. Agenda.
- EIP 726: EVM inside of EVM
- Fabian Vogelsteller: identity standards. Good EthNews article
Stuff for developers
- Common holes in Solidity code (video)
- Mythril: A framework for bug hunting on Ethereum
- Get started with Ethereum & Solidity on Windows
- install Raiden on a Raspberry Pi 3
- Unity3D + Nethereum + Infura tutorial
- Manage recurring payments
- Truffle v4.0.0 beta
- Oyente v0.2.7
- Updated version of Hitchhiker’s Guide to Solidity
- Brian Armstrong opensources the Week in Ethereum Toshi app – an “example to collect donations for any RSS feed”
- Front-running Bancor in 150 lines of Python (mostly patched, but worth a read)
- Ethfinex & Announce Collaboration
- More on the Ethtrader Dappening tokenization
- IoT Alliance: adds Streamr and accepts its first code the MQTT-Trusted protocol from Oaken
- EscrowMyEther is live.
- Giveth introduces Decentralized Altruistic Communities
- Simon de la Rouviere: Exploring the Power of Token-Curated Registries
- Toshi had 5000 transacting users in September, despite not getting to the main net until the end of the month.
- Radar Relay is live on mainnet
- The 0cean roadmap
- IDEX: One-off state hop with on-chain settlement
- Dether adds 1200 exchangers with Blueshyft in Australia
Project Announcements
- Reality Check: “crowd-sourced smart contract oracle”
- StakeTree: timed release of staked Ether to fund projects. Somewhat similar to Catallax Trust.
- Dopameme: meme trading platform
- Kiosk: ecommerce platform, live on Kovan.
- Centre: Circle’s pivot is a protocol for payment apps to talk to each other (ie Venmo talks to AliPay)
Project Updates
- Basic Attention Token Mercury preview
- AragonOS: modular, upgradeable and extendable organizations
- Slovenian rapper Gramatik is tokenizing himself with SingularDTV
- Iconomi monthly update – they’ve added 12 DAA managers
- Melon monthly update
- More on Jaak’s plans for a marketplace for music data
- district0x quarterly report
- Balanc3 showcases financial statements from Gnosis, Digix, and Aragon
- Legacy: the legal problems of property transfer
- Enigma Catalyst post-sale update
Interviews and Talks
- Print Q&A with Joe Lubin talking banks, token sales, regulators etc
- Vice 5 min video with Olaf Carlson-Wee
- Status Q&A with Nick Brody of Cent
- Ether Review: Kik and Element Group
- Nick Johnson – ENS talk at London meetup
- Not much of it was new, but sure I’d like to listen to Naval and Olaf talk about putting value at risk. I also agreed with Jordan Cooper’s comments: many of these are going to zero within a decade.
- My podcast with Alex Miller and Karl Kreder from Grid+ (I’ve gotten lots of feedback that I should highlight my own podcasts, so perhaps this parenthetical statement does the trick)
Token Sales
- Vitalik: “what I am against is protocols that really do not need to have their own tokens for any technical reason shoving a token into their protocol”
Token Sale Projects
- Grid+ announces partnership with TEPCO, Japan’s largest utility
- Lufthansa partnership with Winding Tree
- Seed: first five candidates are MediaSifter, Unico, Legacy, Blockie, Aversafe
- 5 kinds of Leverj users
- Raiden talks Dutch auction mechanics
- Overstock CEO claims that the token sale for its new utility token for its security token exchange platform will happen before Thanksgiving. He also thinks he’ll raise 200-500m USD which seems very optimistic to me. Their stock rose about 20% more than the S&P 500 since the announcement.
- Petkanics: PROPS, Livepeer, and the complementary road to decentralization
- SpankChain + District0x = Red Light District
- Mercury Protocol vision: Social Networking 2.0
- Bloomberg on Crypto Valley Zug – jurisdictional competition at work
- Fidelity is mining Bitcoin and Ethereum. Given that I’m guessing they didn’t buy an ASIC box, I imagine their Eth mining has done much better.
- Polkadot is live in some sort of countdown. I don’t really know because they block my US IP address.
- Novogratz CNBC hit
- Daniel Zarkisson: stainless steel multi-sig wallet
- Bloomberg on zk-snarks: ‘Mind-Boggling’ Math Could Make blockchain Work for Wall Street
Dates of note
From Token Sale Calendar:
Upcoming token sale start dates:
- October 5 – RNDR
- October 5 – Crypto.Tickets
- October 6 – VuePay
- October 10 – AirSwap
- October 10 – Air Token (registration Oct 5 -7)
- October 10 – Notary Platform
- October 11 – Duber
- October 11 – Fintrux
- October 13 – Streamr (registration Oct 6-9)
- October 13 – Request Network
- October 15 – Paypie
- October 16 – Raiden Network
- October 16 – Horizon State
- October 16 – Sense Token
- October 17 – Ripio Credit Network
- October 18 – Leverj
- October 19 – Privatix
- October 20 – Gizer (SaftLaunch presale already open)
- October 20 – WandX
- October 21 – Synapse
- October 24 – SpankChain
- October 24 – TokenBox
- October 25 – Mercury Protocol (registration opens Oct 10)
- October 28 – Gatcoin
- October 30 – Grid+
- October 30 – Snov
- October 30 – Stayawhile
- October 30 – Swarm Market
- November 1 – Kudos Project
- November 1 – Winding Tree
- November 1 – ScriptDrop
- November 1 – RockChain
- November 1 – Debitum
- November 1 – PayFair
- November 1 – LevelNet
- November 3 – Dmarket
- Novemer 6 – Media Sifter
- November 13 – Sharpe Capital
- November 13 – Gazecoin
- November 20 – FundRequest
Ongoing token sales:
- Snip
- Self Pay
- Enjin
- Ethino
- RefToken
- Hirematch
- Etherparty
- Customization Basic Income
- Assistive Reality
- CarTaxi
- Opakeco
- EthLend
- Jibrel Network
- MatchPay
- Gimli
- Databroker DAO
- Relest
- Wolk
- Spheris
- Aeron
- Maecenas
- Bitjob
- Matryx
- Atlant
- Avalon
- PowerLedger
- Paragon
- Agor
WARNING: list may include or even likely includes scams and quasi-scams. Do your own research and due diligence before putting value at risk.
Want to be included? If you are building your project on Ethereum, email weekinethereum @ gmail [period] com with 1) your URL, 2) sale date and 3) a brief but convincing description of how you are using Ethereum, preferably with a link to your Github repo. Listings are free. But please make sure to follow those instructions. If you don’t follow the instructions, you likely won’t get a response.
[I aim for a relatively comprehensive list of Ethereum sales, but make no warranty as to even whether they are legit; as such, I thus likewise warrant nothing about whether any will produce a satisfactory return. I have passed the CFA exams, but this is not investment advice. If you’re interested in what I do, you can find my somewhat out-of-date investing thesis and token sale appreciation strategies in previous newsletters.]
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It’s time to shakeup this section. Maybe next week.
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