Eth News and Links
- Geth v1.9.21, stabilized RAM use in fast sync, extends call tracing
- OpenEthereum’s vision for Parity client: focus on Eth mainnet. As such, deprecating IPFS/Swarm as well as Kovan testnet and other non-Ethereum chains, backporting features to the v2.5 codebase
- Latest Turbogeth weekly alpha release, RPC Daemon improvements and new RPC calls
- Intro to Nethermind’s discovery protocol
- Tim Beiko is looking to talk to heavy gas users, wallets, exchanges, miners, infra about the proposed eip1559 fee market change
- A proposed EIP process overhaul from axic
- Martin Swende benchmarks cost of calling precompiles
- EIP2972: Wrapped Legacy Transactions
- Latest Nimbus client update – faster sync, better db pruner
- Latest Prysmatic client update – getting ready for mainnet, hardening to DoS attacks, no more eth1 node support
- Somer Esat’s guide to staking with Nimbus using Ubuntu
- Clock sync as oracle
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Stuff for developers
- Solidity is finally a first class Github citizen: automatic Solidity detection
- OpenZeppelin Contracts v3.2, adds proxy contracts in Solidity v0.6
- Waffle now supports the Jest testing framework
- Truffle v5.1.44, debugger prints location on tx failure, node v12 works
- EthOver VScode plugin for viewing source code, bytecode, disassembling
- Static analyzer Slither v0.6.13, better Solidity v0.6 support, some Yul support
- Py-RLP v2 (much faster due to internals in Rust)
- Headlong v3.8 – ABI v2/RLP for the JVM
- A walkthrough of changes in Solidity v0.7
- Sharing common data using libraries
- Everything about events and logs in Eth reference guide
- Using TheGraph tutorial
- A guide for devs new to Ethereum using Python
- Data challenge for the Medalla testnet – data viz, analysis, tools. Prizes up to 15k, submissions due October 20th
- Ethereum Foundation’s q2 grant recipients
- MyCrypto’s guide to eth2 for casual Ethereum users
-, a nice viz of the recent gasprice history as well as current prediction
- Chainlink’s fair sequencing service research: let an oracle network order transactions to thwart MEV (miner extractable value, link to Daian, et al paper). Required computation currently unfeasible, working on improvements
Application layer
- SushiSwap’s Chef Nomi gives the 38k eth back
- yearn is going to compete with Maker
- POAP as proof of unique human
- Lots of likely useless forks this week, which you can see on Etherscan’s new yield farming page
- LexCorpus a collection of code for registry, organization, tokens, and escrow to help form legal agreements
- Investment firm Arca calls for Gnosis to return money to tokenholders
- Organic growth in DeFi
- UltraPLONK: Plonk with Plookup gates
- Lunar: a Toolbox for More Efficient Universal and Updatable zkSNARKs and Commit-and-Prove Extensions
- Vitalik: coordination, collusion, and forks
- John Adler: Nakamoto Consensus requires social coordination and subjectivity
Job Listings
- OpenZeppelin: Security Researcher, Security Platform Dev & Open Source Dev
- DeFi devs! Yield is hiring for Solidity and front-end –
- Nexus Mutual: experienced Solidity dev; prefer European timezones
- 0x is hiring devs! Full-stack, back-end, front-end or Solidity
- Celer Network: hiring Solidity and Go devs. Email:
- Pioneer Chainlink’s QA frameworks as the very first test engineer
- Trail of Bits hiring elite blockchain security engineers & an R&D engineer
Want your job listing here? $250 per line (~75 character limit including spaces), payable in ETH/DAI/USDC to evan.ethereum.eth. Questions? thecryptonewspodcast at-gmail
Staking pools get in touch
With eth2 due to launch in a matter of weeks, I’m going to recommend staking pools to those of you who want to stake but don’t want to run their own stakers (which is preferred over a pool!). If you’re a staking pool and want to do my diligence process, get in touch.
If you’re wondering “why didn’t my post make it into Week in Ethereum News,” then here’s a hint: don’t email me. Do put it on Reddit.
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Dates of Note
Upcoming dates of note (new/changes in bold):
- Sep 14 – Gitcoin grant matching round starts
- Sep 17 – Q&A for devs new to Ethereum
- Sep30 – Oct25 – EthPlanet hackathon
- Oct 1-30 – EthOnline hackathon
- Oct 20 – submission deadline for Medalla data challenge
- Nov 6-7 – virtual Trufflecon
- Nov 16 – MetaMask Provider breaking changes