Ethereum News and Links
- Byzantium hard fork scheduled for October 17 on block 4,370,000. Listen to the latest dev call. Agenda. Hudson’s notes and recap of the call
- On Sep 22, Raiden announced a token sale and got lots of pushback. The pushback seemed largely a result of surprise in the community due to expectations from previous Raiden comments that monetization would be through Raidex. Yet the pushback reminded me of how people in the community told Gnosis that no one would buy their tokens due to the Dutch auction structure – and then sold out at an absurdly high valuation.
- To correct a common community misconception that has sprung up from Vitalik announcing he’d donate to second layer solutions, here’s more Vitalik, “I think some misinterpreted my remarks as me on my financial high horse accusing cash-strapped Raiden devs of greed. Not my intenti[o]n at all.”
- Today: the Raiden Network Token Model. tl;dr: native token for channel monitoring service, light node, pathfinding, etc.
- Interactive Coin Offerings paper by Jason Teutsch and Vitalik Buterin.
- Here’s the announcement post and here’s the explanation post.
Stuff for developers
- Announcing the winners of the first Underhanded Solidity Coding Contest. 1st Martin Swende, 2nd Richard Moore, 3rd João Carvalho, honorable mention Doug Hoyte
- Christian Reitweissner on lessons learned to improve Solidity security
- Phil Daian’s entry using C3 linearization inheritance
- Writing Truffle tests with async/await
- Make your own Truffle box
- Remix IDE update
- iExec SDK tutorial
- opens October 21
- There’s been lots of strange happenings in CoinDash’s history.
- MyEtherWallet: Stop getting phished
- Firefly’s update on $5 DIY HW Wallet
- uPort improves privacy: only public keys in IPFS and stateless JS challenge/response
- Gnosis: The Power of Prediction Markets. Reminds me of my post almost exactly two years ago: “Augur: Uber for knowledge”
- Spearheaded by Aragon, 10 projects are switching from Slack to Rocket Chat
- Linda Xie: Women in crypto. Also Q&A with Linda about her new fund with Jordan Clifford
- Coinbase announces Ethereum & Litecoin vaults.
- Coinbase also announced phone support and some safeguards against phone porting
Project Announcements
- Kudos Project: a protocol to better evaluate and compensate service providers for sharing economy marketplaces. Whitepaper. [Disclosure: I’m an advisor.]
- Balanc3: Quickbooks for Token Launches
- GitCoin: incentivize open source software with tokens. Blog post announcement
- Project Onyx: test driven software dev incentivization
- dYdX: derivatives on 0x. Very cool.
Project Updates
- Basic Attention Token Mercury release on Oct 6. I’m looking forward to earning BAT from my websites
- 0x has the first relayer live: Kin Alpha
- “The 0x ecosystem” from Will Warren. Impressive to see how many projects are building on 0x.
- “The 0x ecosystem” from Will Warren. Impressive to see how many projects are building on 0x.
- How Bounties Network wants to improve free lance job sites
- Omise confirms it will process payments for McDonald’s Thailand website and mobile app
- OpenLaw: using Ethereum code to decentralize the deal
- Vinay Gupta slides on using arbitration clauses to enable token sales
- takes steps to crowdsource the evaluation process and announces Seed sales.
Interviews and Talks
- Vitalik Buterin, Karl Floersch and Thomas Greco at Seoul Ethereum meetup
- Joey Krug podcast talking angel investing
- Q&A with Ryan from VirtuePoker
- Azure’s Matt Kerner talks Coco Framework on Epicenter
- Brendan Eich talks BAT on Wharton Business Radio
- Golem and Streamr video interview
- Vitalik video Q&A on early Ethereum, etc
- Peter Czaban on Polkadot at NYC Ethereum
- Episode 3 of my new podcast is with’s Jan Isakovic
Token Sales
- Chris Burniske on Crypto asset valuations
- YCombinator looking seriously at selling a token?
