News and Links
- [Eth 2.0] Eth 2.0 implementers call
- [Casper] A tight and intuitive Casper slashing condition
- [State channels] State channel researcher call
- [State channels] Off-chain issuable tokens
- [Plasma] Basic Mass Exits for Plasma MVP
- [Plasma] More Minimal Plasma – an easy to read version to learn Plasma
- [Plasma] demo of Bankex’s coffee vending machine running on Plasma
- [Plasma] Debt & Liquidity in layer 2 UX
- Latest core devs call. Lane’s notes. Ropsten hard fork on Oct 9.
Stuff for developers
- Solidity v0.4.25 important bugfix release
- Manticore v0.2.1.1
- Tech details and SDK for Grid+ hardware agent
- Evaluating storage: on-chain index vs sidechain index vs read-only IPFS index
- Piñata Overlay to make it easier to incentivize IPFS pinning
- Agile dev environment
- A simple guide for writing unit tests
- Typescript alternative to web3.js
- A walkthrough of Gemini’s regulated stablecoin code
- Deconstructing Solidity, pt4: function wrappers
- 3box’s API to access and interact with a dapp user’s latest OrbitDB hash
- iden3: new SNARK tools for an identity system from Jordi Baylina
- Kauri’s full stack dapp tutorial series
- Remix v0.7.2 with better testing, API, library deployment
- Parity Ethereum v2.0.4-beta
- EthereumJS August recap
Live on mainnet
- FOAM’s map is live. You can stake your tokens on veracity of points of interest on their map.
- Schedule transactions with Chronologic’s Etherum Alarm Clock, live on MyCrypto
- I’ve often said in jest that we’ll know web3 succeeded when we stop using Slack. Status is making plans to stop using Slack
- EthSF: hacking in the belly of the beast
- All the EthBerlin submissions. I think variance struck because I think I judged at least half the winners
- A particular EthBerlin highlight: a cross-client testnet named Görli – even if implementing a Rinkeby <> Kovan testnet turned out to be more ambitious than possible for a a few people at a hackathon. Vlad’s sharding POC was interesting too, though quite a bit different than current roadmap. Despite the clickbait title, Rachel O’Leary’s Coindesk article had some good quotes. Ethstonia ID also pretty fascinating, among many others.
- Gemini and Paxos got NY approval for a regulated and centralized stable USD token on Ethereum
Governance and Standards
- LoomNetwork’s ERC721x for transferring game assets: wrapping ERC1178 with ERC721
- Philippe Castonguay on the different multiclass token standards and gas costs
- Writeup about using ERC1167 minimal proxy
- ERC1400: security token standard
- Delegated execution subscriptions for ERC948/1337
- ERC1404: simple restricted token standard
- ERC1402: Signature Composition and Verification
- ERC1407: Namespacing ABI interface to allow function signature reuse in different context but same contract
- EIP1380: reduced gas for call to self
Project Updates
- LA Dodgers giving away 40,000 “digital bobbleheads” on their Sept 21 game
- 9 months of single-collateral Dai. Also an amusing explainer video of using CDPs and Dai
- AirSwap to work with a broker-dealer on tokenized real estate
- OpenLaw demo of their Chainlink integration
- Etherisc planning to write hurricane insurance policies next year in Puerto Rico
- Raiden v0.9 breaking release
- Loom Network roadmap update for next 6 months
Interviews, Podcasts, Videos, Talks
- Danny Ryan talks Eth 2.0 on Hashing It Out
- Prysmatic’s Raul Jordan talks their Eth 2.0 Go implementation on Scaling Today
- Justin Drake’s high level sharding talk from TechCrunchZug
- Matthew Green on Let’s Talk ETC
- Joe Lubin CNN hit
- The bull case for Ethereum podcast interview of Spencer Noon and Cyrus Younessi
- Mitch Kosowski & Andrew Cravenho talk about POA’s open source block explorer on Zero Knowledge
- Nick Johnson print interview on ENS and where he sees documentation lacking
- Video from UXUnconference in Berlin
- web3 design community call
- Sam Cassatt, Amanda Gutterman and Joe Lubin at TechCrunch SF event
- 6 min video of Vitalik against on-chain governance
- Jacob Eberhardt talking Zokrates on Zero Knowledge
Tokens / Business
- Cofoundit is winding down due to crowdsale market conditions and distributing assets to token holders. That’s doing the right thing – there are more projects that should do this. I bet we will see more projects do at least partial refunds.
- Indiegogo refunded everyone who bought FCFL tokens, apparently after SEC told them to
- The Consumer Token Framework from The Brooklyn Project
- Recap of Nifty composables ERC998 call
- Intro to token bonding and curation markets
- What’s a Sparse Merkle Tree?
- Matthew Di Ferrante: Blockchains as a Public Good
- Karen Scarbrough: scaling blockchains in the context of large systems
- An Illustrated Primer on Cross Currency Swaps in HTLCs
- ZK-SNARGs: zero knowledge succinct non-interactive argument from Ben-Sasson, Chiesa, et al.
Dates of Note
Upcoming dates of note:
- September 21-23 – EthAtlanta
- Sept 29 – Oct 1 – Ethfinex’s governance summit (Lugano)
- Oct 5-7 – TruffleCon in Portland
- Oct 5-7 – ETHSanFrancisco hackathon
- Oct 8 – Settle virtual hackathon
- Oct 11 – Crypto Economics Security Conf (Berkeley)
- Oct 12 – Non-fungible summit(SF)
- Oct 22-24 – Web3Summit (Berlin)
- Oct 24-25 – Winding Tree hackathon (Prague)
- Oct 26-28 – Status hackathon (Prague)
- Oct 28-30 – Ethereum Magicians Council of Prague
- Oct 29 – Decentralized Insurance D1Conf (Prague)
- Oct 30 – Nov 2 – Devcon4 (Prague)
- Nov 2 – MetaMask to stop injecting web3
- Nov 3-4 – Enterprise Ethereum hackathon (Prague)
- Dec 7-9 – dGov distributed governance conf (Athens)
- Dec 7-9 – ETHSingapore hackathon
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This newsletter is made possible by ConsenSys, which is perpetually hiring if you’re interested.

I own Week In Ethereum. As such, editorial control has always been 100% me. If you’re unhappy with editorial decisions, feel free to tweet at me.
Shameless self-promotion
Most of what I link to I tweet first: @evan_van_ness