News and Links
- Latest core devs call. Lane’s notes.
- [Eth 2.0] Latest Eth2.0 implementers call
- [Eth 2.0] Minimal VDF randomness beacon
- [Eth 2.0] Shasper viz v0.4
- [Casper] A simplified look at Casper
- [State channels] State channels researcher call
- [Plasma] Plasma Cash defragmentation, take 2
- [Plasma] Erasure coding (Reed-Solomon) for data availability
- [Plasma] Plasma Leap: state-enabled computing model
- [TurboGeth] TurboGeth: public but unsupported beta, Alexey working on tests
- [Light clients] Al-Bassam, Sonnino, and Buterin: Maximising Light Client Security and Scaling Blockchains with Dishonest Majorities. VB’s paragraph summary.
Stuff for developers
- ZK Labs Community Audits Initiative for non-ICO projects
- Securify is now open source, as well as the publicly available tool on the web.
- Embark v3.2 – ENS support on all chains, templates, webpack, latest Vyper, latest Swarm, etc
- Truffle v5.0.0 beta1 – debugger breakpoints, unique mnemonics, init/unbox into a directory with contents, etc
- Typesafe Truffle
- ecommerce React + web3 + Truffle
- Bokky’s Solidity flattener to verify your source code
- RLP encoding in Solidity
- ENSBuilder for testing contracts with ENS
- Pipeline visual IDE video: Solidity and Javascript composite
- Ropsten forks at 4.2M blocks, on Oct 9 (no link)
- a C#, .NET Core EVM. Also, .NET Core Nethermind Eth client
- Uport/3box Ethereum profiles API
- George Spasov: meta transactions, counterfactual instantiation and P2P networks. Similar: gasless transactions
- Deconstructing Solidity code, pt 6: Swarm hash
- MetaMask: EIP712 is coming: what you should do
- Web3E: Ethereum for Arduino framework embedded devices
- Eth on ARM. NanoPC-T4 image with official Armbian support. stability improvements and clients upgrade.
- Geth v1.8.16 – bugfix maintenance release
- Trinity v0.1.0-alpha.16 – sync and performance improvements
Live on mainnet
- 0x protocol v2 – more token standards support, better matching, bulk cancellations.
- Compound launches, borrow to short or earn interest by lending your ETH, REP, BAT, ZRX
- CasinoFair is live on mainnet – first provably fair casino. 80k FUN “slightly singed” so far
- Lane Rettig: 12 reasons I’m bullish about Ethereum today. Vitalik then added 6 more reasons
- Want to participate in Gnosis futarchy experiments?
- Details on POA Network’s Honey Badger BFT consensus algo based on Miller, et al’s 2016 paper
- Cartesi – off-chain computation verification, a la Truebit
- Now Circle has a stable USD ERC20 token
- Austria is selling 1.15 billion euros of government bonds, notarizing them on Ethereum.
- Metamask now supports Ledger hardware wallets
Governance and Standards
- Polkadot: why on-chain governance
- ERC1450: SEC-compatible security token
- ERC1444: method for converting machine code to human-readable text
- ERC1453: tokenized debt standard
- ERC1438: dApp Components (avatar) & Universal Wallet
- ERC1357: address metadata JSON schema
Project Updates
- Augur v2 plans: DAI, use it or lose it for REP, oracle price auction system, quicker disputes, etc
- Origin Protocol live on Rinkeby and Ropsten testnets
- Brave browser 1.0 beta release
- Opera Labs browser pairs web3 on desktop with transaction signing on your Android
- Legal agreements by API from OpenLaw
- SwarmCity has an interesting way to update on roadmap progress
- Status v0.9.28 – wallet bugfix – backup your walletbefore upgrading
- Uport release with new private identity architecture
Interviews, Podcasts, Videos, Talks
- Google’s Allen Day on blockchain datasets on Epicenter
- Conversation between Chris Dixon and Fred Wilson
- Maker’s Rune Christensen with Laura Shin
- Austin Griffith talks meta transactions on Smartest Contract
- EthIS videos. Sound, not great.
- web3design community call
- Around the Block, episode 2
- Stephen King talks Imprex with Nasdaq
- Tomasz Drwięga chats about transaction pools on Zero Knowledge
- Arjun Bhuptani on Smartest Contract
- Phil Daian at Usenix: towards principled bug bounties and exploit resistant smart sontracts. Also: Johannes Krupp Usenix talk
Tokens / Business
- Iconomi is ending the utility of their tokens and making them securities
- Socios has announced that Paris St Germain and Juventus will sell fan tokens. Interestingly, Socios apparently has its own token, but I’ve never heard of it and it’s not on coinmarketcap or idex either.
- AdChain learnings from the first TCR. Inaugural TCR community call
- Futarchy with Bonding Curve Tokens
- A quick Placeholder study on market reactions to BTC and ETH forks
- Lubin: tokenized networks are a natural progression of value and money
- Cosmos Game of Stakes is open for registration, with 300k Atoms to winners
- Two big Fortune profiles: Coinbase and Brian Armstrong and a16z’s Katie Haun
- Alex Tabarrok: “The mechanism for producing public goods in Buterin, Hitzig, and Weyl’s, Liberal Radicalism is quite amazing and a quantum leap in public-goods mechanism-design”
- If you read the “Eth and ZCash to merge!!!1!z!!” crypto clickbait stories, here’s the source Twitter thread.
- But….ZCash may be open to using Casper
- JP Morgan announces 75 banks sign up for Quorum’s Interbank Info Network
- NSA’s Codebreaker Challenge features Ethereum
Dates of Note
Upcoming dates of note (additions in bold):
- Oct 5-7 – TruffleCon in Portland
- Oct 5-7 – ETHSanFrancisco hackathon
- Oct 8 – Settle virtual hackathon
- Oct 11 – Crypto Economics Security Conf (Berkeley)
- Oct 12 – Non-fungible summit (SF)
- Oct 17-21 Lebanon hackathon (Beirut)
- Oct 22-24 – Web3Summit (Berlin). 50% off available for devs, students & researchers
- Oct 24-25 – Winding Tree hackathon (Prague)
- Oct 26-28 – Status hackathon (Prague)
- Oct 29 – Decentralized Insurance D1Conf (Prague)
- Oct 29 – Swarm mini-summit (Prague)
- Oct 29 – Ethereum Magicians Council of Prague
- Oct 30 – Nov 2 – Devcon4 (Prague)
- Nov 2 – MetaMask, Mist, imToken and Status to stop injecting web3
- Nov 3-4 – Enterprise Ethereum hackathon (Prague)
- Dec 7-9 – dGov distributed governance conf (Athens)
- Dec 7-9 – ETHSingapore hackathon
- Feb 15-17 – ETHDenver
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This newsletter is made possible by ConsenSys, which is perpetually hiring if you’re interested.

I own Week In Ethereum. As such, editorial control has always been 100% me. If you’re unhappy with editorial decisions, feel free to tweet at me.
Shameless self-promotion
Most of what I link to I tweet first: @evan_van_ness