Ethereum News and Links
- Byzantium so far has forked successfully. There were some nervy moments beforehand as Parity issued 3 new releases for consensus vulnerabilities, while Geth also issued a late hotfix for a DoS vulnerability. Gavin unsuccessfully argued in favor of delaying the hard fork, but by that point delaying would arguably have been more risky as most had already updated their clients. It does seem suboptimal that final releases for the fork occurred with less than 2 weeks before the planned block.
- Casper finality 9 page paper, pre-arXiv. See also forum and Reddit comments
- Jacob Eberhardt video on ZoKrates zk-SNARK toolbox. Will be released at Devcon
- Christian Reitwiessner Solidity on Plasma video
- All about the fuzzing tools that found bugs on the Byzantium releases.
- EIP735: Claim attestations
- it’s possible that the burn addresses do not actually have a private key.
- Bamboo v0.0.2
Stuff for developers
- Linkable ring signatures on Ropsten
- Nick Johnson’s DNSSEC oracle for Ethereum
- Byzantium enabled Ethereum on ARM debian packages.
- Maurelian has updated the ConsenSys security best practices
- Rinkeby testnet faucet now has Twitter, Google & Facebook authorization
- A guide on contributing to Truffle
- Gnosis wants it to be easy to develop on Gnosis
- Getting started on Solidity in Windows, part 2
- Solidity code to mock contract dependencies for testing.
- TrueBit verification for Scrypt. Is the Ether <-> Doge relay finally coming?
- Hewlett Packard, (Russia’s largest bank) Sberbank and the National Association of Realtors head the list of 48 new orgs joining the EEA
- Brave browser now supports MetaMask due to work at EthWaterloo. In my opinion, Brave on your phone is a must, but now that Brave supports MetaMask, picking Brave as your primary browser is also an option.
- Top 8 projects at EthWaterloo. Have a gander at all the projects.
- Mesh networking: Althea compares itself to RightMesh. And hey, RightMesh responds
- “Tips and tricks for DEVCON. From a Mexican.” Dale, vamos.
- A blockchain ecosystem map. Decent attempt; still missing a ton
- Gnosis on decentralized, permissionless, and trustless
- Ethereal Summit in San Francisco on October 27. Use discount code WeekInETH for $100 off. I’ll be there, so come say hi.
- EthWaterloo talks on how decentralization will change society from Joe Lubin, Vitalik Buterin, Julie Maupin and William Mougayar
- More EthWaterloo vids: Jeff Coleman on mechanism design and Vitalik Buterin on privacy
Project Updates
- FunFair hires William Hill exec as COO and burns about 36% of their tokens
- Basic Attention Token’s Mercury release is live, so Brave is now using BAT instead of Bitcoin
- Numerai’s Master Plan. Also Richard Craib’s excellent AMA
- Golem says their Brass rendering release “is very close”
- Toshi update: bots for developers, UX/bug fixes
- The Keep business primer
- Colony quarterly update
- 0x trade viewer
- Aragon quarterly update
- Details on the GRMTK token by Singular on November 9
- Melonport expects to be live in February
- iExec: trust and agent incentives
- A glimpse at Paradex – aiming to be live in November
- What’s up with Akasha? (Hard at work, leaning toward a token sale next year)
Interviews and Talks
- Mist team AMA with ConsenSys devs
- Balaji Srinivasan on This Week in Startups
- Ethfinex Q&A with
- Ether Review: Streamr and Attores
- Griff Green 5 min interview on Giveth
- Blockchannel interviews Spankchain
- Joe Lubin on Dubai radio station 103.8
- Videos are up from talks at CESC2017: Jason Teutsch on TrueBit, Karl Floersch and Vlad Zamfir on Casper. Plus Ryan Zurrer on the keepers of a network.
