Etherium News and Links (spelled wrong for the Google)
- The supposed “China ban on ICOs” was the big news of the week. Here’s the primary document. I don’t speak Mandarin, so I’ll note that there’s plenty of disagreement in the West about what exactly was said and more importantly what was meant – because predictive power is always the most important thing. It does seem like the exchanges and “ICO platforms” feel like they’ve been prohibited from listing tokens.
- An “ICO” no one had heard of refunded the $40k it had collected because it said SEC Enforcement contacted them. Of course it got wide press coverage, though we never did get confirmation on whether the SEC had talked to them.
- I sent the first daily Ethereum newsletter last week. Immediately, Mailchimp banned that account and wouldn’t send it. So subscribe to the daily newsletter here, I’ll move to a different email sender this week that actually sends it.
- Vitalik Buterin twitter thread on conservatism as a design principle
Stuff for developers
- C# to EVM compiler
- Jim Posen video on Coinbase’s payment architecture
- Your first Truffle dapp
- Raiden testnet deployed
- Eth Gas Station: Progress in Dynamic Gas Price Estimation
- Predicted confirmation time by gas price. 1 gwei gas price generally gets confirmed in 10 mins or less.
- Predicted confirmation time by gas price. 1 gwei gas price generally gets confirmed in 10 mins or less.
- Graphic on how the Ice Age is affecting block production
- Give ERC20 tokens using cards with QR codes using You’ve Got Eth. Reminds me of TipEth.
- Kyle Torpey transcribes former SEC enforcement lawyer Nick Morgan’s appearance on Epicenter.
- Make things customers actually want: blockchain ticketing edition. In which I rail against “utopian ideas with no plausible roadmap for getting there and no understanding of the players in the legacy systems.”
- Some mechanics to do in preparing a successful token sale
Project Announcements
- RenderToken – OTOY is “looking to raise $134 million dollars” for distributed GPU rendering. White paper
- EzEther – a local bitcoins type service for ether out of India. Video demo
- Bloom: credit scores using Ethereum/IPFS. White paper
Project Updates
- Toshi’s main net launch is imminent, so devs need to update their app. Usernames are reserved
- A Sneak Peek into the Gnosis Management Interface
- Aragon’s transparency framework
- District0x models its registry on AdChain registry
- Varibl derivatives trading platform in beta this week
- Status has started development updates every few days
- iEXEC update
- Neufund rebrands as community-owned fundraising platform. Whitepaper v2
- Melon August update
Stuff using 0x (and not)
- Radar Relay technical overview. Beta launched on Kovan test net.
- The 0cean wants you to integrate with them.
- Lendroid + Øx – lending and margin trading for tokens
- The Ethfinex roadmap
- Not on 0x: IDEX. Their intro post on how they do DEX differently.
Interviews and Talks
- Fred Ehrsam BloombergTV talk with Emily Chang on how blockchains will disrupt BigTech
- Status Q&A with Fred Tibbles of
- Peter Czaban talks Polkadot on Epicenter
- BlockChannel podcast with Cent
- Meet Renata, the first graduate of SingularDTV’s Blockchain Bootcamp
- MrYukonC has been making videos again
- Mark D’Agostino and Igor Lilic talk Grid+ at EthereumNYC
Token Sale Projects
- Virtue Poker FAQ
- Airswap promo video
- Announcing the Streamr DATAcoin ICO
- Pantera Capital partners with Maecenas – contrary to the trend, no special deals for them. They are participating in the token sale just like everyone else
- This week in celebs tweeting about tokens: Ashton Kutcher and Paris Hilton
Token Valuations and the efficiency of crypto markets
- Buried in the middle of Augur’s latest weekly update: “Micah gave a nice overview of the new REP fee structure on Reddit.” There’s a bit more elaboration on StackExchange
- tl;dr: Augur has made a big change to its fee reporting schedule, which means they’ve made a big change to REP valuation.
- REP’s previous trading level implied a certain level of throughput. If you believe that the new model works as Augur believes, then REP is massively undervalued compared to its previous valuation paradigm.
