Week in Ethereum News
July 20, 2024

Eth News and Links

EOF remains in Pectra for now, Virgil Griffith sentence reduced, spot ETH ETFs launch July 23 in US and WazirX (Indian exchange) $230M exploit

All core devs

  • All Core Devs – Execution (ACDE) #192:
    • Pectra (Prague + Electra) upgrade:
      • Pectra-devnet-1: local testing found some issues, plan to launch Thursday with all clients
      • EOF:
        • Remains in Pectra for now, requires extensive testing & fuzzing across clients
        • Risks of a consensus bug & costs vs benefits debated; Geth strongly against & won’t champion testing/support, Solidity for
        • Legacy EVM still needs to be supported, migration is years away, if ever
        • Mainnet still sets defaults for L2s, L2s won’t lead yet
      • EIP7702: spec unchanged for now, discussed CODERESET proposal
      • Logs for system contracts: review async & decide at next ACDC
      • EIP7742 decouple blob count for CL/EL: discuss at next ACDC
      • RIP7212 secp256r1 precompile on L1: review async & decide on inclusion (soon)

Osaka + F starname upgrade

Centralization watch: threatening the value of your ETH

Layer 1

  • Blocknative: data viz of self-built blocks, unintentionally increase base fee volatility
  • EIP7732 ePBS:
    • ePBS breakout #5: short call, proposer IP leaks requesting headers from builder and consensus spec tests fixes in progress
  • Nethermind EVMYulLean: EVM + Yul specification, executable, in Lean


  • Anders Elowsson: sealed execution auction, Vickrey slot auction of execution proposal rights, attesters supervise commit/reveal scheme facilitated by builders & beacon proposer
  • Multi-round MEV-Boost: mitigate negatives of based preconfs & retain benefits of based rollups

Client Releases

  • Consensus layer:
    • Lodestar v1.20.2: patch for publishing blinded blocks using Lodestar beacon node & Lighthouse/Nimbus validator client with MEV-Boost
  • Execution layer:
    • Reth v1.0.3: fix for Base mainnet & async Backfill stream

Layer 2

  • Scroll delayed finalization to investigate potential ecosystem incident, confirmed Rho Markets was application specific
  • L2BEAT Badges: visual display of L2 features


  • EIPs (Ethereum improvement proposals):
    • EIP7745: Two dimensional log filter data structure
  • ERCs (application layer standards):
    • ERC7743: Multi-owner non-fungible tokens (MO-NFT)
    • ERC7744: Code index (index contract bytecode)
    • ERC7746: Composable security middleware hooks
  • EIP.tools adds RIPs (rollup improvement proposals)

Stuff for developers

  • Solidity via-IR compilation pipeline explainer: translates Solidity into Yul (intermediate representation) for optimization rather than direct to bytecode, plan to make default with EOF
  • Solidity hidden overflow: math expression types cast to highest type used by variables
  • Solady (Solidity snippets): adds ERC1967 minimal proxies with immutable args, auto verified on Etherscan
  • Z0r0z sstore3, read/write contract storage using balance & address, license: AGPL v3
  • Rindexer, EVM indexing tool in Rust, beta
  • Reth Execution Extension (ExEx) examples
  • Echidna v2.2.4: improves fuzzing speed & user experience, adds support for transient opcodes
  • Audit Wizard adds Cyfrin Aderyn (Solidity static analyzer)
  • Spice (Python): export data from Dune API
  • CTFs:
    • Damn Vulnerable DeFi v4: migrated to Foundry, new challenges: curvy puppet, shards, withdrawal & rewarder




Job Listings

Job listings: $600 for 4 issues (75 char limit).  Pay using 3cities.  Questions? abcoathup at-gmail

Onchain stats

  • Fees (via ultrasound.money):
    • Gas: 0.9 to 41.7 gwei, 6.8 gwei average; zero net issuance at 23.6 gwei 
    • 13k ETH net issuance this week
  • ETHUSD: $3,121 – $3,538, currently $3,488, all time high $4,878
  • ETHBTC: currently 0.053 (Flippening at ~0.164)



END OF SERVICE: plan to deprecate Week in Ethereum News

Editor: @abcoathup
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Permalink: https://weekinethereumnews.com/week-in-ethereum-news-july-20-2024

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