Eth News and Links
- Trinity v0.1.0-alpha.28 – get synced in an hour with BeamSync
- EthereumJS VM v4.1, ready for the Istanbul upgrade
- ProgPoW hardware audit by Bob Rao after the Least Authority software audit released the previous week. Unclear what next steps are.
- Interop week is over, but the results are spectacular: seven Eth2 clients talking to each other. This was the last major hurdle before clients focus on optimizations, auditing, and UX in preparation for launch.
- Nimbus has a mostly pre-interop client update: exit mechanics, better monitoring, and Nimplay – a nim DSL for Ethereum.
Stuff for developers
- Patterns to fight front-running
- Factory contracts improve security
- Airswap quickly found a vulnerability in deployed mainnet code, 10 addresses affected that need to revoke authorizations.
- VSCode plugin for Surya’s interactive call graphs
- Truffle v5.0.36 – better stack trace
- Drizzle v1.5 – new monorepo and Vue plugin
- Interact with mainnet contracts in Ganache
- How Melon set up a monitoring tool with The Graph
- Graphene v1 to use Intel SGX from Linux
- decentralized Solidity source code verification
- Dedicated IPFS networks
- POA Network’s TokenBridge adds arbitrary message relaying
- Loredana demo on dTyped Solidity
- Tranquility: what Ethworks wants and is planning for a new Eth language
- An update on Formality, it is now “usable… ish,” compiler planned by the end of the year.
- A writeup of the ZeroPool zk anon multi-asset pool from EthBoston
- Perpetual Powers of Tau ceremony
- Swarm monthly update – now supports bandwidth incentivization
- 3Box Followers – an open web3 social graph
- An update on Universal Login with Avsa demo
- Gas limit is creeping up as a community campaign to convince miners to raise the limit appears to have succeeded. It’s got up to almost 8.4m but is at 8.2x as I type, but gas prices haven’t budged (no link)
- Banco Santander with the first end-to-end on-chain $20m bond and John Whelan’s thoughts on the future of security tokens
- Joe Lubin joins Hyperledger governing board.
- Voting isn’t just a problem in onchain governance: low turnout leads to IBM holding a majority of Hyperledger’s technical steering committee
- Hyperledger Besu v1.2.3 (formerly known as Pantheon)
Standards and governance topics
Application layer
- Augur v1 cutoff changed to Jan 1, contingent on a progressively increased Initial Reporter stake
- Gnosis’ Sight prediction market is in beta
- Set launches a 12 day exponential moving average play
- Status v0.13.2 iOS hotfix ahead of a v1 release in q4. v1 is a breaking change that requires deleting the beta versions, so backup your key!
- Kyber adds a fiat onramp using Coindirect
- Completely decentralized marketplace using Turms Message Transport
- Avantgarde to take the lead developing Melon protocol in exchange for MLN
- An opus on Mattereum’s vision
- UMA’s synthetic token builder is live on Rinkeby testnet.
- Dai Savings Rate in multi-collateral Dai
- dydx adds a native ETH/DAI market
- Dai Stability Fee down to 12.5%
- A catalog of the many flavors of Dai. Like EthBoston’s SwanDAI – black swan exposure through synthetics using UMA
- Move your funds from Dharma v1 to v2
- Aragon v0.8 – improved setup flow, new design, email subscriptions for votes
Tokens / Business / Regulation
- The Tether Flippening draws nigh: 300m USDT moved from Bitcoin to Ether
- Seychelles national stock exchange does an IPO of its equity using a security token. On Eth, of course.
- Sparkle, a “redistributive currency,” although paying 3% upfront means you need “about 3x your investment to be contributed before recouping your original contribution”
- Mougayar: Ethereum and the Chinese Bamboo Tree. It’s growing like crazy, just some people can’t see it yet.
- France and Germany joint statement saying they’ll block Facebook’s Libra
- OpenSea’s ERC1155 token marketplace is open
- ZCash/ECC’s Sean Bowe discovers HALO: zk proofs with no trusted setup
- StarkWare’s STARK-friendly hash challenges is live
- Matter Labs’ IACR paper: Transparent Polynomial Commitment Scheme with Polylogarithmic Communication Complexity
- Full documentary of Bounties Network’s Bounty for Basura (13m)
- Gemini now offers custody for funds and institutions
- For the 3rd straight week, I did an annotated version of the newsletter. Anyone who has bought the NFT can read it. Same link, you can still buy the NFT. (and you can also use Unlock’s WordPress plugin to easily sell your own) See immediately below:
3 year anniversary 
Just to repeat the advertisement immediately above: you can buy the limited edition NFT for 0.11 Eth which will unlock the annotated edition.
All proceeds will be back into Ethereum somehow, likely donated to a public good, at my discretion.
Dates of Note
Upcoming dates of note (new in bold):
- Sep 16 – Tachyon accelerator application deadline
- Sep 16-30 Gitcoin CLR matching
- Sep 16-30 Decentraland GameJam hackathon
- Sep 16-27 Graph virtual hackathon
- Sep 23-Oct 6 – Road to Devcon virtual hackathon
- Sep 27 – ErasureCon (password: information) (SF)
- Oct 5-6 – Cryptoeconomics System Summit (Boston)
- Oct 7 – ENS workshop (Osaka)
- Oct 8-11 – Devcon (Osaka) and Devcon social events calendar
- Oct 19-20 – Crosslink (Taipei)
- Nov 5-6 – Decentralized insurance D1Conf (Malta)
- Nov 8-10 – ETHWaterloo
- Jan 1 – Augur v1 cutoff
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