Eth News and Links
Mainnet execution layer
- Latest core devs call video. Notes from Tim Beiko & Christine Kim:
- Keep shadow forking until no client issues, then upgrade Ropsten, followed by shorter timeframe for Goerli & Sepolia
- Rinkeby won’t be upgraded; Ropsten & Rinkeby will be deprecated
- latestValidHash analysis with potential attack scenarios
- EOF, SELFDESTRUCT and Verkle tries discussion
- Not accepting more EIPs for Shanghai until post merge
- ethereumjs/client v0.4.1: merge/Kiln fixes
- Erigon merge support & v2: Alpha version will support the merge, v2 aims to solve snapshot sync & transaction level granularity for history
- Erigon v2022.04.02: using mirror for MDBX after removal from GitHub
- Condrieu Verkle testnet now public
- The future of accounts: options for migrating EOAs to contract wallets
Proof of Stake consensus layer
- Nimbus v22.4.0: 750MB to run a node after 250MB memory use reduction
- Lighthouse v2.2.1: fix sync from genesis/pre-Altair checkpoint
- Ben Edgington’s Upgrading Ethereum book Randomness chapter
- Lido plans for decentralization: gradual adoption of Distributed Validator Technology
PoW switch off (the merge)
- The merge likely won’t be June
- Pari’s shadow fork explainer
- mainnet-shadow-fork-1 successful but several clients found issues
- Goerli-shadow-fork-4 on April 19, next mainnet shadow fork April 23
- ERC721R: minters can return NFT for a refund
- EIP5008: ERC721 Nonce and Metadata Update Extension
- EIP5007: ERC721 Time Extension
- EIP5005: Zodiac
- EIP5003: Replace EOAs with AUTHUSURP
- EIP4985: NFT for GameFi
- EIP4897: Held token standard
- EIP4804: Web3 URL to EVM Call Message Translation
- KuCoin supports withdrawals on Arbitrum
- Worldcoin open sources protocol including optimistic rollup based on the Hubble Project and Semaphore
This newsletter is made possible thanks to the Uniswap Grants Program!

Uniswap Grants Program – If you’ve ever wanted to work on TWAP oracles, better DeFi devtools, had ideas on optimizing LP strategies, or just wanting to improve the Uniswap protocol, apply for a grant from UGP today!
For more grant ideas, check out our list of RFPs!
Stuff for developers
- Underhanded Solidity Contest winners
- Remix v0.23.0: improved caching, run a script after compiling via natspec
- ethereumjs/vm v5.9.0: EIP3651 (warm coinbase), EIP1153 (transient storage opcodes) and custom pre-compiles
- Foundry key repos consolidated in one GitHub organization
- Unimock: mock contract for Foundry testing
- Hot-chain-svg: on-chain SVG toolkit, hot reloading, visual testing and library
- NFT gas optimization guide
- Nethereum (.Net library) v4.3.0: improved support for Sign-In with Ethereum, contracts for ERC tokens & ENS and log processing
- useDapp v1.0 (dapp development framework): multi-chain support, WalletConnect integration and custom chain configuration
- Uniswap Labs Swap Widget: React component for token swaps
- Center NFT React components: embed NFTs in React apps
- Auth0 guide for adding Sign-in with Ethereum
- Otterscan v2022.04.01: USD prices for token transfers and testnet faucets
- EF Security research team update on consensus layer & the merge
- Josh Stark: atoms, institutions & blockchains
- Post merge deflationary ETH minimum gas price: 14.1 gwei at 350k validators, 16.9 gwei at 500k validators and 23.9 gwei at 1M validators
- Malicious SVG NFTs can contain JavaScript to steal NFTs by requesting holders approve an allowance
- Etherscan token ignore list: hide transactions for spam tokens
- ETHGlobal DAOHacks finalists
- A simple guide to Ethereum
- EEA business readiness & use case survey
Application layer
- Alchemix Elixir: Algorithmic Market Operator (AMO)
- ICHI pool 136 postmortem, price decline after $10M sale resulted in a cascading liquidation event
- 0x analysis on impact of slippage
- Coinbase casting call for Bored Apes to appear in three part short film
- Lit Token Access: token gated access to products/discounts on Shopify, beta
- Spice: data & AI infrastructure for apps & ML, preview
Job Listings
- EF seek a generalist ecosystem developer
- Internship program at Nethermind (1-3 month)
- OpenZeppelin are hiring a Director of Development – Contracts
- EF’s Privacy & Scaling Explorations team: Web3 Engineer
- Devcon needs a front-end web developer
- EF ecosystem support hiring for Communications, Analyst & Admin Assistant
- EF hiring Test Engineer to improve testing infrastructure & coverage
Reach developers experienced with Ethereum. $600 for four issues (~75 character limit), payable in ETH/DAI/USDC to abcoathup.eth on mainnet, Arbitrum or Optimism. Questions? abcoathup at-gmail
- US Treasury allege North Korean Lazarus group behind Axie Infinity/Ronin hack
- Tornado Cash front end blocks sanctioned addresses using Chainalysis oracle
- Challenges for strongly on-chain games: UI/UX, backrunning & gaMEV, information hiding and latency
- Virgil Griffith sentenced to 63 months with a $100k fine. A first hand account of Virgil’s North Korea trip
- Another Chrome zero day. Update your Chrome/Brave browsers ASAP
- Frozen Heart zk proof vulnerability disclosed: Fiat-Shamir transformation implementations allow users to forge proofs for random statements
Follow @WeekinEthNews to find out what the most clicked links are. Follow @evan_van_ness and @abcoathup to get most of the week’s news in real time.
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Dates of Note
Upcoming dates of note (new/changes in bold):
- Apr 18-25 – Devconnect (Amsterdam)
- Apr 22-24 – ETHAmsterdam
- May 1 – application deadline for yAcademy’s auditor fellowship
- May 3-5 – Spaghett ETH (Milan)
- May 6-27 – ETHGlobal Hack Money
- May 8 – deadline for EF academic grants round
- May 17-20 – EY Global blockchain summit
- May 20 – US Fed CBDC discussion paper feedback deadline
- Jun 10-12 – ETHPrague
- Jun 20-23 – NFT.NYC
- Jun 24-26 – ETH NYC
- Jul 8 – ETH Seattle summit
- Jul 19-21 – EthCC 5 (Paris)
- Aug 19-21 – ETHMexicoCity
- Aug 27-28 – DeFi Security Summit (Stanford)
- Aug 29-31 – Science of Blockchain Conference (Stanford)
- Sep 1-4 – ETHWarsaw (hackathon & conference)
- Sep 6-9 – MCON 2 (Denver)
- Sep 12-14 – DappCon (Berlin)
- Oct 11-14 – Devcon 6 (Bogotá)
- Nov 4-6 – ETHSanFrancisco
- Dec 1-4 – ETHDownUnder (Sydney)
- Dec 2-4 – ETHTaipei
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