- FunFair also buried the lede* in large update: they will burn many of the existing tokens they had planned for a second sale and sell “a much smaller number” on an Asian tour. Given that almost 70% of total supply had been reserved for a second sale, this is a huge factor. (* spelled correctly for you non-journalists)
- Standard setting transparency with regard to cash management, legal structures, and hiring. Kudos to FunFair
- Standard setting transparency with regard to cash management, legal structures, and hiring. Kudos to FunFair
- To me, these are both pretty big announcements that should affect token valuations, yet they haven’t. It’s an excellent reminder that crypto asset markets are not yet efficient markets. (full disclosure: I own both REP and FUN but did not trade within a week in advance of this publication and pledge not to within the next 24 hours upon sending)
- The canton of Geneva is experimenting with using Ethereum to date and sign official digital documents
- There was a brouhaha about a partnership with a Russian bank. That didn’t sound like something the Ethereum Foundation would do. And lo, it was actually a deal between a Russia-specific company set up by Vitalik and the bank.
- Aeternity is basically sticking out its head and yelling “SEC! Over here”. Those with 100m+ raises must be sighing.
- CoinFund: Decentralized social media is peer-to-peering into the future
- Bear cases for Ethereum: Multicoin Capital and Preston Byrne. Related: Andreas Brekken tries to use Storj and OpenBazaar
- FT talked up the utility settlement coin in development by a few banks
- This week OmiseGO became the first Ethereum token to be valued over 1 billion USD. They also say they have a partnership with McDonalds Thailand. Their airdrop has been delayed but will start soon. Remember: you don’t have to do anything, so don’t get scammed.
Dates of note
From Token Sale Calendar:
Upcoming token sale start dates:
- September 6 – Atlant
- September 6 – Matryx
- September 7 – Maecenas ( Priority Pass presale: Sep 5)
- September 7 – Blocklancer
- September 8 – LookRev
- September 10 – Wolk
- September 11 – Enigma Catalyst
- September 12 – Kin (registration ends Sept 9)
- September 12 – Streamr
- September 12 – Evermarkets
- September 12 – Bitjob
- September 13 – Unikoin
- September 13 – Eventchain
- September 14 – Privatix
- September 15 – Kyber Network (registration August 31 – Sept 10)
- September 15 – Etherparty
- September 16 – MatchPay
- September 16 – Gimli
- September 18 – Winding Tree
- September 18 – Databroker DAO
- September 18 – Circles
- September 18 – Relest
- September 19 – SmartContract
- September 19 – Air Token
- September 19 – Spheris
- September 21 – Digital Asset Power Play ( Priority Passpresale: Sep 19)
- September 21 – Opakeco
- September 25 – EthLend
- September 25 – Jibrel Network
- October 1 – Hirematch
- October 2 – WandX
- October 10 – Swap
- October 15 – Paypie
Ongoing token sales:
- Avalon
- Payfair
- HelloGold
- 300 Cubits
- Indorse
- Authoreon
- Magos
- PowerLedger
- Vibehub
- Paragon
- Agor
- Propy
- Umbrella Coin
- Latium
- SmartRE
- Macroverse
- Blockpass
- GroceryX
Want to be included? If you are building your project on Ethereum, email weekinethereum @ gmail [period] com with 1) your URL, 2) sale date and 3) a brief but convincing description of how you are using Ethereum, preferably with a link to your Github repo. Listings are free. But please make sure to follow those instructions. If you don’t follow the instructions, you likely won’t get a response.
WARNING: list may include or even likely includes scams. Do your own research and due diligence before putting value at risk.
[I aim for a relatively comprehensive list of Ethereum sales, but make no warranty as to even whether they are legit; as such, I thus likewise warrant nothing about whether any will produce a satisfactory return. I have passed the CFA exams, but this is not investment advice. If you’re interested in what I do, you can find my somewhat out-of-date investing thesis and token sale appreciation strategies in previous newsletters.]
Every week I still get emails saying, “you joined ConsenSys?” So this section stays.
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My charge from Joe Lubin is pretty similar to what Status has told me: keep telling the truth and covering the space as objectively as I can.
I measure the success of each issue by how much it gets upvoted and shared.
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This newsletter is supported by and ConsenSys (have you seen that we’re hiring?). But in case you still want to send Ether or tokens: 0x96d4F0E75ae86e4c46cD8e9D4AE2F2309bD6Ec45