Ethereum News and Links
- Hybrid PoS/PoW – the finality gadget – may be in the Constantinople fork.
- Jon Choi: Casper 101. Seems more like an upper level than a 101, but lots of resources to learn from.
- Latest core dev call. Agenda.
- Diving Into The EVM, part 5
- Yoichi: Implementing a vault in Bamboo and what Yoichi is spending time on
- Vitalik: the stateless client concept
- Runtime Verification to work with UIUC on formally verifying Viper using K
- EIP 747: Watch Token
- Latest Casper call
Stuff for developers
- Nick Johnson’s SHA1 implementation in Solidity
- A crowdsale fuzz tester
- The code for the Colony token sale that wasn’t
- OmiseGo airdrop code
- Test your Solidity code with Javascript
- Nethereum 2.1
- Mythril adds…“lasers”
- Uport library breaking change
- Azure ERC-20 Token Service on Quorum
- Spificator: notifications UI for your dapp’s users
- Manticore – dynamic binary analysis tool
- Vote in CoinDesk’s Most Influential People in Blockchain. You don’t need an email address to vote, it takes 2 minutes, and I don’t want to lose in my category to Paris Hilton. So please vote?
- Hardware wallet vulnerabilities analysis from Karl Kreder
- ConsenSys Academy’s first class graduates.
- Simon de la Rouviere: Continuous Token-Curated Registries
- Another 0x Tracker & an EtherDelta tracker
- Ethereal Summit in San Francisco on October 27. Use discount code WeekInETH for $100 off. I’ll be there, so come say hi.
- Pelle from Uport: Adventures in “Decentralized” Push Notifications
- On MyEtherWallet, gas price can now be adjusted by 0.1 gwei instead of 1 gwei
Project Updates
- Technical details of what Ujo is doing with the Giraffage release
- Bancor monthly update
- LocalEthereum does 100 trades in its first 2 days
- SingularDTV’s Tokit launches Nov 6
- OmiseGo’s approach to delivering scalability
Project Announcements
- Pryze: automated sweepstakes protocol
- Metronome: a new currency on Ethereum with the hopes of taking it elsewhere. by Jeff Garzik.
- MeVu: peer to peer betting.
- LunarToken: buy land on the moon. “how smart contracts could be used to manage real estate”
- CryptoCribs: AirBnB using Ether as payment method, eventually decentralized AirBnB
- ERC Dex: another dex built on 0x
Interviews, Videos and Talks
- Q&A with Simon de la Rouviere on Ujo and Curation Markets
- 20 min Swarm City documentary
- Video interview of Hudson Jameson intro to blockchain
- Matthew Spoke conference talk on Aion
- 6 min of Ujo and RAC talking about revolutionizing the music industry
Token Sales
- Evan Van Ness (yup, that’s me!): There’s no such thing as “fat protocols”
- Jordan Daniell writes up Vitalik’s comments on tokens at EthWaterloo
- Brendan Bernstein: Structuring Optimal Token Sales
- Don’t get those tokens unless the tokens need you by Yoichi Hirai
- Ben Evans: the scale of tech winners. If scale continues to increase, perhaps some seemingly absurd valuations are more rational than appears.
- Vitalik Buterin: On Medium-of-Exchange Token Valuations
Token Sale Projects
- Karl Kreder from Grid+ on Epicenter
- Spankchain whitepaper and “single-round, blind, dutch, state channel auction” details
- Blockchannel talks to PROPS
- How to participate in the Mercury Protocol sale
- Joe Lubin on CNBC
- Coinlist – the offshoot of FileCoin and Angelist.
- EtherDelta injection attack hacker wasted over $75k trying to enter AirSwap sale
- Google unveils advanced protection, an upgraded 2fa.
- Robert Habermeier on Polkadota’s Parachain
- Video tutorial: support the Ethereum Community with Brave Payments
- Don’t give money to phishers: beware of infested ENS names using ZeroWidthCharacter (and Reddit thread)
Dates of note
From Token Sale Calendar:
Upcoming token sale start dates:
- October 25 – Mercury Protocol (registration opens Oct 10)
- October 28 – Gatcoin
- October 30 – Grid+
- October 31 – Snov
- October 31 – SpankChain
- November 1 – Winding Tree
- November 1 – ScriptDrop
- November 1 – RockChain
- November 1 – PayFair
- November 6 – Sense Token
- November 7 – Leverj
- November 8 – Fans Unite
- November 9 – Stayawhile
- November 10 – Bounty0x
- November 10 – Gizer
- November 13 – Sharpe Capital
- November 14 – Auctus
- November 14 – SimpleToken (pre-sale underway)
- November 14 – LevelNet
- November 15 – Kudos Project
- November 15 – Aigang
- November 15 – Guts (pre-sale underway)
- November 16– TokenBox
- November 20 – PROPS by YouNow
- November 21 – Dopameme
- November 25 – Relest
- November 28 – Gazecoin
- November 30 – Debitum
Ongoing token sales:
- Raiden Network (Dutch auction)
- Privatix
- Ripio Credit Network
- Horizon State
- Duber
- Crypto.Tickets
- Snip
- Self Pay
- Enjin
- Ethino
- Hirematch
- Etherparty
- Customization Basic Income
- CarTaxi
- Jibrel Network
- MatchPay
- Wolk
- Aeron
- Matryx
- Atlant
WARNING: list may include or even likely includes scams and quasi-scams. Do your own research and due diligence before putting value at risk. Read disclaimer below.
Want to be included? If you are building your project on Ethereum, email weekinethereum @ gmail [period] com with 1) your URL, 2) sale date and 3) a brief but convincing description of how you are using Ethereum, preferably with a link to your Github repo. Listings are free. But please make sure to follow those instructions. If you don’t follow the instructions, you likely won’t get a response.
[I aim for a relatively comprehensive list of Ethereum sales, but make no warranty as to even whether they are legit; as such, I thus likewise warrant nothing about whether any will produce a satisfactory return. I have passed the CFA exams, but this is not investment advice. If you’re interested in what I do, you can find my somewhat out-of-date investing thesis and token sale appreciation strategies in previous newsletters.]
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