Ethereum News and Links
- Raiden Network developer preview. Demo video.
- China issues another pronouncement against token sales, as well as platforms and exchanges involved with them. As with any opaque regulatory body, it remains to see what they actually enforce and for how long.
- Hudson Jameson’s notes from Core Dev meeting. Youtube. Agenda. Tentative date of October 9th for Byzantium hard fork.
- Casper standup call
- EIP706: Snappy compression for devp2p would reduce bandwidth by 60-80%
- EIP712: “Standard for machine-verifiable and human-readable typed data signing with Ethereum keys”
- ERC20 formalized as EIP20
- Vitalik explains pruning
- Current disk size of Ethereum: state is only 2 gigs, history is 10gb. You don’t need more than 20gigs to run a node, despite the Bitcoin maximalist obsession with the size of a full archival node – currently about 300gb. Good Reddit thread on the subject.
- 3 ENS improvement proposals: Auto reveal, Allow slow deposit withdrawal and Utility Rent
Stuff for developers
- Off-Chain Computation Solutions for Eth devs
- adChain open sources partial-lock commit/reveal voting implementation. Solidity code.
- Perigord: Truffle-like framework for Go
- Solidity code for Althea’s multihop payment channels
- Preparing for an Ethereum code audit
- Nick D’Andrea: Interval trees in Solidity
- Ethereum DevOps with Visual Studio Team Services
- Tutorial for beginners on spinning up a 3 node local network
- Raspberry PI and Ethereum tutorial
- Write clean Solidity code using function modifiers
- Decentralized eBay on Ethereum & IPFS
- Take the course to learn how to build it
- VariabL derivative trading platform is in open alpha
- ETHNews talks to Marley Gray about how Microsoft got involved in Ethereum
- Ethfinex is bringing Tether to Ethereum
- Pretty solid intro to Ethereum to send to your friends
- Infura now running an authority node on Rinkeby
- Watch the progress of the OmiseGo airdrop
- Preview of Around the Block documentary featuring Alex Van de Sande
Project Announcements
- Sweetbridge – liquid supply chains. White paper.
- Escrow My Ether – escrow agent for offline transactions, on Ropsten.
- Art of Ethereum – original art tagged with a Chronicled nfc chip
- Solidified – audit platform for blockchain code
Project Updates
- 0x updated roadmap
- Iconomi August update
- End of summer Bancor update
- SingularDTV’s plan to produce original content
- improving Priority Pass based on lessons learned from Musiconomi and Maecenas sales
- FunFair debuts video poker
- Check out the Gnosis UI
- Mysterium progress update
- Poker pros Dan Colman and Brian Rast join Virtue Poker as advisors
- Ryan talks Virtue Poker with Omar Bham
Interviews and Talks
- NYC Ethereum meetup: LivePeer, CoinFund on media, and Kik Q&A with Jesse Walden
- Berlin meetup: Golem, Plasma, Qubes, Streamr, OmiseGO. Love seeing meetups finally capturing better quality audio.
- Q&A with ConsenSys Capital’s Kavita Gupta about new $50M Venture Fund
- Conrad Barski: cryptography for cryptocurrency
- I started my own Ethereum podcast. Episode 1 with my favorite Redditor: Dunning_krugerrands
- Brendan Eich talks BAT at Facebook
Token Sales
- Casper, Plasma, and the Grid+ Agent
- Enigma diluted their holders 50% at the last minute
- Etherisc: enabling a wide range of insurance applications
- Primoz Kordez: Network Output and Velocity of Tokens
- William Mougayar: Safe ICO Practices. Excellent writeup, though I strongly disagree that a Dutch auction is too complicated.
- Fred Ehrsam: Accelerating evolution through forking
- Joe Lubin: “incidents like the Equifax hack cement a societal need for decentralization”
- Hypercatallaxy for hurricane disaster relief?
- America’s crappy immigration laws: before starting Ethereum, Vitalik almost worked for Ripple in 2013 but couldn’t get a visa
- Can a blockchain save healthcare?
- R3 sues Ripple over deep in the money option to buy Ripple
- Finance Minister tells reporters that Russia will regulate cryptocurrency
- Carly Fiorina is all-in on cryptocurrency as the next wave of innovation
Dates of Note
From Token Sale Calendar:
Upcoming token sale start dates:
- September 14 – Streamr
- September 14 – Privatix
- September 15 – Kyber Network (registration August 31 – Sept 10)
- September 16 – MatchPay
- September 16 – Gimli
- September 18 – Databroker DAO
- September 18 – Circles
- September 18 – Relest
- September 18 – Wolk (ongoing pre-sale)
- September 19 – SmartContract
- September 19 – Air Token
- September 19 – Spheris
- September 19 – Aeron (ongoing pre-sale)
- September 21 – Digital Asset Power Play ( Priority Pass presale: Sep 19)
- September 21 – Opakeco
- September 25 – EthLend
- September 25 – Jibrel Network
- September 28 –
- September 29 – Snip
- September 29 – Customizable Basic Income
- September 29 – Assistive Reality
- October 1 – Hirematch
- October 1 – Etherparty (pre-sale ongoing)
- October 2 – Rhea
- October 2 – WandX
- October 2 – Horizon State
- October 3 – Enjin (ongoing pre-sale)
- October 3 – Snov
- October 10 – Swap
- October 10 – Notary Platform
- October 15 – Paypie
- October 30 – Grid+
- November 1 – Winding Tree
- November 1 – ScriptDrop
Ongoing token sales:
- Maecenas
- Kin (must have already registered)
- Bitjob
- LookRev
- Matryx
- Atlant
- Avalon
- Payfair
- HelloGold
- Eventchain
- Authoreon
- Magos
- PowerLedger
- Vibehub
- Paragon
- Agor
- Propy
- Umbrella Coin
Want to be included? If you are building your project on Ethereum, email weekinethereum @ gmail [period] com with 1) your URL, 2) sale date and 3) a brief but convincing description of how you are using Ethereum, preferably with a link to your Github repo. Listings are free. But please make sure to follow those instructions. If you don’t follow the instructions, you likely won’t get a response.
WARNING: list may include or even likely includes scams and quasi-scams. Do your own research and due diligence before putting value at risk.
[I aim for a relatively comprehensive list of Ethereum sales, but make no warranty as to even whether they are legit; as such, I thus likewise warrant nothing about whether any will produce a satisfactory return. I have passed the CFA exams, but this is not investment advice. If you’re interested in what I do, you can find my somewhat out-of-date investing thesis and token sale appreciation strategies in previous newsletters.]
Every week I still get emails saying, “you joined ConsenSys?” So this section stays.
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My charge from Joe Lubin is pretty similar to what Status has told me: keep telling the truth and covering the space as objectively as I can.
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This newsletter is supported by and ConsenSys (have you seen that we’re hiring?). But in case you still want to send Ether or tokens: 0x96d4F0E75ae86e4c46cD8e9D4AE2F2309bD6Ec45