Eth News and Links
PoW switch off (the Merge)
- Mainnet Merge TTD & Bellatrix epoch to be set next week on the consensus layer call assuming Goerli merge goes well, Merge TTD will be updated on next core devs call if 5GB DAG size causes a big drop in hashrate
- Goerli testnet merge:
- Beacon chain (Prater) upgraded to Bellatrix
- Bordel predicts Goerli merge August 10-11
- Goerli-shadow-fork-6 merged successfully, no client issues, 30% ran MEV-boost
- Sepolia testnet post-Merge upgrade at block 1735371 (August ~17), update your execution layer clients to disconnect peers that haven’t transitioned to PoS
Execution layer
- Latest core devs call video. Notes from Tim Beiko and Christine Kim:
- Proposed post-merge Engine API & Checkpoint Sync changes
- Flashbots open sourcing MEV-boost relay in September
- Executable spec for execution layer to be tried in parallel to Core EIPs
- Besu v22.7.0: peering improvements and Merge fixes
- KZG ceremony call video: Python implementation of the spec
- Verifying large amounts of KZG multiproofs for Data Availability Sampling
- Academic paper finds F2pool manipulated time stamps to maximize their profits by uncling other blocks
Proof of Stake consensus layer
- Beacon chain deposits: Lido at 31%, Coinbase + Kraken + Binance at 30%, only ~14% of validators are unlabeled
- Lighthouse v2.5.1: fixes for 100MB per month memory footprint increase & fork choice error
- Teku v22.8.0: MEV-boost support, libp2p & fork choice optimizations
- Prysm v2.1.4-rc.1: Goerli merge support
- Flashbots building a relay monitor & circuit breaker for MEV-boost as defense against block withholding attacks
- Arbitrum One upgrades to Nitro August 31
- Delphi Digital: guide to rollups
- Vitalik: zk-EVM types & tradeoffs, Ethereum-equivalent, EVM-equivalent (full, full except for gas costs & almost) and high-level-language equivalent
- BLS Wallet overview & demo, bundles actions signed with BLS signatures to reduce data stored on chain & transaction costs
- EIP4987: Held token interface
- EIP5283: Semaphore for Reentrancy Protection
- EIP5375: NFT Author Information and Consent
- EIP5380: ERC721 Entitlement Extension
- EIP5409: ERC1155 Non-Fungible Token extension
This newsletter is made possible thanks to Hardhat!

The Hardhat for Visual Studio Code extension adds language support for Solidity to Visual Studio Code, and provides editor integration for Hardhat projects.
It supports:
- Code completion
- Go to definition, type definition and references
- Symbol renames
- Solidity code formatting
- Inline code validation from compiler errors/warnings for Hardhat projects
- Hover help for variables, function calls, errors, events etc.
- Code actions (quick fixes) suggested from compiler errors/warnings for Hardhat projects
- Implement missing functions on interface with stubs
- Constrain mutability by adding
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on function signature - Provide accessibility by adding
to function signature
Get it from the VSCode Marketplace
Stuff for developers
- Foundry fuzz test 2x speedup via caching bytecode analysis
- Tenderly Sandbox: prototype contracts in a browser
- web3.js v1.7.5: security update of dependencies, doc updates & fixes
- snekmate: Vyper building blocks; ECDSA, CreateAddress, Create2Address & EIP712
- ethp2p (Rust): encode/decode raw Eth p2p messages
- ConnectKit: React components to connect wallets, uses wagmi, beta
- Ethernaut DAO CTF EthernautDAOToken solution
- evm.elf: code that is valid EVM and Linux binary (ELF)
- BrainSTARK: guide to designing a Turing-complete zk-STARK engine for the Brainfuck language
- Google Paranoid library: check cryptographic artifacts for known weaknesses
- Nomad bridge $190 million exploit, invalid messages were treated as proven after upgrade changed message checking, exploit had multiple copycats
- Currently ~20% has been returned
- Pre-audit checks for contracts
- Projects need users to agree 10% bug bounty reward in advance
- Finematics: Merge explainer video
- Instagram NFT support expands to 100 countries
- Tiffany & Co NFTiffs: 250 CryptoPunk custom pendants & matching NFTs sold out quickly for 30 ETH each
- EEA: NIST compliance for blockchain applications
Application layer
- Proposal to create Uniswap Foundation
- PoolTogether delegation: delegate a deposit to a user who only has a wallet
- dWeb Services: ENS website IPNS pinning service
- Metagame Logbook NFT of human readable transactions
- Moonbirds NFTs moving to CC0 license
- SongADEX: Song a day NFT trait collecting
Job Listings
- Ethereum Foundation seek a People Operations Lead
- Overlay (backed by Polychain,1kx,ParaFi) hiring a Senior Solidity Developer
- ØVIX + GOGO Protocol: Senior DeFi Blockchain Developer & VP of Engineering
- Remix: frontend React/Typescript dev
Job listings: $600 for four issues (75 character limit), payable in ETH/DAI/USDC to abcoathup.eth on mainnet or Layer 2. Pay with one click using 3cities. Questions? abcoathup at-gmail
- Forsage founders & promoters charged in alleged fraudulent pyramid scheme
- Dropil founders sentenced to US federal prison for securities fraud
- US CFTC rugpulls PredictIt’s de facto regulatory approval
- 9k private keys compromised on Solana: Slope mobile wallet logged secret recovery phrases to a central server in plain text, investigation still ongoing
- CoinDesk: dev created 11 identities for interlocking protocols to invent 75% of Solana’s TVL
- Helium has ~$2b market cap despite just ~$6500 in monthly wireless revenue
Follow @WeekinEthNews to find out what the most clicked links are. Follow @evan_van_ness and @abcoathup to get most of the week’s news in real time.
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Upcoming Dates of Note
(new/changes in bold)
- Aug 6-12 – Goerli testnet merge
- Aug 8-10 – ETHToronto
- Aug 11 – Devcon wave 07 + 08 tickets
- Aug 11-13 – ETH LATAM (Buenos Aires)
- Aug 12 – Merge Community Call #6
- Aug 19-21 – ETHMexicoCity (ETH Global)
- Aug 20-22 – Paradigm CTF
- Aug 27-28 – DeFi Security Summit (Stanford)
- Aug 29-31 – Science of Blockchain Conference (Stanford)
- Sep 1-4 – ETHWarsaw (hackathon & conference)
- Sep 2-28 – ETHOnline (ETH Global)
- Sep 6-9 – MCON 2 (Denver)
- Sep 9-11 – Ethereum SP (São Paulo)
- Sep 12-14 – DappCon (Berlin)
- Sep 16-18 – EthBerlin
- Sep 23 – ETH HCMC summit (Ho Chi Minh)
- Sep 23-24 – ETHSantiago
- Oct 7-16 – Devcon week (Bogotá)
- Oct 7-9 – ETHBogotá (ETH Global)
- Oct 7-9 – Infinite hackathon (Bogotá)
- Oct 11-14 – Devcon 6 (Bogotá)
- Nov 4-6 – ETHSanFrancisco (ETH Global)
- Nov 18-20 – Web3 Weekend (ETH Global)
- Dec 1-4 – ETHDownUnder (Sydney)
- Dec 2-4 – ETHIndia (ETH Global)
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