- WSJ reporting on how token sales are changing the game in capital formation
- SEC creates Cyber Unit aimed at 6 things, one is “violations involving distributed ledger technology and initial coin offerings”
Token Sale Projects
- AirSwap token sale details
- AMA with RNDR
- TechCrunch: Ripio Credit Network aims to attack bank loan fees in emerging markets
- Pedro Anderson pitches WindingTree at a conference
- Diego Espinosa: Tokens as wire cutter to the commons
- Founder of Mastercoin pushing UpToken for crypto ATMs
- Mike Novogratz video interview talking Ethereum and ConsenSys. Bloomberg article on Novogratz’s new $500m crypto fund.
- Ethereum yellow paper in Chinese
- Nick Johnson on IOTA. Plus Vitalik chimes in.
- Andreas Brekken – of the critical Storj and OpenBazaar reviews – buys back into Ethereum because of zk-SNARKs
- Fortune: Mediledger – consortia of big pharmaceutical companies built a supply chain project using Quorum and Chronicled
- There was a pretty misleading post about “68% of transaction value controlled by one system.” But maybe it’s worth reading so you know what some people are yammering about.
- Excellent WSJ profile of Balaji Srinivasan
- USV’S Albert Wenger is right. “By all means [in crypto]: let’s do more, rather than less.“
- Tim Swanson on 8 things crypto bulls don’t tell you. Always useful to read a counterperspective. Very much agreed with some points; others I found quite overblown.
Dates of note
From Token Sale Calendar:
Upcoming token sale start dates:
- September 28 –
- September 29 – Snip
- September 29 – Customization Basic Income
- September 29 – Assertive Reality
- September 29 – CarTaxi
- October 1 – Hirematch
- October 1 – Synapse
- October 1 – Sparc
- October 1 – DFS
- October 1 – Etherparty
- October 2 – RefToken
- October 2 – Rhea
- October 2 – Ethino
- October 3 – Enjin (ongoing pre-sale)
- October 3 – Snov
- October 3 – Sense Token
- October 3 – Self Pay
- October 4 – RNDR
- October 5 – Air Token
- October 5 – Crypto.Tickets
- October 9 – WandX
- October 9 – Sharpe Capital
- October 10 – Swap
- October 10 – Gizer
- October 10 – Notary Platform
- October 13 – Request Network
- October 15 – Paypie
- October 16 – SpankChain
- October 16 – Horizon State
- October 17 – Ripio Credit Network
- October 18 – Kudos Project
- October 19 – Privatix
- October 28 – Gatcoin
- October 30 – Grid+
- October 31 – Gazecoin
- November 1 – Winding Tree
- November 1 – ScriptDrop
- November 1 – RockChain
- November 1 – Debitum
- Novemer 6 – Media Sifter
Ongoing token sales:
- Opakeco
- EthLend
- Jibrel Network
- MatchPay
- Gimli
- Databroker DAO
- Circles
- Relest
- Wolk
- Spheris
- Aeron (ongoing pre-sale)
- Maecenas
- Bitjob
- Harbor
- LookRev
- Matryx
- Atlant
- Avalon
- Payfair
- HelloGold
- Authoreon
- Magos
- PowerLedger
- Vibehub
- Paragon
- Agor
Want to be included? If you are building your project on Ethereum, email weekinethereum @ gmail [period] com with 1) your URL, 2) sale date and 3) a brief but convincing description of how you are using Ethereum, preferably with a link to your Github repo. Listings are free. But please make sure to follow those instructions. If you don’t follow the instructions, you likely won’t get a response.
WARNING: list may include or even likely includes scams and quasi-scams. Do your own research and due diligence before putting value at risk.
[I aim for a relatively comprehensive list of Ethereum sales, but make no warranty as to even whether they are legit; as such, I thus likewise warrant nothing about whether any will produce a satisfactory return. I have passed the CFA exams, but this is not investment advice. If you’re interested in what I do, you can find my somewhat out-of-date investing thesis and token sale appreciation strategies in previous newsletters.]
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This newsletter is supported by and ConsenSys (have you seen that we’re hiring?). But in case you still want to send Ether or tokens: 0x96d4F0E75ae86e4c46cD8e9D4AE2F2309bD6Ec45