Token Sales
- MyEtherWallet: 10 tips for doing a token sale
- The Breitmans put all the Tezos sale proceeds into a supposedly independent foundation and now are in a legal battle with the chairman of that foundation. A comprehensive account by Reuters’ Anna Irrera. She also mentions some of the cautions and warnings that Eeks uncovered before their token sale. People warned them that they were sticking their heads out for regulatory risk. We all hope that this is resolved happily and without any rash regulatory action in response.
- UNICEF Ventures will be investing $12 million in blockchain projects
- “What brings to the teams we train”
Token Sale Projects
- Mercury Protocol AMA with Mark Cuban, Ryan Ozonian and Preethi Kasireddy. Also Mercury Protocol ELI5. They’ll have individual caps on token purchases for the first 12 hours.
- AMA with Leverj’s Bharath Rao
- Etherisc: Fair insurance in a decentralized economy
- Spankchain promo vid. Obviously NSFW
- Brukhman: PROPS and pioneering new business models in digital media
- Raiden: Vision, Challenges & Roadmap. Their auction is ongoing, but still days away from a reasonable price.
- Coinbase now has instant buys using a US bank account.
- Ethereum got lots of obviously unfounded recycling allegations during its token sale, but EOS has some suspicious transactions
- SettleMint creates Sharia compliant financial products on the blockchain
- Fairlay now has an Ether tip bot for Reddit and Twitter
- Slovenia: blockchain heaven? Their prime minister has set up a programto make it so
- WPA2 wireless standard is vulnerable
- Andy Milenius and Martin Kirk in FastCompany: Can Basic Income Plus The Blockchain Build A New Economic System?
- CFTC primer on virtual currencies
- Why we need decentralization: you can track someone’s location in real time for $1000 in mobile ads. Read the academic paper.
Dates of note
From Token Sale Calendar:
Upcoming token sale start dates:
- October 19 – Privatix
- October 20 – Gizer (SaftLaunch presale already open)
- October 22 – WandX
- October 23 – Sense Token
- October 24 – SpankChain
- October 24 – Ripio Credit Network
- October 25 – Mercury Protocol (registration opens Oct 10)
- October 28 – Gatcoin
- October 30 – Grid+
- October 31 – Snov
- November 1 – Winding Tree
- November 1 – ScriptDrop
- November 1 – RockChain
- November 1 – PayFair
- November 1 – LevelNet
- November 3 – Dmarket
- November 7 – Leverj
- November 9 – Stayawhile
- November 10 – Bounty0x
- November 13 – Sharpe Capital
- November 15 – Kudos Project
- November 15 – Aigang
- November 16– TokenBox
- November 20 – FundRequest
- November 20 – PROPS by YouNow
- November 21 – Dopameme
- November 25 – Relest
- November 28 – Gazecoin
Ongoing token sales:
- Raiden Network (Dutch auction)
- Horizon State
- Duber
- Crypto.Tickets
- Snip
- Self Pay
- Enjin
- Ethino
- Hirematch
- Etherparty
- Customization Basic Income
- CarTaxi
- EthLend
- Jibrel Network
- MatchPay
- Gimli
- Wolk
- Spheris
- Aeron
- Matryx
- Atlant
- Avalon
- PowerLedger
- Agora
WARNING: list may include or even likely includes scams and quasi-scams. Do your own research and due diligence before putting value at risk. Read disclaimer below.
Want to be included? If you are building your project on Ethereum, email weekinethereum @ gmail [period] com with 1) your URL, 2) sale date and 3) a brief but convincing description of how you are using Ethereum, preferably with a link to your Github repo. Listings are free. But please make sure to follow those instructions. If you don’t follow the instructions, you likely won’t get a response.
[I aim for a relatively comprehensive list of Ethereum sales, but make no warranty as to even whether they are legit; as such, I thus likewise warrant nothing about whether any will produce a satisfactory return. I have passed the CFA exams, but this is not investment advice. If you’re interested in what I do, you can find my somewhat out-of-date investing thesis and token sale appreciation strategies in previous newsletters.]
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